New S.A?!?!

Glass Love

Yumiko POV

I look over the test results board with dread as I scan over the first 100 names without finding mine.

(Where could it possibly be? I couldnt have scored that low.....)

Looking over the rest of the names in Class A my heart drops to my feet, my name is no where to be found.

"Yumiko chan, did you find your name?" Ayae asks as she rushes over to me looking panicked.

"No, did you?" I reply, my sense of dread increasing at the look on her face.

She shakes her head and I frown as I hear a commotion over at the S.A scoreboard.

"Ten names? What's going on?" Ryuu Tsuji asks as Megumi takes out her notebook.

{I dont know}

"Two new members to S.A?" Akira states as I look over at them.

"Yumiko Narita, and Ayame Arai? Who're they?" Tadashi asks as I freeze, shaking my head.

(No way, no way! Part of the S.A? Impossible, there must be a mistake!)

Kei Takeshima looks in my direction and I freeze as a chill washes over me at the sight of his cold gaze.

"Yumiko Narita, Ayame Arai." he says looking at me and Ayame.

"I-I'm sorry Takeshima san, im sure it was a typo or mistake, i'll go tell Mr Karino and..."

"No, it was no accident. Mrs Karino requested that two new members be added to the S.A, saying we were to overbalanced and isolated. She thought if we let in the 8th and 9th ranked students it would make us more approchable."  Kei replies evenly.

"You knew about this Kei?" Ryuu asks as Akira smacks Tadashi.

"Why weren't we told Tadashi!!!!"

"I didnt even know!" Tadashi replies rubing his head where Akira had hit him.

I break eye contact with Kei and look over at Ayame whose eye are fixed on something on the ground.

"So we're part of the S.A now?" I ask, hoping that this is all just some sick joke..

"Yes, you are."

"Welcome to the S.A then." Ryuu says.

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