Running from the Raven

Chained to Love


Taemin had just returned from a long day at SM acadamy. Nonstop dancing and studying, the boy was completely exhausted. Dropping his 10kg (or at least, it seemed like it considering all the textbooks he had to carry) backpack with a thud on the leather couch of the enormous pent house livingroom, the boy proceded to drag himself up the endless twirling staircase to his bedroom.

"Just my luck" he muttered as he passed the room across the hall from his. From the sound of it, Key was having some fun in Jonghyun's room and the two of them had no plans to keep quiet.

" n-n-n-n-n-n Agh!" came a yell from what Taemin thought was Key. Taemin blushed a bright red and ran straight into his room and shut the door. Why had umma decided to do vulger things in the middle of the day? He then proceeded to peel off all the sweat ridden clothes he had been wearing the whole day after some bullies decided to break his locker open and steal his fresh pair. He sighed. For a guy that worked out all the time, all he got was lean thin muscle, which made it difficult for taemin to be seen as manly. He was either treated as a kid, or a girl, neither to his liking. Taemin dragged himself into his bathroom and the hot water. The warm water soothed his tense and tired muscles. Humming, Taemin was so immersed in his shower that he failed to notice the raven haired figure sitting on his bed awaiting him. The raven's dark eyes carefully eyed the shadow of the figure as he traced every line in his brain. The tall raven then smirked as he heard the water shut off. Taemin exited out the shower only to be greeted by a pair of hungry dark eyes scaning his body. He shivered, the intensity of the gaze was uncomfortable which Taemin reflected shifting nervously. Then gently the figure drew close, like a snake before it coils, and Taemin felt shivers run down his spine when he heard the precious words of his lover.

"You are mine, and that will never change"


and with those words went the silver cuff around his wrist. Taemin could not fight it. He was chained to his lover, his very attractive, and very possesive lover.

End flashback

Spring break is quickly aproaching, and for Taemin that ment spending his time preparing for a vacation from SM and a chance to enjoy his time with Minho, that is, if Minho would be willing to let him out of the house. Minho had lately become so possesive that it was hard for Taemin to bare. Every day when he came home, Minho would inspect every inch of his body and then cuff him. If Minho was suspicious, he would look through Taemin's phone to see that every guy there was aproved of as just one of Taemin's friends, and not a threat to their relationship. The possesive side of Minho was so smothering it was almost unbearable. Even though he was rewarded with the most amazing amount of affection, Minho's possesive side was becoming a demon, and Taemin was worried he would be swollowed whole. 

"H-hi Minho" he said shyly upon opening the door to the house all the members of SHINee shared. 

"You are late by two minutes, that is 120 seconds extra that I had to wait to see you" Minho growled before grabbing the boy into a bonecrushing hug and planting a gentle kiss on Taemin's soft lips. "Don't be late like that, it iritates me"

"Y-yes Hyung" Taemin said, his voice shaking as Minho bit his earlobe affactionately. Taemin shivered ever so slightly at the contact. Minho knew very well how to make Taemin melt, and he sure knew better than to waste that knowledge.


Taemin felt the cool metal of the cuff clasp around his wrist. Minho smirked.

"Whats with the face? You know because it's spring break I want to spend some quality time with you" Minho's y voice sent more shivers down Taemin's spine, and Taemin was sure he would melt. "So...." Minho's voice continuing. "I have to leave tomorrow to visit my parents for the day, I refuse to let you out of the house until I return. You are to stay in our room until I return in the afternoon ok? I will have Key deliver food to you" Taemin stiffened. Locked up all day? Could he even stand being locked up alone for an hour? Taemin lost track of his thoughts when Minho dropped him on their bed and proceeded to perform their intimate ritual of making love.

Next day:

Taemin tried to get up but his was in major pain as he reached around to find the warmth of Minho's body, unfortunately, he found none. Taemin oppened his eyes and saw the empty sheets beside him and a note on the bedstand:

Morning darling, I had to leave early and you were still asleep

I did not wish to wake you from your beautiful slumber

There is food on the tray when you wake up


Taemin found the food atop the black oak desk in their room. He ate greedily, and looked around at his surroundings. the door was locked, and all the windows were sealed off. Taemin however noticed, that there was a tiny crack in the window of their bathroom. Just small enough for him to get through. Taemin, who was never daring, decided he needed this now. He took a chair and smashed the window which shattered instantly. Diving through the small hole, Taemin was met by the grass and morning sunshine. He giggled gleefuly and took a run. It had been months since he had had the chance to run free. Even though he knew Minho would look for him, Taemin recognized that he needed to take care of himself first. Looking back at the house for the last time, Taemin ran through the open feild and caught the nearest taxi to the Airport and then to Jeju island. It was time for Taemin to be free.

Back at the house:

"YOU WHAT??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A furious Minho growled while he proceeded to destroy every piece of furniture inside the livingroom. "WHERE DID MY ANGLE GO? YOU JUST LET HIM ESCAPE? HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!" He growled as he continued to smash everything in sight.

"w-w-w-we didnt see him leave" Jonghyun mumbled hiding behind Key


Minho stopped and just stared at Key. Had he really been that overbearing? But Taemin never said anything against his actions...Had he perhaps gone too far? Taemin seemed to like being around him though...So why had Taemin gone? Minho all at once fell to his knees and started sobbing. 

"w-wh-wh-where did he go k-k-key" He sobbed. It had been the first time in years key had ever seen him so vunorable. 

"I don't know" was all Key could say before kneeling down and giving Minho a big hug.

Back on Jeju:

"Onew Hyung, come play with me" Taemin's giggly voice rang across the beach.

"ok ok" Onew smiled as he chased after his younger brother. It had been a while since Taemin had come to visit, but Onew knew better than to ask. Besides, He had a pretty big hunch on what was going on in Taemin's hectic life anyway. 

"Hyung?" Taemin said when they sat down on the beach together, Taemin's head lying on his brother's lap.

"Ne?" Onew replied patting his head.

"What do you do about a person you love but their possesiveness is so overbearing it almost makes it impossible for you to love him?" 

"Depends, sometimes it is best to express yourself. Other times, it is best to show them how you feel by leaving and showing them how much space you need"

"Well then what do you do after you leave hyung?'

"Well....if it is Minho who you are talking about, you let him find you. After all, he is a Choi, and there is no way he won't spend the money to find you."

"But Hyung, I don't wanna go back!" Taemin whined. "I wanna stay here with Hyung and play at the beach all day" 

Onew chuckled. He missed Taemin alot and so he decided he would help the boy. 

"When he comes to get you Taemin-ah, Hyung will work out a deal with him so you can come back and see me" 

"Really Hyung?" Taemin asked with his eyes shining brightly

"Yes, Hyung loves you very much, and just wants the best for you"

Back to Minho:

Minho had spent months looking all over Korea to find Taemin. He had gone to every corner of the country. How could he not find Taemin? The thought just kept ringing in his mind All Taemin wanted was some space. He growled. Today he was going to Jeju, his last hope for finding Taemin. Minho was sure he would lock Taemin up in a cage for all the worry he caused him. The flight landed and Minho immediately exited the plane and began his long search. It took him a week to find the beach where Onew and Taemin lived. And thats when he saw it. 

"Onew Hyung, come and catch me" Said a giggling Taemin

"I sure will" Said Onew happily chasing after. When Onew caught Taemin he picked him up and twirled him around in the sky with Taemin shouting "I can fly Hyung! I can fly"

Minho was running down the beach faster than a sportscar on the autoban. He ran so fast and growled angrily at Onew. Taemin's face grew pale and he clung to Onew in fear. Onew, was calm and collected. Sure, he came off as being a bit goofy, but Onew wasn't a fool.


"good question. Now if you will let me explain-" Onew started

"CUT THE CRAP AND GIVE HIM TO ME" Minho tried to grab Taemin, but Onew was much faster, and swiftly pinned Minho to the ground.

"Now let me explain. I am Taemin's older brother Lee Jenki. Taemin came to visit me to escape from your overbrearing clutches. I think he has a good time here. So here is what I propose. I will let him stay at your place for half the year if in return you let him stay with me half a year, and you also give the poor boy some breathing room" Onew said calmly to the snarling Minho below. Minho stopped struggling and looked into Onews eyes. He sighed and admitted defeat and agreed to letting Taemin spend summer with Onew and Minho could have Taemin durring winter. Taemin breathed a sigh of releif. He was so happy he could be free for at least half a year. And maybe, just maybe, he could work things out with Minho for the other half.


Hi everyone. So this is my first one shot, and I hope you like it ^^ please comment below, and sorry for the bad ending. It's hard for me to write good endings.


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Beau1996 1386 streak #1
Chapter 1: The hand cuffs were a little creepy but love a happy ending!
Bannana_milk #2
Chapter 1: Write a sequel pls!