

Taemin feels overwhelmed. Tears are begging to be rained from his eyes. He wants to laugh. He wants to smile. He wants to cry. Mostly, he really wants this moment to never end.

Its still night and the stars are still covering their heads. And Taemin feels like crying again when he sees Minho seeing him. He never knew how it felt like being under the gaze of his someone. But seeing it now, felt like all the strings in him broke. He was a lost balloon floating in the air between the clouds. So free and so lively.  

 "I remember loving you." Minho spoke to him. Holding the prince's hands in his. Feeling the softness and firmness of it.

 "Do you just remember or do you still love me?" The young prince asked back. He wanted to hear those words of love in his own ears.

 "I don't still love you. I'm falling in love with you again." He pulled the prince closer. It didn't make sense. Taemin told him they were a thousand years apart. Maybe more. But it didn't feel like it. He felt closer to his prince now than ever. It was as if they never parted ways.

 "I've never told you I love you." Taemin started to weep in his chest. He has felt the lost. He was not going to waste his time with Minho again due to pride and fear.

 "You don't have to tell me things I already know." Minho petted his golden head.

"But I do. I do need to tell you all this things. I love you. I love you so so much." Taemin raised his head and clutched onto Minho's shirt. Pulling their foreheads to touch. Breathing in each others warm air.

"I love you too." Minho replied in a soft whisper. The words sounding so assuring in Taemin's ears. He had lost this man. Thinking he would never get him back, and now here he is. Here he is. With him. In love with him. 



They slept in each others arms that night. In Minho's small bed in the dorm. Jonghyun had left for some reason but neither of them could care less. 

Minho pulled him close. Everything was still new to him though he felt he has touched the boy before. Minho caressed the angel's smooth arms up and down before hugging him. Taemin wrapped his lithe arms around Minho. Their limbs and legs entangled around each other. So so close, Taemin could hear Minho's beating heart. So so close, Minho could hear the angel's shy short breaths. In his heart, he kept the angel's heart

Minho stared at the boy and the boy stared at him. Eyes looking into each other. How was it possible for Taemin to want more? How was possible for him to get more than this? Minho smiled at him. And Taemin smiles back. Feeling fully blessed and filled with undying bliss.

 In a shy, sweet move Taemin moves up to reach Minho's face and kisses his jaw. The touch was addictive. And Taemin kept repeating the soft kisses on the warm jaw till he fell asleep. He was tired. This few spaces of time have drained his all.



 It was when the sun shyly shone on its king that the two woke up. The sun had half a mind to not shine and let its king have a moment with his love but doing so would throw the world unbalanced.

At dawn was when the sun rose up and Minho remembered loving this time of the day. He remembered looking at the rays of light litting the angel's alabaster skin. His eyelashes forming a beautiful shadow underneath. He felt mad with himself for shutting the angel when he first appeared before his eyes. Never again. Never again will he let go of this beautiful being in his arms. 



 Moments later and the prince yawned like a baby kitten, opening his eyes to look at his someone.

 "Good morning, little pretty ." Minho greeted the awakening boy.

 "I miss you calling me by that name." The prince said though that title was something he used to loathe deeply. Now, he would love to hear Minho call him that every waking moment.

"I'm sorry for leaving you then." Minho apologised to his angel. 

 "You're not allowed to die ever again."

 "Okay,my little pretty ."











 Author's note:sorry I haven't been replying to your comments. Its sort of hard to do everything on your phone.hope you enjoy this 2min filled chap even if its slightly short. I will write a longer chap on the next one.i just felt that the two them deserved this chap to just be with each other without other plots getting in the way of them loving each other. P/s:comment and comment and comment because I need them as fuel to write.


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the last chap will be up in 6-7 hours because I have classes and food to eat


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966 streak #1
Chapter 16: So pretty! I actually thought that you could have ended with "It was magical. Truly and very."
But the little interlude into the night is also so so sweet.
This is definitely such a pretty, pretty fairy tale!
Thank you so much for sharing.
966 streak #2
Chapter 4: Minho will not just be his eyes! He will even be the one to pass the test!
Very interesting indeed.
966 streak #3
Chapter 1: I love the feel of this story, the invisible and the blind, and the setting. Moving on to the next chapter.
fireheart6v6 #4
Chapter 16: reading this again in 2023 💕
Gosh, I really enjoyed this story. I love the initial plot already, with Taemin being blind and Minho being invisible, but the twists you added spiced up the story even more. Oh how my heart fluttered whenever Minho refers to Taemin as his 'little pretty' and how my heart clenched when Minho did the last challenge without even thinking twice. That's true love right there, though I understand why Taemin was furious and felt betrayed when Key said Minho did what he thought was the best for him because how could he decide for the both of them? I'd be mad too but good thing *plot twist #1* comes into the picture. Special shotout to Onkey, by the way, they're so cute. Key's loyalness to Onew is truly admirable and they're lucky to have each other.

Anyway, I'll stop here. I might spoil the story with my long comment but I hope you know that your story is so good. I know this has been written in 2013 but the quality still satiates 2021 readers. If you're still writing somewhere else, I'd love to know where. Your writings are so good. Or if you have stopped writing, I hope you'll find the joy in writing again. Thanks for this story! I wish I could upvote this more than once.
Chapter 16: I truly loved this story! I read somerhing about it not making sense in the comments - but it totally did!!!!!!

This seems like a fairytale type story- the mentality and common sense going into that totally makes sense to me. (For example, we dont question why a prince would go all around town finding a princess to fit into a glass slipper. Common sense would tell us many girls would have same shoe size and there are better ways to find someone. But its a fairytale, the relaity is warped and it just makes sense). Anyways i just wanted to put it out there- that this did make sense and it was SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL.
This lacked a bit of science but overall it was an entertaining story to read. It didn't feel like time waste after going through 15 chapters at all. I loved how it transpired ....... maybe when you have time you can edit- publish it. of course only if you have time . it will be really entertaining book to read to kids . I would buy a copy for sure ...... so count me in ! Nice work
This was an amazing idea!!!!
Chapter 16: too sweet, oh my gosh. love kg very much evdb you cut my dirty mjnd in tje end