Bad Girl, Good Girl

 Jia and I actually being alone in my room was a lot more awkward than I thought it would be in my head. Well. To me, at least. She was as chipper as ever, looking through everything. It didn't bug me, though. I thought it was really cute. 

  She looked through my shelf of movies and looked at one. "What's this?" 

 "Anime." I laughed. I was probably so lame to her, wow. 

 "Really? Neat! What's it about?" I looked at the case to make sure which one it was, and of course it was my favorite. 

 "Mm, Nana." 

 Her eyes widened "Like from After School?" then did that cute thing where she smiles while biting her tongue. I smiled back and replied, "Not exactly. But it's one of my favorites." 

  Jia grew thoughtful for a moment before saying, "If it's Suzy's favorite, I wanna watch it." 

 I cleared my throat, trying to not look at her in the eye and inserted in the disk.  She made herself comfortable on my bed, so when I turned around to lay down I didn't know what to do. Finally I just leaned against the side of the bed and rested my head back.

 "Hey!" I perked up, startled. "Suzy, get up here." She giggled. "It's cold. It's okay. I don't have wandering hands." 

  I cleared my throat and nodded, slipping into the space she made for me. She rested her head on top of mine, which made my heart skip a beat already. But then she laced her arm through mine, pushing on my stomach and pulling me closer to her... And I'm pretty sure I couldn't breathe. 

  Jia laughed at whatever funny was going on before telling me that she loved this. "Suzy, how come it's your favorite." 

  I cleared my throat and caught my breath before picking up her arm and taking it off me. I rolled on my back, making sure to only look at the cieling and not at Jia. "Uh, well like... It's about friendship and stuff. I think it's just really important and means a lot to me. I don't know. It just means a ton to me." I nodded before turning back to my side. Jia nodded, and of course, put her arm around me, again. 


  I woke up to Jia asleep on my stomach, which was bare. I went to pull down my shirt, but I felt something wet and sticky. It felt a lot like chapstick or lipgloss. 

  My eyes widened as I thought about the text from earlier she had sent me.



HEY. i'm so sorry for taking so long. like always. please forgive meee!! anyway, i give suzy like all of my interests and i feel so dumb for it, but she's nothing like me personality wise, i don't think. 

and also i know it seems creepy that jia was kissing her stomach, but it wasn't like... MAKING OUT. more like just giving it a peck then falling asleep like that okokok


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Sanashasha #1
Chapter 7: Continue:((
abenoyukari #2
Chapter 7: Oh man~ I really want to translate this :(( My girls are going to love it :((
the best story one.
Skibop #4
Chapter 8: I go back to school tomorrow too lol
alixliguori374 #5
Chapter 7: Omgg this is really good
SparklingByeol #6
This fanfic is so cute and sweet^^ Please update soon author-nim I'm addicted
byungshinnn #7
Chapter 7: lmaooooo ew itd be gross if jia DID make out with suzys stomach
Skibop #8
Chapter 7: My friend loves Nana and tried to get me to watch it too lol We were watching together, but only made it to the 5th episode
lol this was cute