
The garden of his spirit

And now you are gone….

I can’t find you, even though you promised you will be by my side…

But then again, do I deserve your attention?

Since it was me, who first broke the promise that we will always be together?



Sohee’s POV

- Sohee wake up! It’s eight o’ clock, you are going to be late for school!! Mom yelled knocking on my bedroom’s door several times until I decided that it was time to get up.

  I was really hoping that my mother wouldn’t come to wake me up, wouldn’t even bother to look for me just let me sleep for the entire day.

  I wanted to stay in my dreamland, where I was still an innocent girl, where I was pure and all my mistakes in real life were erased.

  In this place I could forget my old friend Nam Woohyun…

But that was a lie. As much as I needed it I couldn’t make all my memories of him vanish in the air. Or maybe I wasn’t yet willing to.

Every day seemed more difficult, even more painful and this particular day was even worse.

  This very day I told Woohyun that I am leaving him, while he was at the hospital begging for just another day with me.

I wish things were different….

I wish I was in his place….


- Are you going to the cemetery today? My father asked me when I went to the kitchen to have breakfast

- I don’t know. I feel so ashamed to even go stand next to his grave…it has been three years…

- Sohee don’t be so cruel with yourself. Just come with us. It’s the three years anniversary from Woohyun’s death. You should be there

- I will think about it. Don’t pressure me, I said and left the house, heading to my school.

I stopped when I was only few minutes away from school and turned my head towards the direction of the old house with the beautiful garden where Woohyun and I used to play as kids.

I heard from my mom that the community had decided to demolish to house because it was very dangerous for little kids to play there now. Bull.

This place had always been safe for people that needed a get away from the routine of everyday life.

It was just the idea of some narrow minded people that changed everyone’s opinion about that great place.

And then it hit me….

It will be okay if I skipped school for a day….

The thing I had in mind was far more important….


   I made my way towards the house with slow but steady steps.

As I was walking, I remembered what my grandma told me yesterday about this day.

  It was Saturday but not just a regular Saturday. People call it “Spirit Saturday”…

It is said, that every Spirit Saturday, the spirits of the dead people come on the earth world to see their families from up close and of course make sure that everything goes well in their lives.

  The livings, from their side, makes the dead’s person favourite food and leave it at the cemetery for them to go and eat it.

I guess Woohyun’s family did the exact same thing for him…

  But the most important thing about Spirit Saturdays is that the person who is dead, chooses one of the places they cherished the most to spend their special day on earth.

That’s why their closest people can’t notice them…

Because after they see what their families are doing they go hide to that secret place.

I knew that Woohyun’s secret place was our garden.

So here I am now...

Trying to break the rules of the other world…


I arrived at the fountain where we used to sit when we were tired from running around here all day.

The place seemed scary, now that I noticed it. You could see weed everywhere on the ground and the verdure had become denser over the time… maybe this place wasn’t safe anymore…

But I realized that the flowers looked as fresh as nine years ago.

They were hugged by the sun and they were glowing, giving me the sensation that I was in a fairy tale world.

I closed my eyes and sighted deeply. Then a single tear fell. I turned my head towards the blue sky and whispered

- Woohyun I miss you, I am sorry…

As I finished my sentence I opened my eyes and decided that I should go deeper into the garden.

I was about to make a move when two strong arm hugged from behind.

I wanted to scream for help but I kept my mouth shut.

Firstly, because I was 100% positive that no one will hear me. Secondly because those arms felt so familiar that I wanted to cry from sorrow.

At that moment I understood that I was being hugged by Nam Woohyun


- W…Woohyun oppa? I asked uncertain

- It’s me, he said in a soft voice, strange isn’t it? The fact that you still remember my body and the way I hugged you…

- How could I possibly forger oppa? I asked my eyes watery and my voice hoarse. I wanted to turn around but I was afraid of a Woohyun that looked different from the one I knew.

A dead Woohyun, a cold Woohyun…

- Are you scared? He whispered in my ear

- I am just afraid of how you look… “Afraid that you will have cold hands, that you will be cold”

- My arms are warm however, he said like he was reading my mind.

I took a deep breath and slowly turn my body to face him. My mouth fell wide agape once we came face to face.

  Woohyun looked exactly like I last saw him, except that he looked in the same age as me. He was a bit pale but nothing scary. He was smiling widely at me. Like the old times.

- I had a feeling that you will come to see me today, he said taking my hand in his and we started to wonder around the garden

- Why is that? I raised an eyebrow

- Me and you are connected in a way you won’t be able to understand, he told me smiling bitterly and kept starring at me…

- How is life up there? I coughed so we could change subject.

- Well you know, it pretty quiet…and I don’t have lot of things to do…

- Since your life there is like this, why did you choose this place among all the other to spend your day at. I know you loved the amusement park too, you could see people there…

- But I wouldn’t see you… he said again giving me that strange look.

- I just hoped that I will see you today, in order to say I am sorry for all I did back then.

- Sohee, I told you it’s not your fault. I was holding you back from the outside world. I decided to give up on life merely because of you, Woohyun said In a serious tone.

- That’s nonsense…all lives are important. You can’t give up like that. What if there was a chance you would be cured? I yelled

- I assure you there was none. I just needed it for the sake of both of us.

- Fine, I don’t wish to talk about those days anymore. Let’s say something else…

- Actually, I was wandering if you wanted to spend the time doing things you wished to do together if I was still alive, Woohyun said smiling sheepishly.

I had a small flashback of me telling him that when he was at the hospital.

I smiled of how considerate he was. Old Woohyun was back for sure…

- I always wanted to go at the cinema with you…..

- I am sorry… but what we are going to do today must be in this garden.

- I see…well there is a way, I said and and took my cell phone from my pocket.

I had downloaded a movie the other days for the times I got bored at school ( he he he) and so I placed it on small corner and we sat next to each other to enjoy it.

In the middle of it, I realized that Woohyun was starring at me. I didn’t pay attention and focused on the film.

Once it was finished Woohyun came closer to me and hugged me.

- So… what else do you want to do?

- Well, I hoped that you and me could play a game…?

- Oh right!! I love games, I chuckled at his childish behavior.

- So how about, starring contest? He he I smiled awkwardly, I really wanted to to play that game since forever.

- Ok…it’s surprising that we have never played that game…

- Mhm….let’s start…

We counted to three and we looked up, to each other eyes. I was trying really hard to keep my eyes open but It was very hard. Woohyun from the other hand was just standing there, like a statue not moving an inch, just smiling at me.

After a while I let out a high pitch scream and closed my eyes in relief.

- I guess I win, he said softly, neeext!!

 We spent the whole doing lot of stuff and having the time of our lives. I even went out of the garden for a bit to buy us ice cream.

After a lot of hours we laid on the ground exhausted.

I turned my face to look at Woohyun and seeing the loving look he gave me I couldn’t bare it anymore and said what I had on my mind the whole time.

- I want to be with you forever, no matter what, I said while I were lying on the grass beside her beloved.

The sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky, allowing them to admire the great, blue sea of the upper world.

The trees were spining, lightly moving from one side to the other giving the illusion that they were dancing to the sound of the wind.

I took Woohyun's hands and kissed them unconsciously.

- Why did you do that? he asked me smiling shyly.

- Because I love you. I love every part of you even though you are an illusion. I want you to feel me the way I do.

- You know it's difficult. As much as i try, i can't...i can't really sense your touch, he said and his eyes got wet, while one tear went down his cheek.

- Don't cry oppa. I will stay here with you, until this garden doesn't exist anymore.

- Promise me..he said looking desperate

- I promise..

But suddenly I remembered that the place will soon not exist after the house would be demolished.

I turn to say that to Woohyun but he nodded his head like he read my mind again

- I know, that’s why I will change that to be by your side forever no matter if that place is still here or not

- Thank you oppa, I said and smiled at him.

- So, now that I granted all your wishes can you grand mine too? He said playfully

- Sure what do you want?

- Your first kiss and I know you still haven’t kissed anyone…

- Oppa…

- Come on Sohee, It’s my only day here please

- Fine…

I went closer to him and hesitantly wrapped my hands around his neck while he did the same around my waist.

I looked deeply into his eyes and noticed that there was nothing in there but love.

I smiled to that and then placed my lips on his.

It was a sweet kiss but he turned it into a passionate one and soon we were on the ground again, hugging and kissing.

We pulled back after a while a he told me

-I don’t know about you Sohee but I will never forget this day

-Same goes to me oppa

-I have to go…my time here is ending, he said but he seemed unwilling to leave me, since his hold on me tightened

-Will you ever come back?? I asked scared about the answer

-I will, every Spirit Saturday I will be here waiting for you

- And what if this place is nothing but ruins?

- Relax Sohee, I will always find my way towards you

As he said his final words, his figure started to blur and I looked at him with wide eyes

- What is going on?

- I told you I have to go, see you soon love, he winked at me

- How will you find me again?

- I will always find you, because you are my soulmate

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