
Morning's Dew


The TV was soft— the volume of it that is. 
It was about 4:45 in the morning and Wu Fan and Kyungsoo were stretched out on the couch. Kyungsoo’s small frame splayed out on top of the elder’s, head resting on his chest facing the screen with already drooping eyes. Which was strange because they never really got tired until about five— nevertheless.
Wu Fan was half propped up on the arm of the couch behind him while the rest of his body lay straight, his feet barely dangling off the other end. Smothered by layers and layers of blankets, Wu Fan had a tight grip on his boyfriend. His fingers were interlocked behind Kyungsoo’s lower back— making sure that he held him place, and he tore his gaze from the screen every now and then to press a soft kiss on the crown of the head below his chin, and whether he spent a few extra moments with his nose nuzzled in Kyungsoo’s feathery hair was up to him.
Wu Fan’s slightly mussed hair and smudged, thick-rimmed glasses clad his facial features, and honestly, he was getting pretty sleepy himself. The warmth that radiated from the other’s body only sped up the lazing of his eyelids, and the fact that they were both bundled in thick hoodies (Kyungsoo obviously wearing a borrowed one from how the hem grazed his thighs and the sleeves dangled off his hands) didn’t really help either. 
Kyungsoo was asleep, Wu Fan could tell. His breathing was slow and steady, and he could even slightly hear it, he’d be damned if that wasn’t one of the cutest things he had ever heard. Through the window, Wu Fan could see the blue tint of morning twilight. The sun was rising. And the way that the light hit Kyungsoo’s skin was… almost kind of relaxing, and soothing to look at. Kyungsoo’s paleness (even though the latter preferred “fair skinned”) absorbed the rays of morning and he just shone with serenity. Wu Fan ignored the bright, obnoxious, flashing colours from the over-enthusiastic commercial playing, in fact he reaching behind him on the small table where the remote lay, and he just shut the whole thing off. Now able to hear the early hour birds chirping, Wu Fan peeled his glasses from his face and set them folded on the carpet below. As gently as he could, he tipped Kyungsoo’s chin up, slightly stirring him, but not enough to fully wake him up, he kisses him a final time, and the little spark he got was just enough to slow his pulse and ease his muscles. He coaxed himself to sleep.
Wu Fan rolled them over. Kyungsoo’s back facing towards the back of the couch and his nose buried in the crook of the blond’s neck and shoulder. The signature scent of each other that filled one another’s noses was what gave them their sweetest dreams, the curves of each other’s bodies where they practically fit together like a jigsaw puzzle was what slowed their heart rates. Their love was simple. It was perfect. It was exactly what they needed, and they didn’t really mind what other’s thought. They only made sure that each other knew that there was nothing but love. And that’s really all they need.
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Chapter 1: ughh this is soooooo sweeeettt!! thankyou for writing authornim ❤❤
T-araFans #2
Chapter 1: That so sweet...
Nice update...
Good Job Author...
shinoside #3
Chapter 1: This is really so sweet :)
akared #4
Chapter 1: it was so beautiful...
oneshotbunny #5
Chapter 1: im dead. it was beautiful omg i wish it was longer but oh no prob bc it's a krisoo fic which is so adorable (≧▽≦)/~┴┴
woohyunism #7
Chapter 1: omg omg omg omg omg omg omg oh my dear lord this is like THE cutest of krisoo ever. and I shamelessly cried TT.TT

I love you (/^o^)/♡
ikik09 #9
Chapter 1: Starting to love KriSoo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ikik09 #10
Chapter 1: Starting to love KriSoo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤