

The door opened before Taemin could’ve answered and he panicked by the thought of anyone catching this man. Honestly, how much trouble he could be in was something he was too scared to think of. Why was he so worried about a stranger was another thing he could not wrap his head around.

Waiting for a scream or a cry of questions, Taemin felt odd. He could still feel this stranger next to him. Holding his hand and playing with it, so why couldn’t the servants see him while taking the tub of fresh water into his room?

“Young Master, would you prefer lavender or rose today for your bath?” he could hear one of the ladies ask him.

Lavender.” he shivered when he heard a deep husky whisper it in his ear. His heart was racing. Was this stranger being honest when he said no one could see him?

“Lavender.” Taemin said out loud. He could feel the soft vibrations next to him. The stranger was chuckling he assumed. Taemin never wanted to see so much until now. What was going on?

“Yes. Young Master.” And Taemin could smell the sweet fragrance overwhelming the entire room.

“Do you wish for us to scrub you Young Master or do you wish to be left alone?” the servant asked. Taemin assumed the entire staff heard his quarrel with Key about not letting any servants inside his room during his bath time a few days ago.

“I wish to be left alone.”

“Yes. Young Master.” And Taemin could hear footsteps of several people leaving the room. Three if Taemin was not mistaken. One was light and feathery. One was quick but loud and another was slow and draggy.

“Explain.” Taemin demanded once he heard the door close.

“Does it really matter whether anyone can or cannot see me?”

“I want to know.”

“Everyone has their own fairytale. Mine just hasn’t had a happy ending yet.”

“That is all you have to say?” Taemin assumed Minho was not ready to talk about it. If not seeing was awful, Taemin figured it was equally awful that people could not see you.


“Then close your eyes. I want to take my bath.” Taemin said before standing to go to his bath area in the room.

“Does this mean you’ll let me stay with you?” Minho’s eyes lit up.

“It just means I haven’t decided yet. But for the time being, you can stay until I decide. But close your eyes. I wouldn’t want you to see me .” Taemin said.

“And here I thought I could give you a nice scrub on your back.” Minho teased the prince.

“Oh please, I don’t even know your name.”

“Minho. Choi Minho. Can I scrub you now that you know my name?”





Once in the tub and Taemin closed the curtains around the tub, he said

“You can open your eyes now.”

“Are you sure?” Minho asked. He was tempted to see the boy. Minho could imagine the milky skin and soft curves of his limbs. Oh, if he had not have enough self control, he wouldn’t just be wanting to see.

“Yes.” Taemin played the water. Making circles on the base of the gold tub. The scent was intoxicating. Lavender was a good choice.

“Have you decided?”

“On what?”

Keeping me.”

“I’m tempted. Its rather lonely here.”

“I thought you had your caretaker, Key.”

“He’s just here because he has a crush on my brother. Do you think he has that much patience to take care of blind person?” Taemin said sceptically.

“I think he really cares about you.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Unlike you, I can see how worried and relieved he was when you entered the room. You should not be so quick to assume that people don’t care about you just because you can’t see. He cares about you. Really cares.”

“I know. I’m just being stupid. Its hard living like this.”

“Then let me stay, let me be your eyes.”

“Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Why shouldn’t I be? Besides, its not like someone like me has lots to do.”





“If you’re staying here, then I want to set some rules.” Taemin said, already dressed in clothes. He was wearing pretty fancy, Minho figured it was because he had a party to attend later.

“Of course.”

“First of all, you can’t speak to anyone here besides me.”

“Possessive aren’t you?”

“Secondly, you can’t go anywhere without telling me first.” Ignoring Minho’s statement.


“And thirdly, promise me you won’t hurt me in any way.” Taemin said in tone Minho couldn’t describe.

“I promise.”

“Then you can stay.”

“One question though.” Minho said after a while.

“What?” Taemin asked.

“Where would I be sleeping?”

“On the floor.” Taemin answered before the door suddenly flung open.




“Are you ready my Prince?” Key asked the boy. Key was dressed in purple and his eyes were fiercer than just now. Probably because he had gold flower dust over his eye lids.

“Yes. Is the party already starting?”

“Yes, the Crown Prince is just waiting for you before he starts making his birthday speech.”

“Let’s go then.” Taemin stood up, suddenly feeling a tug on his sleeve. Knowing Minho was making a statement that he should let Key go first.

“Key, you can go first. I’ll follow you afters.”

“But, there’s a lot of stairs along the way and you might trip. Why don’t we go together?”

“Don’t worry. I think I can find my way in my own home.”

“If you need any help-“

“I’ll ring the bell for you.” Key had a sharp sense of hearing. He is part feline, which explains the piercing green eyes. He used to have a tail and cat ears but he choose to keep them hidden. He’s lucky he is able to shape shift at will. Most people cannot do that. Most have to live with their tails being stepped upon day by day.




“Did you have something to say?” Taemin asked Minho once Key left the room.

“I want to come with you.” Minho said. He just wanted to be with Taemin all the time.

“Of course you have to. You’re my new eyes.”

“If I’m your new pair of eyes, do I still have to sleep on the floor later?” Minho fluttered his lashes in an attempt to melt the boy though it wasn't much use. Taemin couldn't see and he couldn't be seen. Taemin’s floor was made out of water marbles. The shiniest kind of floor which makes it one of the coldest too. Besides, sleeping next to the angel was very tempting.






Author's note: hope you guys enjoy this chap. comment please because your comments are my drugs.


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the last chap will be up in 6-7 hours because I have classes and food to eat


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965 streak #1
Chapter 16: So pretty! I actually thought that you could have ended with "It was magical. Truly and very."
But the little interlude into the night is also so so sweet.
This is definitely such a pretty, pretty fairy tale!
Thank you so much for sharing.
965 streak #2
Chapter 4: Minho will not just be his eyes! He will even be the one to pass the test!
Very interesting indeed.
965 streak #3
Chapter 1: I love the feel of this story, the invisible and the blind, and the setting. Moving on to the next chapter.
fireheart6v6 #4
Chapter 16: reading this again in 2023 💕
Gosh, I really enjoyed this story. I love the initial plot already, with Taemin being blind and Minho being invisible, but the twists you added spiced up the story even more. Oh how my heart fluttered whenever Minho refers to Taemin as his 'little pretty' and how my heart clenched when Minho did the last challenge without even thinking twice. That's true love right there, though I understand why Taemin was furious and felt betrayed when Key said Minho did what he thought was the best for him because how could he decide for the both of them? I'd be mad too but good thing *plot twist #1* comes into the picture. Special shotout to Onkey, by the way, they're so cute. Key's loyalness to Onew is truly admirable and they're lucky to have each other.

Anyway, I'll stop here. I might spoil the story with my long comment but I hope you know that your story is so good. I know this has been written in 2013 but the quality still satiates 2021 readers. If you're still writing somewhere else, I'd love to know where. Your writings are so good. Or if you have stopped writing, I hope you'll find the joy in writing again. Thanks for this story! I wish I could upvote this more than once.
Chapter 16: I truly loved this story! I read somerhing about it not making sense in the comments - but it totally did!!!!!!

This seems like a fairytale type story- the mentality and common sense going into that totally makes sense to me. (For example, we dont question why a prince would go all around town finding a princess to fit into a glass slipper. Common sense would tell us many girls would have same shoe size and there are better ways to find someone. But its a fairytale, the relaity is warped and it just makes sense). Anyways i just wanted to put it out there- that this did make sense and it was SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL.
This lacked a bit of science but overall it was an entertaining story to read. It didn't feel like time waste after going through 15 chapters at all. I loved how it transpired ....... maybe when you have time you can edit- publish it. of course only if you have time . it will be really entertaining book to read to kids . I would buy a copy for sure ...... so count me in ! Nice work
This was an amazing idea!!!!
Chapter 16: too sweet, oh my gosh. love kg very much evdb you cut my dirty mjnd in tje end