Rules & How to Join

` ( great escape rp ) — anime roleplay ┊ twitter-based ┊ open. otakus! come out of your shells! let me love you! :*

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rules and regulations

ichi: subsribe to keep you update in great escape's events.

ni: only one character per person. you are given a chance to change character once.

san: respect is the first policy in this roleplay. let us say your character portrays tomfoolery 
but you should still be nice with your fellow rpers out-of-character.

yo: be active. unsure of your activity then just don't join. simple as that.

— one-month inactivity period before your character is once again free to roleplay.
— if going on hiatus or leaving the roleplay, please, pretty pretty please, inform the mainbase.

go: this is a closed roleplay and contact with personal/indie/other-group blogs is discouraged. 
over 3 posts with outsiders could get you a warning. you can contact them freely via direct message.

roku: no and yuri relationship. no offense.

nana: this is a pg-13. if you want to bypass the 'hugs and kisses', better do it in direct message.

hachi: limit ooc and always try to relate your tweets to the rp in some way.

— keep ooc in brackets. or you'll get warned.

kyuu: english only. try to use correct spelling, grammar, and punctation unless it’s part of your
character’s dialogue that they speak informally, or with a pronounced or foreign accent.

jyuu: it is a must to stay in character.

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how to join

ichi: look at the masterlist or wishlist to decide for your character.

ni: comment below for reservations in this format:
"i would like to portray (name of your desired character) of (from what anime), please."

san: once you got the approval, you have three days to create your account.
fail to create means your reservation will be void.

yo: username must be ge_(character's name), e.g., ge_yui.

go: put this in your bio: » official roleplayer of @greatescape_rp  (name of your character) of (from what anime) ┊ anything you wish to include about your character.

roku: follow the base and the admin first then mention us for verification with 
this format: "i, (name of your character) of (from what anime), have arrived."

nana: after being verified, follow the rest of the members. ALL.


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Fuak. I would love this placce to be active t_t
Chapter 2: Is this place active?
Chapter 1: i would like to portray Momoi Satsuki of KuroBasu, please.
summerfeuter #5
i would like to portray Henrietta de Tristatin of Zero No Tsukaima, please.
Yuzann #6
Chapter 1: i would like to portray Aomine Daiki of Kuroko no Basuke, please.

Thank you~