Girls, Girls, Girls

Girls, Girls, Girls (One-Shot)


He was walking around a shopping mall to search for a suitable birthday gift for one of his group members. After an hour of walking around the shopping mall, he finally entered a gift shop that was located at the last level of the shopping mall. While he was looking around, a salesgirl approached him.


“Sir, how may I help you?” she asked.

“Errrmmm… It’s okay, I’m just looking around,” he blushed when he saw her.

“Oh okay… Feel free to roam around this store. If you need any assistance, just approach me at the cashier,” she informed him and walked back to the cashier.


His POV:

Why is my heart beating so fast? What does this mean? Is this love? Argh! Why can’t I take off my eyes from her? I want to steal her heart… But, I don’t know how!!



“Why do you look so stressful?” the tallest member of the group approached him.

“Girls…” he mumbled to himself.

“What?” that member leaned closer to him to figure out what he was saying.

“Girls…” he sighed.

“Ya Lee TaeMin… Are you in love with someone now?” that member assumed. TaeMin nodded innocently.

“This is DAEBAK! JinKi hyung, JongHyun hyung, KiBum! Come here! Our maknae is in love!” MinHo announced.


JinKi, JongHyun and KiBum went to the living room after they heard MinHo’s announcement. They confirmed with the maknae again by asking him a lot of questions because they did not believe what MinHo said. Instead of answering his hyungdeul, TaeMin looked at each of them blankly.


“Ya! Ya! Ya! Let our maknae talk about how he met that girl first,” KiBum told the other members.


“Okay… While I was looking for something at a store, a salesgirl approached me. She’s really beautiful and kind because she asked if I need any help or not,” TaeMin began telling his story.

“Isn’t that what salesgirl supposed to do?” JinKi asked.

“Shhh… Let the maknae finishes his story!” KiBum shushed JinKi.

“While I was searching for a gift for my friend, I could not focus because I couldn’t take off my eyes from her. Not only that, my heart was beating really fast too. I don’t know why my heart behaved in such a way…” TaeMin explained to his hyungdeul really fast like a bullet train.


“It’s confirmed! Our maknae is in love!” JongHyun verified.

“Ah ha! Let’s begin with lesson one! You know, girls have a high sense of hearing. They’ll fall for you just by your voice alone. Why don’t you sing a sweet song and play a piano for her? She’ll definitely fall for you!” JinKi suggested.


“Oh gosh… That’s just complicated. How am I going to play a piano in that small store? Girls are just too hard for me. I don’t understand them…” TaeMin scratched his non-itchy head.

“Don’t worry! We’ll teach you,” JinKi, JongHyun, KiBum and MinHo said in unison.

“Eh… Can I trust the four of you? There’s so much I want to know about girls,” TaeMin hesitated to learn about girls from his hyungdeul.



“You don’t listen to what JinKi hyung taught you. I think is illogical to play a piano in a small gift store,” KiBum paused.

“Look at the girls out there TaeMinnie. What do they do each day? They go shopping! And what do they normally shop? Clothes!! So clothes are really important and you can’t fall behind with the trends. Remember to keep in trend if you want to impress the girls out there,” KiBum taught TaeMin his way of attracting girls.


“KiBum-ah, you are teaching our maknae the wrong things!” JongHyun disagreed with KiBum.

“TaeMin-ah, girls are animals of emotions. You just have to whisper sweet words to them and give them a slightly eye smile…” before JongHyun could finish, JinKi cut him by saying, “And play the piano too! She’ll definitely fall for you!”

“Hyung…” JongHyun glared at JinKi.


“Hahaha!” MinHo chuckled.

“Why do you all worry so much? TaeMinnie, you really need to try that hard? Girls… They don’t look at anything else but your face and height,” MinHo informed the confused maknae.



“Ya! What are you guys teaching our maknae? TaeMinnie needs to dress well,” KiBum disagreed with JongHyun and MinHo.

“No… He needs to say sweet words,” JongHyun was being defensive.

“With a sweet voice like honey?” JinKi supported JongHyun.

“Nah… He needs to have a statuesque face,” MinHo protested.

“Okay, with an eye smile,” TaeMin was processing the things that his hyungdeul had taught him in his mind slowly.

“Oh, don’t forget about the piano too!” JinKi added.

“Wait wait wait! What are all of you saying? My head hurts…” TaeMin was really confused.


TaeMin’s POV:

Haiz… Girls are too hard to understand if you don’t know them...



JinKi, JongHyun, KiBum and MinHo left the maknae alone in the living and went to JongHyun room. They wanted to discuss about what to tell their clueless maknae about how to impress girls. They realized that they made the maknae confuse by giving him their different ideas on how to impress a girl.


“So, KiBum and I will talk to our maknae?” MinHo reconfirmed with JinKi and JongHyun. The both of them nodded.

“Having too many people telling the maknae what to do will make him even confuse,” JongHyun explained.

“Okay…” MinHo understood.

“Let’s go,” he told KiBum.



“Does your head still hurt?” KiBum asked the maknae. TaeMin nodded.

“Here,” MinHo passed a cup of warm plain water to TaeMin.

“Thank you MinHo hyung,” the maknae thanked MinHo.


“Before we talk to you, on behalf of JinKi hyung and JongHyun hyung, we would like to apologize to you for making you confuse earlier. We didn’t mean too,” KiBum apologized.

“It’s okay hyung. I know you are trying to help,” TaeMin understood his hyungdeul’s intentions.


“The basic thing that you need to do to impress a girl is to have a soft heart. However, your eyes need to be tough. It’s okay to have an awkward image during first meeting. Girls like that and it’ll make them smile,” KiBum paused.

“Instead of staying still like what you did in that store earlier, make the first move by going up to her and talk to her. Smile first. Make her feel like she’s taken care of during the first meeting and yield to her,” MinHo added.


 “When you visit that store again, remember to wear a neat outfit and prepare a serious conversation. You may not want to stay as friends for long but remember, you are still too young for love,” KiBum reminded TaeMin.

“You know, the real answer is to move as your heart tells you. Then, everything will come to you as reality,” MinHo advised TaeMin.


“This is much easier to understand. Thank you KiBum hyung and MinHo hyung,” the maknae thanked his hyungdeul.



TaeMin’s POV:

Take a deep breath Lee TaeMin! You can do it! Fighting!!


“Welcome to Shin’s Gift Store, I’m Shin SooAh, how may I help you sir?” the salesgirl welcomed TaeMin.

“Hi, don’t you know me?” he asked her.

“I’m sorry… Are you Lee TaeMin from SHINee or are you his lookalike?” she was unsure.

“Hahaha, yes it’s me, the Lee TaeMin from SHINee,” TaeMin chuckled.

“Ah… It’s nice to meet you. So, how can I help you?” she asked.


TaeMin’s POV:

Why isn’t she showing much reaction like other fangirls?


“Shin SooAh-ssi, can I be straightforward to you?” he asked SooAh bravely.

“Sure,” SooAh nodded.

“I like you. Would you like to be my friend?” he was worried that she would reject him.

“Friend? Of course. But more than that, I’m sorry. I’m already taken,” she informed him.


TaeMin’s POV:

Gosh… I should not have stress out too much yesterday if I know she is taken… 


Hello! I hope you enjoy reading this one-shot. TaeMin Baby is growing up really fast isn't he? Well, after three hours of writing this one-shot, I just found out a news regarding TaeMin and his hyungdeul... You should read it, I'll let out a super looooonnnnngggg sigh if I explain it...

Did the title explain to you everything? 

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Chapter 1: awwwww~ poor taemin XD D:
Chapter 1: hahhaha!!! poor taeminnie shouldn't put so much effort for it.. aww.. at least he proved his a man now! <3
meme1919 #3
Chapter 1: U read my mind I wanted u to do this song! Yay!!!!!! ^-^ this was cute and sad at the same time poor Min!
Chapter 1: hahahahahahahaha!! KYEOPTA!