

“Its my fault.” Onew wept in his room. Succumbing his face in Key’s shoulder. The green-eyed boy petted his brown locks. Trying to calm the crown prince in his chambers.

“Its not your fault.” Key’s words tried its best to stop the tears streaming.

“It is. I promised I would take care of him.”

“You did. No, you are taking care of him. But this was something he needed to do. You, yourself knew how Taemin has always wanted to prove himself.” Key knew it was a horrible decision Taemin made. He had compromised his status as the prince in the kingdom. Even if he so much as fails one of the test, he would be banished. Even Onew, the one who could see barely passed the tradition.

“Mother would be so disappointed if she knew I let her baby do this.”

“Taemin isn’t a baby anymore. If he believes he can do this, then let him.”

“I can’t Key.”

“You’ll just have to.”




There are basically three parts to this tradition. Any prince could easily execute the tests triumphly.  However, Taemin wasn’t just any prince. He was an eyeless one.

The first part, the first test is the easiest of the three.




It was dawn when Taemin was woken up by the servants.He was dressed appropriately before he was left alone in the room with Minho. He was told that the field would be ready by nine and he had to be there at ten.

“Minho. Minho.” Taemin patted his hand all over the cushion in the room. He felt it was slightly cruel to let his someone sleep on the cold floor, therefore he had the servants carry a big sofa cushion into his chambers. A place for the invisible to sleep.

Taemin patted all over the soft surface but to no avail. He couldn’t feel Minho.

“Minho. Where are you?” Taemin started to blindly roam his room.

“Minho!” Taemin almost yelled. He was starting to get worried. His first test was about to start and he knew he wouldn’t even be able to reach the large field lands without anyone’s help.

I’m here.” Taemin shivered when the rough voice spoke in his ear. He felt the older one wrap his hands over his waist.

“Let go of me.” Taemin pushed the boy away.

“Are you angry with me, my prince?”

“Where were you?”


“You’re not suppose to leave me.”

“I am truly sorry my prince. But right now, I believe we have somewhere to go.”

“What time is it?” Taemin was nervous. He was really nervous. He was about to risk everything with just a stupid arrow and a bow.

Almost time.” Minho took the boy’s hand and led him to the large fields outside the walls of the palace.


“There’s a lot of people here today.” Minho whispered. Witnessing thousands of people standing and sitting outside the wooden restraints.

“Don’t try to make me more anxious than I already am.” Taemin warned the boy.




“Welcome all. Today we will witnessing our youngest prince fulfil his role. To play part in our tradition.” One of the guards started to announce to the audience. He went on and on and Taemin wasn’t really listening. His heartbeat was much, much louder.

“Is my brother here?” he asked Minho.

“I can see him sitting next to the King. Your caretaker is also standing next to him.”

“Are you sure we can do this?”

“We’ll have to see about that don’t we?” Minho said back.

One of the guards started to walk towards them. He was carrying a golden bow with several arrows on a red cushion.

“Prince Taemin has to strike the middle of the board three times in order to pass the first test. If he fails to do so in 8 arrows, he will considered failing the test and has to the leave the palace by dawn tomorrow.” the guard finished explaining the rules of the test.

Taemin couldn’t even see the bow and arrows, how could he even see the place he was suppose to strike?

“You know, I’m holding you responsible if I fail.” Taemin spoke, knowing Minho would listen to every word he said when he patted around the cushion to grab the bow. The guard had to help him grab it.




It was complete silence when Taemin was helped to the middle of the field. With the board about a hundred metres away from him. Everyone was anxious.

“He’s going to fail.” Onew grabbed Key’s hand subconsciously. Forgetting that they were under the watchful eyes of the entire kingdom.


“Just hold the bow, and I’ll do the rest.” Minho whispered in blonde’s ear. Hugging him from the back. He held onto the bow and arrow. It was just the two of them in middle of it all.

“Three right?” Minho asked for confirmation. Taemin nodded.

“Bent down and grab us two more arrows.”


“Just do it.” Minho ordered.



“He’s not really going to shoot three arrows at the same time is he? That’s impossible. Even our best archer cannot do that.” Onew said worriedly.

“I’m starting to think that he’s lost his mind.” Key said.

The king all the while just kept quiet. He himself was curious what his youngest prince was trying to do. The audience were chatting loudly among themselves. Stating that it was impossible that a blind prince could shoot an arrow, let alone three at the same time. Partly the reason why everyone was there was because they wanted to see the king banish his youngest son. It was a cruel thing to watch and people are known to have a sick obsession of watching others fail.



“Are you going to shoot all three?” Taemin asked. Now holding three arrows in his hand.

You are.” Taemin could feel Minho grinning behind him. Minho’s hands were on top of Taemin’s holding the bow. The arrows were held by Minho while Taemin barely touched it but from such a far distance no one could see the arrows slightly floating. Taemin could feel Minho taking in a breath before slightly moving a few steps back. Pulling Taemin along with him.

“Close your eyes.” Minho whispered in Taemin’s ear. Taemin closed it though he felt it was silly. He couldn’t see, what difference would that make? And then, Taemin felt all the difference he didn’t knew was possible. He could feel Minho controlling every movement of his. Every single brush he made on the grass. Every single tap on the bow. Every single pull on the strings.

“I’m letting you go.” Minho suddenly said when he placed Taemin in position.

“I can’t. Don’t let me do this alone.” He whispered.

I’m here.” Minho said.

“Pull everything you have and let go.” Minho said assuredly. Taemin didn’t dare to move from his place. He felt his eye lids getting heavier. He could hear the crowd speculating he would fail miserably. He couldn’t. He had something to prove. Something to prove that he was not just an eyeless prince. He started to hear Minho hum a soft song next to him. Minho’s fingers were gliding on his back.

He took a breath and did what was told.

All three arrows shot up in the sky. Everyone looked up and witness the arrows . Their eyes burned from the shooting rays of the sun. All except Minho who hugged Taemin when he let go of the bow . Letting it fall on the ground.

The first arrow reached and hit the middle.

The second arrow cut through the first one. Hitting the middle as well.

The third arrow hit the second arrow, causing it to fall and hitting the middle as well.



He did it.” Onew said. In complete shock that Taemin passed.

“Maybe he hasn’t lost his mind after all.” Key said. The crowd cheered loudly and the king for the first time felt that Taemin was something more than a useless being laying around in his palace.



“Congratulations.” Minho said to the boy once they were alone in the chambers. After celebrations have been made as the prince passed the first test.

“I could have never have done it without your help.” Taemin said. Laying in his bed. He was tired.

“Don’t you feel glad that you met me?” Minho said teasingly.

“Its not exactly a glad feeling.” Taemin replied. Turning to face the other side of his bed. He was hoping he turned the right side. The side that was facing Minho.

“Then what is it?” Minho questioned. Looking at his angel.  Humming his song again. Taemin yawned before answering his question.

Close to love.”






Author’s note: I thought we could start off with something simple like archery. The next two are much more complicated and possibly nothing close to something as simple as this one. Also, I know I tagged Jonghyun in this story but he hasn’t appeared yet. Let’s just say he’s in the second part of this story.

p/s: comment and comment and comment because your comments are my drugs.

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the last chap will be up in 6-7 hours because I have classes and food to eat


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966 streak #1
Chapter 16: So pretty! I actually thought that you could have ended with "It was magical. Truly and very."
But the little interlude into the night is also so so sweet.
This is definitely such a pretty, pretty fairy tale!
Thank you so much for sharing.
966 streak #2
Chapter 4: Minho will not just be his eyes! He will even be the one to pass the test!
Very interesting indeed.
966 streak #3
Chapter 1: I love the feel of this story, the invisible and the blind, and the setting. Moving on to the next chapter.
fireheart6v6 #4
Chapter 16: reading this again in 2023 💕
Gosh, I really enjoyed this story. I love the initial plot already, with Taemin being blind and Minho being invisible, but the twists you added spiced up the story even more. Oh how my heart fluttered whenever Minho refers to Taemin as his 'little pretty' and how my heart clenched when Minho did the last challenge without even thinking twice. That's true love right there, though I understand why Taemin was furious and felt betrayed when Key said Minho did what he thought was the best for him because how could he decide for the both of them? I'd be mad too but good thing *plot twist #1* comes into the picture. Special shotout to Onkey, by the way, they're so cute. Key's loyalness to Onew is truly admirable and they're lucky to have each other.

Anyway, I'll stop here. I might spoil the story with my long comment but I hope you know that your story is so good. I know this has been written in 2013 but the quality still satiates 2021 readers. If you're still writing somewhere else, I'd love to know where. Your writings are so good. Or if you have stopped writing, I hope you'll find the joy in writing again. Thanks for this story! I wish I could upvote this more than once.
Chapter 16: I truly loved this story! I read somerhing about it not making sense in the comments - but it totally did!!!!!!

This seems like a fairytale type story- the mentality and common sense going into that totally makes sense to me. (For example, we dont question why a prince would go all around town finding a princess to fit into a glass slipper. Common sense would tell us many girls would have same shoe size and there are better ways to find someone. But its a fairytale, the relaity is warped and it just makes sense). Anyways i just wanted to put it out there- that this did make sense and it was SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL.
This lacked a bit of science but overall it was an entertaining story to read. It didn't feel like time waste after going through 15 chapters at all. I loved how it transpired ....... maybe when you have time you can edit- publish it. of course only if you have time . it will be really entertaining book to read to kids . I would buy a copy for sure ...... so count me in ! Nice work
This was an amazing idea!!!!
Chapter 16: too sweet, oh my gosh. love kg very much evdb you cut my dirty mjnd in tje end