End of the chain



It was just a place.


No one should ever take interest of it, even have a sentimental attachment to one. It would just be crazy or stupid for someone to think that a plain lushes green grass, a blue lake mirroring the clouds making its appearance even more inviting, to be special. I think it’s an utter waste of space in your head.


But then again here I am, sitting on the grass that I normally disregard, ignoring its existence of being beautiful, letting droplets of my tears roll down gently on my cheeks. The lake that seems to be invisible to me before comforts my body and my sadness – I don’t like it. I don’t like the idea of someone or something calm me down. I’d rather say and let out everything like a volcano; and like a volcano, I will hurt people along the way. The more I stayed, the more my tears stop falling. There’s something about this place…a feeling that someone is here making me happy, calming me, telling me that everything will be alright. I don’t want to convince myself that this is the case. I WANT TO RAGE! I want rip these grass off the soil and throw it everywhere.


I felt mad. I felt a hot rage inside me reaching its boiling point. I punched the hard ground beneath me, flattening any living thing above it. I broke down. I am on my knees, my knuckles, now red, on the ground throbbing in pain. I don’t care. It’s even more painful when someone you use to be with, in this exact place, exact position, is not with you.


The one that opened you to everything.


 The one that opened your heart.


 The one that made you realise that there is something more to this world than just breathing and moving. Someone that made your stay worthwhile. The one that you thought will be with you forever.


I sobbed loud – being careless of what my appearance is. It’s my own world. My undisturbed world.


It was a shared world. But now it will seem to stay as mine.


‘Krys…’ I sobbed.


Everytime I close my eyes, I wanted everything to be erased from my memory, the pain that I am bottling in since…it should not have existed. This place shouldn’t have!


I inhaled deeply just to sob again while looking up, screaming her name, questioning life once more. I let my hands run through my hair as I rest my forehead on the cold, damp ground gripping my nape hard.


I curse this place.


This was the place where the chain started….and it has reached its end.



Well then... I was just bored during my FREE so, I just wrote a small drabble what's in my head. 


Pretty emo-ish right? ^^v 


Anyway, I just need to let some things out.


And if doesn't make sense, well I don't really blame you guys. haha It was more like a rant than a plot really but enjoy! 


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Chapter 1: OOhh, Amber looks like she loves krystal alot. But we all know she does lol.
Aneyong Lama Its GD lol NOt really, KRYBER LOVE THEM <3 <3