Once a Player Always a Player

Once a Player Always a Player

Tracy's POV

I storm up the stairs ignoring the pleadings of Sehun. Slamming the door to let him know that I'm serious about him leaving me alone.

But I don't think he caught the idea of letting me be.

Why am I so stupid? Thinking that he would change for me.


For ME.


He'll never change. All his deceitful lies getting to me as if they were true.  And I finally realize that he will always be the way he is.


A player.


Once a player, always a player.

How much I hate him at the moment I can't describe in words. Although, how much I still love him at the moment, I can't describe in words. That's the worst part.

I ignore the banging coming from him; hearing his fist against the wood of the door worries me. If he comes in, what should I do?

Should I kick him out and tell him to never appear in my life ever again? Psh. As if he's going to fight for me. Sehun is probably going to find another girl to break her heart. But if I allow him to take another large chunk of my heart, he's going to rip it apart and let me die in pain of a broken heart like I  am now.

"Tracy! Open the goddamn door!" I cover my ears to block out the sound of his desperate voice. I knew better than to fall for that again.

 He continues to bang on the door not caring if the neighbors will hear and report him.

"Go die in a hell hole! I don't want you here!" I start to cry, but I them up not wanting to waste tears on a player like him.

Sehun stops hitting the door. "I'm sorry. Just let me explain."

I start to become angry. My blood starts to boil in fury.

"I already gave you a chance to explain. Your sorry excuse is enough. I'm not falling for any of your lies again!" The hot tears stung my cheeks as I sob like crazy. This is all his fault.

"Just please. Open the door so we can talk." He pleads. I imagine him on the floor, pressing his weight against the door, with tears streaming down his face.

I slowly open the door and look at his face. His dark circles, red puffy eyes, messy hair, his skin tone slowly fading into pale.

"Do you have a reason now? Or are you here to feed me with more of your lies." He opens his mouth to say something, but I interupt him. "Can I ask you something? How does feel to hurt someone so much to the point where it kills them, because that's how I'm feeling now."

He steps back, shock and hurt fills his eyes.

Sehun reaches his hand to touch my cheek, but I back away. Guilt and regret flashes through his eyes . It would be impossible to miss that look.

"I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I tried changing so much for you, but it ended up hurting you even more. Please give me another chance. I promise it won't end like this." He apologizes with great sincerity.

"You bet it won't because WE will never happen ever again."  I snap.

He drops to his knees and sobs real hard. "No please, Tracy. Please give me another chance. I promise to never do that ever again. I'm so sorry. Don't lose your trust in me, please!"

I have never seen him so vulnerable in my life. But I can't. I will not fall for his tricks. My heart says otherwise.

I lower myself to the ground along with him and wrap my arms around him. My shoulder becomes wet because of the tears that he sheds.
Gone with the over confident player to the lost puppy.

"I don't have another chance, don't I?" I hear him murmur in my shoulder.

I nod my head.

A mix of disappointment, hurt, and regret floods through his eyes. He stands up and hugs me, "I understand but remember that I will always love you. If you change your mind, feel free to come to me. I'll be waiting." And with that, Sehun stands up and leaves through the door.


Sehun's POV

I honestly didn't want to walk through that door. But it's what she wants.

I'm so stupid.

I let the girl that was willing to give me a chance when she knew I was a player. She risked her heart for me and I broke it at ease. I knew I should have stopped it before it was too late but I was stubborn. Too stubborn. Which led to this.

Now I will never be able to hold her in my arms and know that she loves me.

Kiss her and know that she will never leave me. Instead I left her.

The worst mistake I have ever made in my life. Letting her go.

I see her again walking down the hallway. Reaching out for her mentally know that she'll run away and hate me even more, we pass each other; without word. I turn back to see her lucious long wavy hair swaying side to side as she walks. I will miss my hand through her silky hair.

Memories of us start flooding back. Us as a couple. Hugging, cuddling, kissing, loving each other for the way we are.

I start to sob. Knowing that none of that will ever happen again.

This is my doing.


If only I hadn't treated her like trash when I knew that she's the one.



If only I hadn't been so stupid.






If only I hadn't walked through that door instead of fighting for her.



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MiyeonS2 #1
Chapter 1: Awweh. Please make a sequel. (; I understand if you're busy with another story but please make a sequel whenever you get a chance