In A Relationship with Park Kyung
chapter 1: BLOCK B?


-Jiin’s POV-

“Jiin-ah!” I looked around to see who called me.

“Here, Jiin-ah!” again, I looked around to see where the voice came from. I took my spectacles on, since I couldn’t see anything without it. I looked at the bunch of girls in front of me. Oh, God, how can I find the source, I thought to myself.

The place was so crowded; I didn’t even know what happened there. It was full of girls. Well, there were some guys, too, but I dared to bet that I could count them all with the fingers I had. And still, I couldn’t find where the voice came, but I was pretty sure that was my friend, Ahjin’s voice. I was looking around to see maybe a banner there while the vibrate of my phone tickled me. It was a text message.

From: +82-10-93xx-xxxx

Jiin-ah! We were right in front of u, but as the time passes ppl covered us. We can’t get to u bcs we r in line for Block B showcase. We hv an extra tix, if u want u can go thru them all & get to us, we r not moving, still right in front of u!

-No Ahjin

What is that Block B? Name of a gang? A place? Well, I admitted that I didn’t go much into K-Pop. Ahjin was my best friend. She was a K-Pop lover, along with my other best friends, Sooyung and Jinah. I’m the only one among them who didn’t like K-Pop. I was more into western songs. The K-Pop I knew were only the big groups; such as Super Junior, 2PM, Girls’ Generation, and stuffs. I didn’t know about the new ones. But really, my appetite of watching them didn’t go high. The main reason was, I didn’t know them. So without thinking harder, I saved her number and replied.

To: No Ahjin

Ahjin-ah, thx 4 offering me, but idk who Block B is, so I decided not to take ur offer. Mianhae! I guess I’ll just be waiting 4 u guys here. C U!

Not long after the text was sent, the vibrate of my phone got me moving from my actual place. Aish, I need to change the type of vibrate of my phone, I thought to myself, before I read the name written on the screen; “No Ahjin.” I answered it right after.

“Yah! Just come here! I don’t wanna waste this ticket on some other stranger. You are lucky you can get this for free,” Ahjin emphasized, “FREE!”

“B-but girls, how am I supposed to watch if I don’t recognize who is who, and the songs themselves?” I replied.

“I said, just come here, pass the other people who are also queuing like us! Tell them you got friends here, so they won’t think you cheat. Maybe by watching Block B, you can change yourself into...well, who knows? Ppali, come here!” and then click. At least that was what my friends said one by one by using Ahjin’s cellphone, before I got bumped by a guy; a handsome and cool guy, to be honest.

As I looked at him, he bowed his head and said, “J-joesonghamnida,” which made me do the same thing as him.

I could see his face confused, which he kept looking over here and there. He was alone by himself, hiding his eyes under the sunglasses, sticking his thin body and legs with a red sweater and black skinny jeans, covering his reddish-orange hair with a grey beanie. I wished I had the guts to call him, or get to him, before he left.

Then I saw him picking up his phone. I couldn’t hear what he said to the caller. But I saw him nodding, understanding a thing and finally moving, or in another word, running. I saw him running to the corner, before his skinny body had gone leaving no traces.

I have to meet him again! I thought to myself, I’m 100% sure he went to the showcase!

How to tell the girls? I already said I wouldn’t go, I thought. But, hey! They told me to just come there! I smiled happily as I thought.

I looked around, people were blocking my view. There weren’t that much last time I looked there. I knew I was too late to go find them. But I had no choice. I gathered my guts, preparing myself, and then I tried walking passing the crowd.

“Excuse me... Can I pass? My friends are there,” I asked friendly.

“Sorry, no cheating, Miss,” said a boy, continued by a girl sitting beside him, “yeah, no cheating.”

“Sorry, but, my friends are really there, and my ticket is with them,” I explained.

“You have to queue like us, Miss, don’t cheat,” said the guy without looking at me, “go to the last line right there,” pointed he to right.

I tried to calm myself, not to get pissed by them. I meant, he’s a guy. I couldn’t believe such fanboy existed. I thought a fanboy like him only loved girl groups.

Calm down, Kan Jiin, I said to myself. Suddenly a voice called my name, shouting.

“Kan Jiin! Here!” said the voice. I knew it was Ahjin’s voice. Continued by Sooyoung’s voice, and then Jinah’s. Finally I could see them. They were waving at me, and I waved back at them.

“See? Those are my friends,” I once again explained. They finally opened the way with their pissed-off faces. I finally got into my friends.

“You came here at last, eh? What’s gotten into you? Cannot resist of being alone?” Jinah laughed, teasing me. Ahjin continued while handing the ticket to me, “Yeah, what’s changed your mind?”

I took the ticket from Ahjin’s hand and replied, “Hmm...actually it’s-”

Right after I was going to finish my sentence, the crowds were getting really chaos as they were starting to shout, yell, everything. All the people who were sitting down started to stand up. It was 4:58 PM. I read the information written on the ticket; the shows would be starting at 6 PM. We had to wait for an hour more. Then what was the chaos for?

“Jiin, let’s go!” said Ahjin while grabbing my left hand, instructing me to follow her.

“W-wait!” I said as I ran along with her. But I guessed she didn’t hear what I said.

There I was, inside the venue of AX Hall, Seoul. Along with the three of my friends, Ahjin, Sooyoung and Jinah. We were at the center, second row. Cool, I said to myself, as I looked around inside the venue. I kept looking that I just remembered about the guy I saw earlier. He’s the reason I’m here, I said, but where is he now? It’s a waste if I come here but not to see him again.

I kept looking around to see maybe his beanie, but someone tapped my shoulder.

“Hey, what are you looking for?” asked Sooyoung curious.

“Ah, it’s nothing, I’m just impressed by this place, so I kept looking around,” I lied, then grew a smile upon my lips. Sooyoung just nodded her head. That didn’t stop me for searching him. I saw my phone screen. It showed 5:15 PM. Still 45 more minutes to go, I said, if they aren’t late, though.

There were so crowded and noisy, people talked to each other. I couldn’t even manage to hear what they were talking about. All of them brought a lightstick. A big ‘b’ with ‘blockb’ on the top of it, with the color purple. They already turned the light on, so I could see the color. Looks more like Justin Bieber, I thought, how do the members look?

Time finally showed 5:58 PM, but I still couldn’t find the guy I was looking for. What if I can’t meet him until the end of the show? I asked myself. Maybe I can meet him when the show ends instead, I said, being optimistic.

Suddenly the all of the lights were completely off, the only light sources were from lightsticks and spotlight on the stage. The crowd was getting even noisier, they were all shouting and yelling, even my friends. They turned the light of their lightstick on. I bet I was the only one who didn’t shout, and the only one who didn’t have the lightstick they all did.

Finally, someone showed up on the stage. People kept shouting. It was a guy, he was the MC of the show. I didn’t know his name, but he was a comedian. He talked for minutes, but I didn’t manage to hear what he said. Until when he shout the name ‘Block B’, and the awaited members finally gathered on the stage, made the entire crowds shout and yell. Yet one member caught my attention.



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MyMark #1
Chapter 2: Please update soon!!!
Chapter 2: Please update soon, author-nim! I really want this story to be continued!
YamanSmith #3
Please update soon~
Chapter 2: I wasn't going to start reading this because there's only 2 chapters. But I did anyway (idk) and wow! It's such a good start! Please don't leave it on cliffhanger author-nim, please update! You may think no one's reading, but I'm here... aren't I enough? LOL just kidding, but please continue this story ^_^