Part one

Confessions in the shower



Hyukjae lets out a sigh of relief as the warm spray of the shower surrounds him after a long day. It only takes a minute for the warmth to spread through his extremities and he feels his knees getting weak from pleasure as he ducks his head under the pouring water. He has to physically support himself with his hands against the white tile wall, not to sink down onto the floor and bask in the heat. There are no more schedules tonight, he is almost alone in the dorm, and he is enjoying one of those fleeting moments when he can actually use the bathroom for more then five minutes at a time. It’s pure heaven.

That is until the door flings open and his best friend storms in, bringing with him the cold air of the dorm hallway outside.


Hyukjae doesn’t shout, he doesn’t complain, because he knows there’s no point. Donghae will forever burst into his life at all sorts of moments, and being brutally honest with himself, Hyukjae really doesn’t mind him being there. Hae’s presence doesn’t take away from his gratifying shower, it only adds more warmth and relaxation. It’s in the air surrounding the brunette, it’s always been there, that powerful tug pulling people closer and closer until they neither can nor want to get away.

Donghae closes the lid to the toilet and settles down with his knees pulled towards his body, resting his chin on them and looking like the child he truly is. He seems to be lost in thought, but Hyukjae knows he’s there for a reason and that it’s always best to wait for the man to gather those thoughts into something coherent. Grabbing a bottle of shampoo he squirts some in his hand and starts gently massaging his scalp. Almost five minutes pass before Hae speaks, just as Hyukjae is lathering up his body with his strawberry scented showergel.


“Hey Hyuk… you remember when we did exploration of the human body?”

He isn’t really expecting an answer so Hyukjae simply turns to him to show him he’s listening.
“You know when your team were exchanging breaths under water… I was sort of sad that I didn’t get to be on your team. It looked like fun you know.”

Hyukjae just shrugs his shoulders, not really thinking that Youngwoon’s forceful kisses were anything remotely close to fun. It’s only been a couple of months since the recording and he can still clearly remember the feeling of those lips. His hands are his chest as he is thoroughly washing himself. He is waiting for Donghae to get to the point and he gets more then he expected.

“I think I’m gay!” Donghae blurts out. Hyukjae just looks at him, thinking for a moment that he misheard, but Hae’s cheeks are tinted pink and his eyes wild as his arms wrap tighter around his legs. He looks scared. Hyukjae heard right and he is consider his answer. The sound of water hitting the ground has never been so loud before.




Donghae is quite confused and even slightly vexed over the lack of response from his friend. He is telling him something mind blowing, something he has been battling with for some time now and the other doesn’t seem to care. A part of him is grateful that Hyukjae at least doesn’t seem grossed out, but hell.... they are best friends, he deserves something better then “ok”.  


He tries again.

“I’m telling you Hyukjae. I like men, male bodies.”

Hyukjae pointedly looks at the man on the toilet. The water is slowly rinsing of the suds from his lanky body and his best friend just told him he is gay.

“And you thought that the best time for telling me this was when I’m , in the shower?”

Donghae has the decency to blush at his statement. But regardless of the situation Hyukjae doesn’t in anyway feel exposed. On the contrary he feels loved. Donghae loves and trusts him enough to tell him this. 

“Well I wanted to talk to you in private.”


Hyukjae can’t help but smile over that, and quickly turns around to let the water stream over his face to hide it.


“Well Hae,” he says while twisting the knob to turn the shower off. “I kind of figure you were at least Bi. You love people to much to care about gender.”

“I’m not Bi though. I’m pretty sure I’m entirely gay.” Donghae nods to himself as he speaks.

“Well you’d love anyone Donghae, as long as they love you back and keep you safe, you would give them your all.” Hyukjae reaches out to grab his towel hanging off the hook on the wall and wraps it around his waist. “But you might prefer men because you’re used to having us around.”


Donghae let’s go off his legs and his feet land on the floor with a thump.


He is lost in though again and doesn’t notice his best friend walking over to him, nor the fact that Hyukjae kneels down onto the hard tile floor. He only responds when he feels his hands enveloped in Hyuk’s. They are still so soft and warm from the shower.

“You are my best friend Lee Donghae. I love you, and I will always love you. You being gay doesn’t change anything, I will still always be here for you, I won’t leave you.”


Donghae can feel his eyes tear as hyukjae has just pointed out his greatest fear. He doesn’t want to be shunned for feeling what he feels. He couldn’t stand it if he was abandoned. But Hyukjae won’t leave, he’ll stay, they are ok.


Hyukjae is smiling at him as he stands back up, still with a firm grip on Donghae’s hands.


“Besides, with you being as clingy as you are I can’t really get away from you even if I want to.”


Donghae's smile when he chases his friend out of the bathroom is possibly one of the most beautiful things Hyukjae has ever seen. 



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Chapter 2: J'aime tes fics elles sont toujours si douces. Merci♥️
961 streak #2
Chapter 2: Now, I'm binging on your stories.
This one is written so simply but so powerfully. It starts with the same start and ends with the same ok. Of course, Hyuk is OK with it!
I love your writing style. Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 2: Ok.

Unfortunately, AFF wants me to type at least 10 characters......... so, yeah..... Ok.

*wipes tears of happiness*
HYUKslave #4
Chapter 2: How sweet .... I almost cry T_T
Chapter 2: that was so adorable!!!! XD
yani0901 #6
Chapter 2: Maybe ok will be our always ;_;
Chapter 2: Awwww e3e sho kyute
Aftan6 #8
Chapter 2: Awwww...... Sweet
Chapter 2: aww~
this is so cute~