Walk with me

Walk with me [One shot]

"Yeong, if you don't step outside right now I'm leaving~" your boyfriend is playful today, lingering behind the tall tree that separates the space between him and your window.

"Tao! I'm not dressed yet!" you yell from the bathroom. He was being silly, you knew he wouldn’t dare leaving you on your birthday. Huang Zi Tao was too close to perfection, the most charming and romantic boy you had ever met. Initially, it was a summer romance that you thought ended when the yellow-orange leaves fell in the town square, when the emails from universities came pouring in requesting your presence for their student body, when the western breeze was too cold for you to splash the handsome boy you met on a summer evening on the pier.




"I can't believe our parents let us to this."

"This is going to be the best summer ever. The beach, a getaway with friends, no one that knows us, we could have the summer of a lifetime!"

"What about you Yeong? What are you going to do this summer?"

A spray of the ocean sprinkles itself onto your sun block lathered legs while you swing them over the pier. It was a warm, mildly hot day that your friends decided to relax on the large deck above the sea. You tasted the refreshing cool air surrounded the area, a small beach town where vacationers often partied outside the nearby city.

"I don't know. I think I'll just do some painting and-"

"Come on Yeong! We're here to have fun! Get some summer lovin~"

You laugh along with them, though deep down you wished there was a boy who could be with you. Unlike your friends, who spent years chasing after the wrong fellows, there were more important things you looked for in a guy. There were surfers catching the long waves ahead, a few young military officers and sergeants, and party animals; it was unlikely you would find him here.

A few fisherman waited patiently next to you, their lines sunk down deep in hopes of the catch of the day.  The atmosphere was still for a moment, waves foaming on the columns of the deck, seagull calls echoing in the vast blue sky and the hum of the beach goers down below. Suddenly, one of the lines closest to you tightens, and the elderly man is completely shocked out from his afternoon nap. He jumps up excitedly, reeling in the line before a large fish slaps up against the deck, but not before it hits a wet tail against your arm. The jade bracelet lingering slightly on your wrist snaps, hurling into the ocean below.

"My bracelet!" you shriek.

"Yeong it's fine, we'll get you a new one," your friends stand up around you.

"No, I can't, I have to get it."

"I'll get it for you," a soft voice suggests from behind you. Whirling around you come face-to-face with two very, very tall young men in wife-beaters and swim trunks. The taller is blonde, hair framing a strong, chiseled face. The latter with black hair, younger features to his smile.

"Oh, no no, it's fine. It's probably gone by now it'll sink to the bottom I-"

The one with dark hair dives in without effort straight off the pier, body aligned in perfect position to  the open waters.

"Tao you little-!"

"Oh my god."

"Yeong what's he doing!?"

"I-I don't know," you stammer.  It was as though your summer would turn into a storybook cliché. Somehow, you were okay with that.

"H-Here," he runs a large hand through his bangs, muscles flexing from the shock of cold water against the scorching sun.

"Th-thank you," you continue to stammer while he strips off the wet wife-beater, which was pointless since it was already white. Sticking through a body of rippling muscles and carved abs, you were speechless, ogling him and his astonished friend. You also notice that he is wearing an identical bracelet, jade beads twisted around a loose brown knot, and a pendant shaped in a pair of butterflies.

"Wh-where did you get that bracelet?"

"My grandmother. Well, it was originally from a fortune teller. She said it would bring me to the person I'm meant to be with. But I never really believed it," he stretches, drops of water falling to the pier from his chin. You too, also received the bracelet from a fortune teller, from your grandfather.

""My name is Huang Zi Tao," he grinned, extending his hand and bowing.

You're completely dazed at the whole situation, until one of your friends snaps her fingers next to your ear.


"Hey, introduce yourself to him," your friend whispers.

Huang Zi Tao flashed you a terribly attractive smile, and your knees feel like collapsing. Suddenly the cream colored summer dress you wore with a navy bird pattern no longer seemed cute.

"I…I'm Cun Yeong," you replied, bowing awkwardly, shaking his hand.

" Perhaps this means we are fated to be Yeong xiao jie," his smile curves charmingly, bringing your hand up to his lips.  You turn into a pile of wet sand. Your friends squeal.




"Okay, okay I'm done," you let out an exasperated sigh, smoothing the skirt of your dress out, spinning around in your wedges. Today was the day to be a little taller, just so you wouldn't have to tiptoe every time Tao asked for a kiss. He promised you a small outing, nothing too fancy, just like you wanted. This year was your first birthday with him after all, and you begged not to go over-the-top. Tao brought a whole new feeling of love for you last summer.  Not too long after meeting on the pier, during the plum rain when you two shared your first kiss, he bought you a new umbrella, boots, and a jacket. He paid for everything, the watermelon you two bickered for and shared at the night market,  festival games and fireworks, the expensive seafood restaurant where he asked you out on the dance floor, boat rides in the early morning, everything from the relationship felt like it was coming from him.

The midnight blue cotton blended spring dress, undeniably comfortable with sheer detailing on your shoulders and upper back, had sat in your closet for quite some time. It was a present from Tao before leaving you at summer's end.




"Tao?" you asked out of the blue, folding and unfolding the hem of your shirt.

"Yes baby," he murmured, snuggling into your shoulder.

Autumn was arriving soon, with the long days and short nights soon to come to an end. You lay on swing seat in Tao's lap, sitting on the balcony of the summer house Tao and his older friends had rented. Your friends occupied themselves while you were making new and wonderful memories with Tao. Two of them party-hopped most of the time,  coming back to the house in the morning with the same clothes they wore the previous night. One of them hung around Tao's friend, the same blonde-haired boy who accompanied Tao the first day you met him.

"Stop it!" you hear insane giggles coming from the living room on the second floor.

"No," a deeper voice chuckles, and there's the sound of cluttering furniture.

"YEONG! Yi Fan is chasing me!"

There's a shriek of laughter and a thump, most likely she threw a pillow at him.

"You want us to do that?" Tao asked playfully, picking up the long strands of your hair and letting it fall back onto his lap.

"I don't know, I'd get tired."

"Oh, I'll make you more than just tired," Tao's voice changed, alluring and sugary to the core as he a finger down your neck.


"I was kidding, kidding. You mean everything to me right now Yeong, I wouldn't force you to do anything for me."

For a while, you close your eyes and listen to the laughter coming from inside the house. You hoped Yi Fan was serious about the relationship as much as Jie jie was.  She confessed to you the other day while the others were out in town.

"I might move in with Yi Fan when university starts again."

"Are you serious? You've only known him for 3 months! I thought this was like a summer thing, just us being carefree and indulging in life."

"I don't know Yeong. Maybe it's more, maybe…" she had sighed, leaning on your shoulder.

"Maybe he's more than just a fling. And maybe I wanted more out of this than just a fling when he asked me, you know? Who says summer romances have to end?" she looked up into the sky, then lifted her head and stared at you.

"Yeong, I want you to answer me seriously."


"Do you love Huang Zi Tao? Love him enough that you want to stay up late studying with him, cooking for each other during the holidays, going through life's troubles and getting past them together?"

"I…I do. I really do," you stated after long consideration.

You loved Huang Zi Tao, the boy you only knew for less than 4 months, a martial artist trained in wushu for 10 years, who had a fast tongue for rapping and clever words, who had a huge appetite for snacks, who was ticklish on his left ear from piercings, who had heavy eye bags that accentuated his wondrous dark orbs.  

"Then don’t you think you should spend more time with him? Don’t you think there's a little more to the relationship than just being together for one season?"

These were the things you contemplated while the stars began to grow brighter in the clear skies, the moon just about rising above the vacation houses, the silent crashes of waves on an empty beach.


His sweet voice interrupts your thoughts.

"Yeong, I have some things to give you."

"Really?" you rise out of his lap as he re-positions himself to sit across from you.

"Just wait, one second."

A few minutes later, he appears with a large box, wrapped in a polka dot turquoise paper and a silky white bow.

"Open it," he requests. You oblige, curious as to what other gifts he could shower you with.

"A dress? Tao you didn’t have to-"

"I saw it when we went shopping not too long ago. I thought it would fit you quite well, and it wasn't that expensive, don't worry about a thing."

"Thank you, thank you so much."

He's too modest, you thought, running the cool fabric on your fingertips and sighing.  There was more: a sand dollar vacuum sealed in clear wrapping, two matching phone charms that dangled an adorable panda bear, a small glass bottle with tiny colored scrolls inside, and a Polaroid you two took at the beach party last week.

"Tao, summer is ending soon," you spoke, hands shaking to put the gifts within the box, closing the lid.

"Yes, regretfully. Time passes quickly when you're having too much fun."

"You know, I have to go back to school in the city once fall semester begins."

He doesn't say anything.


You heard a sniff and look up from the box to see Tao crying, down on one knee and holding your hands.


He took the box from you, putting it on the balcony floor. Tao wraps his hands around yours and kisses your fingertips gently.

"Do you love me Yeong?" he asked

"I love you," you answered automatically, but he shook his head.

"I don't think you understand," he began.

"But Tao, I'm not that type of girl! I'm not beautiful like you think I am, I can’t give you the world like you think I can. I'm just Cun Yeong, your average fashion designing girl who trips over cute boys and likes her tea hot on cold afternoons when it snows," you started crying out of helplessness.

"I don't care, you are my world. You're my average fashion designing girl, who tripped over my devilishly handsome looks and who I'll make tea for in cold afternoons when it snows, " he whispered, pressing warm lips onto your forehead.

"I just want to be with you. But more than that. I've known you for less than 4 months, and I feel as if I've known you for my entire life. I want share experiences with you, I want to explore the world with you, I want to be your everything and anything."  

"Don't say that.. I don't deserve a guy like you."

"What you deserve? You deserve more than what this summer has given us. I'm tired of walking these beaches by myself. It’s time the right person came along and walked with me."




"You look beautiful, as always. Happy Birthday," Tao smooches your temple, placing his long arm around your shoulders when you exit the door. He's in a low cut white v-neck, looking gorgeous as ever. Matching his v-neck is a slim-fitted midnight blue blazer and khaki skinny jeans.

"I am?"

"Always," he replies,  lacing his fingers with yours and swinging your arm.  You've been dating him for less than a year, and yet everything came so naturally. From his kisses to falling into his embrace, from falling asleep at the same time during late-night webcam sessions "studying" tomorrow's exams, finishing each other's sentences on the phone like a cliché drama.

Zi Tao, you're my most precious person in the world, you thought as he opened the restaurant door for you, bowing slightly.

The birthday lunch was exquisite, a black pepper and parmesan soufflé, Kobe beef with tempura shallot and lacinato kale salad, you barely had room for dessert. Moreover, Tao unfortunately had an emergency errand he had to run for a cousin, and there wasn't much time to spend together.

"I promise I'll make up for it," he discusses over the apple beignets filled with white chocolate caramel.

"You don't have to, just a few hours with you is enough." And this lunch probably costs more than my paycheck.

"Says the girl who couldn’t let go of me for days on end last summer," he smirks, playing with your shoes underneath the table cloth.

Tao pays for the bill and you two leave the restaurant. You felt quite lighthearted, leaning up to kiss his cheek. He's still too tall, you grumble to yourself.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Tao grins at the doorway.

"Okay, love you," you lean forward to give him a goodbye kiss.

"Happy Birthday sweetheart," he embraces you tightly, "Sorry I couldn't stay as long as I need to."

"You don’t need to," you protest.

"Oh I need to," he chuckles, tucking your chin in his thumb and forefinger. He proceeds to open your mouth and slip his tongue in between your lips, and you can't help but fall into his trap.

"Happy Birthday," he smirks, slipping away abruptly,  waving as he walks down your porch.

"BYE!" you pout, a little disappointed he had to go. However, Tao had more for you today in mind than you knew.

Just you wait Yeong, you're in for a big surprise, he thought, seating himself in a taxi.

"Where to, sir?"

"Belle Petals Florist," Tao handed him the business card and lay back in the taxi. Your birthday wasn't over yet.




"Yeong, Yeong there's something wrong," your friend says on the other line.  

"I know today's your birthday and everything, but this is an emergency."

"What? What’s happening?" If she was asking for help on your birthday, it must have been important.

"I can't find Yi Fan. He isn't answering his phone, I called Yixing and he wasn't at work today either," her voice is shaky.

"Are you sure? Have you called his parents? He'll be fine, calm down," you assure her. Wu Yi Fan was the type to arrive on time, someone who is clear with his decisions and full of charismatic flow. He'd never turn off his phone for any reason, and he would never forget to charge it.  

"I don't know where he is where could he be I'm so sorry am I ruining your birthday this isn't good this isn't-"

"It's alright,  just be calm. I'm sure we'll find him."  

Out of all the days to disappear, you groan. Tao better find him.

You call him right away, it takes exactly three rings for Tao to pick up.

"Tao, Yi Fan is-"

"I know baby I know. Yixing will get off of work soon, so he'll pick me up at my cousins and we’ll go look for him."

Your text message tone interrupts the call.

"Tao ge, she wants me to go with her around the city."

"Alright, Yixing and I will meet you two later," he quickly hangs up.




"Sorry this had to happen Yeong, ah this is such bad timing," She opens the taxi door and you step inside.

"It's alright, I already celebrated with you and the girls last week, plus my lunch date with Tao," you console her, taking her cold hands. You don't question the large shopping bag she has lying next to her feet on the floor.

The taxi drive is nerve-wrecking, and you're surprised the driver was willing to stop and go around the whole city. She must have been paying him a lot of money. The large cap over driver's head hid his face, yet you didn’t even think of looking to see who it really was.  Yellow red lights zoom past your mind, the crowds of people buzz in your thoughts, wondering where Yixing and Tao could be looking. Then, you become conscious to the fact that Tao hadn't bought you a birthday cake.

After a few hours of looking, the taxi stops at a certain destination that you found quite familiar. It pulls into an empty parking lot, wheels rolling over the tiny grains of sand and gravel.  Opening the door gradually, your moment of awe is interrupted by her pulling you back into the car.

"What’s going on?" you hesitate when she pulls something out of the bag.

"Put this on, no questions. Yi Fan get out, Yeong's changing."

"No problem," a familiar voice answers from the driver's seat.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" Yi Fan hears you yell from the backseat.

"You're in for a big surprise Yeong. This kid sure loves you," he chuckles.




The shopping bag's hidden contents was a black and white formal cocktail dress, fashionably contrasting with one shoulder ruffles. Your friend even provided you with sleek black pumps, clicking while you steady yourself on the taxi.  She even had your hair in a soft bun within minutes. It was all part of the plan.

"Tao?" you gasp, your hand coming up to cover your open mouth.

The sight in front of you was breathtaking. Around the area of the beach was a twinkling sky of stars, the closest you could get without becoming lost in vast space. The web of electrical lights were so carefully maneuvered, so intricately placed. Sand was smoothed out before you, a path of miniature candles lighting the floor. The candles become bigger as you approach a huge heart brightened in a shape created by small red lanterns. Tao stands in the center of the heart, a striking grin spread widely across his face. He's wearing different clothes, a crisp white shirt with black tie, black suit jacket, and the jade bracelet visible at the edge of his cuffs. Hair slicked up a few inches above his forehead, Tao holds a bouquet of fresh, vividly glowing white roses, a midnight blue ribbon holding all 24 of them together.


"This was the position of the stars the day we met," he comments, handing you the bouquet.

"Tao I-"

"Happy Birthday Yeong," he whispers in your ear, pulling a stray hair back behind your ear and kissing your cheek sweetly.

You're on the verge of crying when he shushes you with his lips.

"Baby no, don't cry. I did this all for you, won’t you be happy and smile for me?"

He lifts your face up and showers you with quick, soft kisses.

"Yes," you sniff as he wipes the tears from your eyes.

"I'm so glad Yeong," Tao holds back his own tears, "I'm so glad that the right person came and walked along this beach with me."


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Chapter 1: I wish I could have a summer like that ._.
Chapter 1: awww~~!!! this is so terribly cute and wonderful i love it all!!! <3<3<3