What? We're moving away?

Love Heaven

As usual, Dara wake up early in the morning like 6:00am to get ready for school. Dara is not a morning person so, it took like 15 minutes for her to get out from her comfy and warm bed. Dara stood up from her bed and head off to the bathroom to get her shower. After she had got her shower, she get dress and went downstairs with her school bag. 

"Morning, Omma!" Dara greet her mom with a cute smile.
"Morning, sweetie." Her mom replied with a smile.
"What's for breakfast?" Dara asked her mom while sitting on the chair.
"Hot pancakes and hot milo" Her mom replied as she serve a plate of pancakes and a glass of hot milo on the table.

Dara smile and begin to eat her breakfast. (After breakfast) After she had her breakfast, she grab her school bag and headed off to the door. She usually walk to school because it's just near to her house and it just took 5 minutes for her to walk from her house to her school.

"Bye, Omma!" Dara said goodbye as she waved at her mother.
"Bye!" Her mother replied while waving back at her.

Dara walk all the way to her school following the pathway which leads her to her school. A few minutes later, she arrive at her school. She walk straight into the school. She walk along the hallway and headed off to her locker. 

"Hey Dara!" Catherine frights her from her back while patting Dara's shoulders.

Dara jump a little bit showing that she was shocked. She turned around to find the person who frightened her and it was her best friend, Catherine.

"Cathy! Why did you fright me! You know I'm not used to that! I almost got a heart attack!" Dara folded her arms showing her anger.

Catherine giggle but Dara's face still in a anger mood. Catherine slowly stop from giggling and apologize to Dara. Dara poke her tounge out and turn away from Catherine to face her locker. Catherine sigh and pull Dara's body so Dara can face her.

"Aiyoo! I was just greeting you. Why must you be frightened?" Catherine said as she released her hands from Dara's arms.
"Fine, but next time don't do this again. I know you already planned to tease me like this!" Dara groanned softly.
"Hehehe, I'm sorry okay?" Catherine apologize again.

Dara rolled her eyes and nodded meaning that she forgive Catherine. She turn away from Catherine to face her locker again. She put her books and other things in her locker. After that, she close and lock her locker. She walk all the way to her classroom with Catherine while carrying Geography books in her hands. 
Finally, they arrive at the classroom. Dara sit at the back of the classroom which it only had two desks only for her and Catherine. That had been Catherine's and her habit sitting at the back of the clasroom because the teacher won't give too much attention at the back. Sometimes, during assembly, they also sit at the back of the line. 

"I hate Geography. Mr. Jeff always pronounce a boring speech. Thank godness we sat at the back, so we can play a little bit." Dara made a evil face showing that during Geography, they will only pays attention during the first speech, during the second speech, they will play. They hated Geographhy because Mr. Jeff always pronounce speeches because it took 3 periods for Geography to end. 1 hour for 2 speeches and 2 hours more for excercise and homework! That's because they hate if Geography have 3 periods. 
"Ring!!!!" the school bell had rang and that means, Geography class is over. Dara pick up her Geography books and headed to her lcoker with Catherine.

"Ah, glad Geography class had ended. It took 3 periods! Ah, thank godness tomorrow we don't have Geo." Dara complain with anger.
"Yah, I know right? I just hate subject with 3 periods accept for Science!" Catherine smiled. Dara just rolled her eyes and walk faster to head off to her locker.
Meanwhile after school..

"Bye, Cathy!" Dara said goodbye while waving to Catherine. 
Catherine smiled and waved back. Dara walk all the way home following the pathway that leads her to her house. At least 5 minutes, Dara reached her home. She opened the door and her face turned weird. She was suprised to see her mother and father packing up the furniture and put them into a box. 

"Urm, why are you packing up all the furniture?" Dara asked while her hand pointing straight to the boxes which it is already fulled with furniture.

Her mother sighed and looked at Dara.

"Dear, actually, we're moving away to Seoul, Korea." Her mother explain the reason why they packed up all the furniture. Dara's eyes turned wide. She was shocked at first, but she felt mad about her mother's decission to move away to Seoul without telling her. 

"What?! We're moving to Seoul, Korea?! Oh my god! You gotta be kidding me!" Dara's voice become louder and louder.
"Honey calm down." Her mother got near her and rub her back. 
"What do you mean CALM DOWN?! Do I look calm now?! Do I?!" She shouted as she pushed her mother's hand away from her back.
"Honey please-" Her father couln't finish his word because Dara quickly ran upstairs and headed into her room. She slam the door and tossed her bag on her bag. Her tears begin to came out from her eyes as she slide down herself at the door. 

"I can't believe they did this to me!" Dara said to herself. Now, her mood was fulled with anger. She stood up and laid herself on her bed. She cried and sobbed for a few minutes. She just can't believe that she's moving to Korea. Her door room got knocked by some one all of sudden. She just stayed quiet without saying anything. The door suddenly got opened slowly by her mother. Dara faced the wall and sighed angrily. Her mother walk near her and sit beside her on the bed.

"Sweetie, I know you're mad but if I tell you, I'm sure you won't agree to move. We moved away to Korea because your father had a new promotion there." Her mother explained softly to Dara. Dara ignored her mother and still facing the wall beside her. Her mother sighed to see her daughter's actions.

"I don't know how to say, but we're moving this Thursday." That's the last word that came out from her mother's mouth. Her mother went out from her room and close the door. Tears came out more from Dara's eyes. 

"This Thursday?" Dara whispered to herself.

~To Be Continued~

So, what do you think about chapter 1? If you want to know what happen next, then wait until chapter 2 to be updated!

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IAteYourKimchi #1