Chapter 1

When a Stranger Calls{No Longer Continuing}

RiChan P.O.V

It was a Friday night when I was out with my bestfriends, KyungMi, HeeSun and EunMi. We had gone out to celebrate because we had gotten the results of our end-of-the-year exam. We had all passed. After about 20 minutes of deciding where to go, we finally settled on a nearby club that wasnt as crazy as the other ones.

"KyungMi!" I called. My Unnie turned around. Even though she is my Unnie, I prefer to call her Umma because she has always taken care of me even since we met.

"Yeah RiChan?" 

"I dont think we should drink tonight. I mean since we want to go rock-climbing tomorrow..." I shrugged.

"Yeah I think you're right. We wont drink tonight guys. Alright?"

We all agreed. Once inside the club, we got sodas instead of alcohol and met back in a semi-quiet corner. EunMi then spotted some cute guys in the corner across from us, telling us in a whisper. Soon we were holding back giggles and sneaking glances at our ideal type in the group. One of the guys saw us giggling at them and turned to tell his friends, making all of them glance at us in turn. Still giggling, we huddled together and started talking about what we would do if they came over.

The guy who seemed to be the oldest in the group began walking towards us, his friends following close behind, all of them with easy smiles on their faces. Stopping about 5 feet away from us, the eldest began to introduce them.

"Hello ladies. My name is Yesung and these are my friends, Donghae, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook. We were wondering...would you would like some company?" 

I motioned for KyungMi to speak since she was the eldest. Nodding she took a small step forward.

"Hi. Im KyungMi and these are my friends, HeeSun, EunMi and RiChan. Sure, we would like your company." she said flashing a small smile at Yesung.

Smiles lit the faces of the guys before us. They each came forward to formally introduce themselves. I was mildly surprised when the guy named Ryeowook came up to me.

"Hi you're RiChan right?" he asked me with small smile that I answered with my own smile.
"Yeah. And you're Ryeowook. I heard that you play the piano well."

"Yeah I guess so.." he chuckled, "So... do you uh... do you wanna go for a walk with me?" he blushed. I smiled at him.

"Sure. Lets go." He took my hand and let me out.

KyungMi P.O.V

"So why are you here tonight?" Yesung asked me. I shrugged.

"We are just celebrating for passing all of our exams. It was a big deal for us because RiChan isnt very good with exams." 

He was quiet for a moment. "I... heard that she calls you Umma. Is she really...?" I shook my head. "No shes not. She calls me that because Im the only mother shes has ever had. I met her when she was running away from an orphanage 12 years ago. I've taken care of her ever since."

I went quiet. Remembering those hard years. I was suddenly aware of someone watching me. Snapping my head back up, I saw Yesung watching me, his eyes unreadable.

"Here. Come with me. I want to show you something." he took my hand and gently led me through the crowd. "Wait.. what about...?" Yesung turned to look at me. "Its alright. My friends would never try to take advantage of anyone. I promise." without another word he led me out the door and down the sidewalk. Stopping only when we got to the lake.

"Yesung-ah... what are we doing?" I asked. He shushed me with a gentle tap on the cheek. Looking at his watch, he smiled. "Close your eyes. Ill tell you when to open them."

I closed my eyes and waited. And waited. I waited for what seemed like 30 minutes before Yesung finally said, "Alright open your eyes KyungMi." 

I opened my eyes and gasped. The lake was shining in the light of the half moon, making it shimmer when there were the small ripples from fish. The trees around us were half-bathed in the light, making them look oddly calming. It was so beautiful. I felt Yesung's arms go around me.

"Do you like it?" he breathed in my ear.

HeeSun P.O.V

"So Donghae, I hear that you can dance really well. Could you show me?" 

I was sitting at the edge of the dance-floor with him. Watching the other people dance. I saw a few girls shoot me envious glances when they twirled by. Why not? Donghae was extremely handsome, and it was exhilirating to just be talking to him.

"Alright. But the right song has to come on first." he replied. I looked at him. Curious to see how he dance so well and earned the nickname of 'Dance King'. We waited for about 10 mintues. Then the song 'Energetic' by BoA came on and Donghae stood up, smiling.

"See you out there." he said before making his way to the center of the dance-floor. The people around him moved away, eager for a show. Donghae didnt move until the first chorus played, but as BoA's beats shook the club, Donghae began to dance.

His reaction time was imediate. He leaped and spun, moving so fast that it was hard to keep my eyes on him. With each bass beat, he answered it with an overhead clap, making everyone begin to clap for him. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd.  I had never seen someone dance like this before. Donghae knew exactly what he was doing, and he knew exactly how to move his body.   

When the song was over, Donghae was sweating and panting softly. He strode to me and pulled me into his arms. 

"How was that for a show?"

EunMi P.O.V

"Is it true that you're as good an actor as they say?" I asked Kyuhyun, who was leaning back against the rail I was sitting on. He glanced at me, a small smile on his face.

"And what, pray tell, do they say about my acting?" turning towards me, he propped his head up on his hands, with his elbows on the rail.

"They say that you make someone do anything. Make them cry, laugh, become angry. Anything." He pretended to swoon. "Well that is rather a large thing to carry, now isnt it?" he chuckled softly. "I would show you, but I would fear for your safety since you are sitting on top of that rail."

I smoothly hopped off and leaned back. "Alright Im safe now. Go ahead." Kyuhyun flashed me once last smile before bowing his head.

Raising his head, he pretended to be talking on the phone, looking both furious and deeply hurt. "How could you?! I loved you! I would do anything for you! Why did you leave? What can that guy give you that I havent already given you?!" a pause as if he is listening to the reply. "A better life?! All this time I have been working my off for you, buying you whatever you requested, just trying to keep you happy and you're saying that all of that was for nothing?!" 

I looked at him, my stomach clenching in sympathy, as if I was watching dear friends fight. Kyuhyun had everything correct. The misty eyes, the tense posture, the angry but desperate hitch in his voice when he spoke. I wanted to reach out and pull him into my arms and comfort him.

"Fine. Leave. I thought I loved you. But obviously I was wrong. But there is someone else. Someone that I have been ignoring because of you." my breath caught as if he was talking about me. My stomach clenched again, but with anxiety this time. Eager to know who he was talking about.

"Shes everything you arent. Shes beautiful and sweet. You're vicious and cold. I hope you enjoy your new life without me forever." then he hung up the 'phone'.

He bowed his head for a few seconds, then lifted it, a smile splayed across his perfect features. "How did I do?" 

I realized that I had been holding my breath. I let it out with a 'woosh'. Kyuhyun's smile got wider as he watched me in air.

"That was amazing..." I finally managed. Kyuhyun stepped to me, until I had to crane my neck to look up at his face. "Im glad you think so." gently taking my shoulders, he turned me around so I faced the lake behind us.

"To let you know, some of that was actually true. What I said about someone new..."

The thought sent shivers down my spine. Kyuhyun chuckled and pulled me against his chest.

"Are you cold EunMi-ah?"

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I just noticed something... RiChan... Ree-Chan... you sneaky sneaky girl x3