Chapter 3 : Krystal to the rescue!

The Unexpected EVERYTHING.

          "Here is your change mam, thank you for buying some of my fruits!" Krystal said while happily selling some of her fruits. It's almost time for them to pack up and go home. "I'll go home already bye guys!" krystal said, "Wait, can you please bring these fruits in the parking lot? I'll get it later, just leave it there." One of her older co worker said. She replied while bring the fruits in the parking lot "Okay, I'll go now Bye!" 
           While she's putting the fruits where her co workers said her to put in the parking lot, she saw a bad guy pointing a sharp knife to a rich looking lady, she stared at it curiously, she knows that something bad's gonna happen but at that moment she was freezed because of not knowing what to do.


She heard the bad guy said "Give me your keys, and bag! Quick!" The Innocent lady said "No, I can't please don't do this!" 
The boy noticed that many cars are parking already and he's afraid that a police may come so he just said " Give me your bag if you don't want to get hurt!" he didn't ask for the keys anymore but the lady still insisted, so it forced the bad guy to stab her in her hips for her to be weak and after that he ran with the bag. Krystal was scared but she said to herself "Soojung a someone needs your help, don't be a coward" as a poor girl  she knows how important things are, so she chased the bad guy , she grabbed a metal stick in the lot and while running she hit the guy with the stick in his knees, that made the bad guy fell on the floor and his knife was wiped away and they've fought over the bag , krystal said while hitting him "YAH! where is your conscience?! Bastard! No! No! No! NO MERCY!"  Maybe the guy was annoyed by her so he gave up and hand her the bag he said annoyingly "Here, we're not finished yet, I'll see you soon" Krystal replied "Thank me for not calling the police or else, i'll see you in jail!" Before it's too late the guy ran off fastly and krystal went back to give the bag back to its hurting owner. "Ajumma! here's your bag, but before anything else, i'll take you to the hospital! let's go! RUN! Of course i'm just joking! Okay, let me call someone to help, please wait!" She said to the lady. Even though she's kinda mean at times, but she's really a caring person to older people.

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Chapter 32: Sweet Myungstal~~~~~~
But I pity Baro:(

Hope you'll update soon^^
blackpearlshidae #2
Chapter 32: I like it ~~~~
Update soon ~~~~
it's so great so far ! update soon ^^
mistuhmaknae #4
Guys~! I'm back~! ^^
Chapter 28: Have a religious Holy week. :) Let's offer our little sacrifice to God. :)
Chapter 5: I like it~
It's not like any other fanfics...No 'too-fast-decision's'~
Update soon..
krystaljungismybias #7
Chapter 24: cute myungstal!!! love thier little interactions hehe~
Chapter 21: awwwww cute~
Chapter 21: Myungstal feels omg xD
Chapter 21: omfg myungstal moment ! the feels OuO