
Those Unspoken Words



Utterly and completely, terrified.

There was no other way to describe the feeling. Just standing there, watching everyone go by and only seeing someone else, many of him, holding different types of torture weapons. That grin was ever present, haunting him. He didn't want to go inside. He wasn't ready for it.

Key and Minho stood on either side of him, both holding his hands. It calmed him down somewhat, but the fear was still there. He didn't know who could appear around him. Yongguk and the others could be anywhere, even though he knew for a fact that they were currently residing in a prison cell until the trial.

He felt a hand squeeze his and looked over at Minho, who was smiling down at him. It made him feel so much better, but it didn't completely stop the fear. What if someone else did what Yongguk did? Or what if someone hit him now? His wounds were still healing, they were very tender. His ribs may have healed but it still hurt when pressure was applied. Not to mention he was still covered in bruises that had yet to fade, and his back was still patching itself up. He still had to wear the bandages to cover it, because the fabric of his shirt rubbing against it still stung a bit.

He didn't want to be scared, but it didn't stop it from happening. He couldn't help it. He just wanted to stay as far away from people as possible.

"Come on Taemin. I'll be with you the whole time. I'll be there to take you to all of your classes and I'll be there when your classes are over. I promise, I won't let anyone hurt you," Minho said softly to him. His thumb was rubbing over his knuckles and it felt nice. Taemin decided he really liked the feeling of it.

"I think we should worry more about you not hurting anyone," Key said. Minho shot him an unamused glance, but Taemin chuckled, so Minho guessed it was alright to joke a little bit about it.

"He won't hurt anyone anymore. Minho hyung isn't a bully," Taemin said. He tightened his grip on Minho's hand just a bit, to let him know that he trusted that he wouldn't hurt anyone. Minho was glad that Taemin had this trust in him. After their conversation at the cafe, Taemin had made him promise that he wouldn't try to play the superhero anymore. He'd stick to his limits, and he'd continue to protect him, just without violence, or as least as possible. He was told he could only fight if it was absolutely necessary, and that someone saying bad things about his was not one of those reasons.

They walked in, Taemin feelings apprehensive. The school already knew everything that had happened. Despite not wanting it, some things had made it out to the news, and everyone knew what had happened to him before and now. Everyone knew his past and present, and Taemin hated it. He hated the pitying looks some people gave him. Others chose to ignore him, still feeling the same about him as they did before, and Taemin somewhat prefered these people. He didn't want to be treated any differently now than he was before they found out his secret. His past should have no effect on how people treat him now.

Still, he continued on, ignoring the pitiful looks, and trying as best as he could not to touch anyone other than Minho, Key, and Jonghyun, who were as of right now the few people he was comfortable enough to touch. He could talk with others somewhat fine, and be around them, but touching was another story. He didn’t like being touched anymore. Luckily, Minho, Key, and Jonghyun surrounded him, so it was difficult for anyone to touch him. The only problem was when he was alone in class.

Arriving at his classroom, he began to dread it even more than entering the crowded hallways at school, because although the hallways were more disorganized and clustered, he had Minho, Key, and Jonghyun around him. Here, he was alone. He had made a few friends in his classes, but he was not close enough around them to feel safe from their protection.

Before entering, Minho turned him to face him, quickly cupping his face in his large, warm hands to try and comfort him. Minho smiled gently to him, trying to calm his obvious nerves, his cheeks with his thumbs. "You'll be okay," Minho said. "Jongin and Jinri are in this class with you, remember? They'll take care of you."

He knew that, but they weren't the same. They could never bring him the same comfort he felt around Minho, no matter how hard they tried.

He nodded though, so that Minho wouldn't worry too much. He didn't want to make Minho worry so much. He just wanted to stop being afraid, so that Minho could be in a normal relationship. With that thought, he pushed himself against Minho for a tight hug. Minho would be disappointed if he knew he had been thinking about such a thing.

Minho returned the embrace, rubbing soothing circles on his lower back and running his fingers through his hair, that was slowly going back to its original dark brown color. "You'll be okay," he repeated. The teachers already know that if anything happens, to call me, Jonghyun, or Key. Just try to get through it, okay?"

He nodded again, letting go and giving both Key and Jonghyun a small reassuring smile before entering his classroom. He couldn't keep them from class much longer, they'd be late at this rate.

As soon as he entered, he was greeted by Jongin and Jinri, who were already there waiting for him to enter. They already knew to be careful and not touch him. They kept a safe distance, but still close enough to protect him in case anything happened. He felt a little weird, having a girl protecting him, but she was Minho’s cousin, and decided that Taemin was now also her family. She, Jongin, and their friends, had constantly visited him while he was in the hospital, and although he was upset they had to see him in such a state, he was thankful for their help. They had helped him with all of the school work he had missed with away. He didn’t want to think about that place anymore.

“Are you okay, hyung?” Jongin asked. Taemin nodded hesitantly. He still wasn’t used to talking much, and sometimes had to remind himself that he should be talking. He wasn’t sure why Jongin still insisted on calling him hyung, even though they were only a few months apart, same with Jinri, but he let them be. He guessed it was just them showing their respect, and he couldn’t really go against that. Still, he felt uncomfortable with the stares he was getting from the other people in the classroom. He wanted nothing more than to run back to Minho’s arms, but he knew he couldn’t. He had to be strong now.

“Let’s go sit down. Class is going to start soon,” Jinri said, sensing that Taemin really didn’t want to continue this conversation. He didn’t want people constantly worrying about him, and though it was understandable, it was also almost impossible. They would constantly worry about him, and getting used to the idea that he was completely okay would be difficult for a while.

Jongin sat beside him and Jinri was a few seats away, but not too far. The teacher came in, standing at the front of the class, calling everyone’s name one by one. Taemin actually feared when they would call his name, because he knew he couldn’t keep being silent. He had to get used to talking more, and what better way than at school, where he was expected to speak the most?

“Lee Seunghyun.”


“Lee Taemin”


All heads had turned towards him. Even the teacher raised his head with wide eyes, staring shocked at him, and he wanted nothing more than for the floor to swallow him whole. He didn’t like the stares he was getting, or the whispers of disbelief flowing around him like a freaking river. It was overwhelming, and he wished he could have his white board back. However, Key had confiscated it, saying that it would only stop him from speaking out, which was what he needed to do. He needed to break out of his habit, and the white board would only hinder him from doing just that.

A few moments of silence and the teacher finally continued roll call, stuttering the next person’s name, and getting back a shaky response. True, he hadn’t spoken in just about nine years, but he didn’t think it was that big of a deal either. His voice was nothing special. There was no need for them to be so surprised.

Jongin gave him a comforting smile, and Taemin was pleased that it did alleviate some of his troubles. Jongin was very nice to him, almost like a little brother, although taller. He was always so nice and funny, and never really listened to any rumors people spread. Even before he had met Minho, Jongin had been in a few of his classes, and never judged him. However, he never tried to get too close, and it was understandable why. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to be friends. It was simply because Jongin could tell when he was uncomfortable, and he knew when not to get too close, something he was grateful for.

Jinri he hadn’t met until he had gotten closer to Minho. She hadn’t told him of her relation to Minho at the time, but she was nice to him. She and her friends did believe in the rumors at first, until Jinri saw how close Minho was to him, and how he really wasn’t anything like the rumors said. He wasn’t stuck up or thought that he was better than anybody. He was just afraid to speak, and was too shy to try either way.

Class continued on as normally as it could. Taemin, although reluctantly, spoken was asked to, though he kept his voice quiet and stuttered a few times. He wasn’t used to all of these eyes on him, nor was he used to talking so much. It wasn’t all that bad, the talking, but the stares were really making him more nervous than necessary. He wished they’d stop soon, or else he wouldn’t know how much longer he could last.

The teacher had finished class early, letting them do as they pleased for the last few minutes until the bell rang for them to go to their next class. As soon as that was said, a few students took the opportunity to go to his desk, others watching from their own in curiousity. Jongin and Sulli were already beside him, just in case any student tried to get too close.

“So Lee Taemin finally speaks,” one of them said.

“What brought on this change?” another asked.

“Back off,” Jongin said, moving forward to try and intimidate them.

“Calm down, I’m not going to hurt him. We’re really just curious,” the other said.

“I... I don’t want to be scared anymore,” Taemin said.

The others were silent, watching him carefully before letting a small smile grace their features. Taemin visibly relaxed, sensing no danger from them, and let himself offer them a shy smile back.

“Good to know. It’s nice to finally talk to you Taemin-ssi.”

Just as promised, Minho was there to pick him up from this class and walk him to his next, where he met Krystal, one of Jinri’s friends, and Sehun and Tao, a few Jongin’s friends. They took care of him the same way Jongin and Jinri did, making sure no one got too close, and that no one said anything out of line. The day continued in that pattern, until lunch, when he could finally be in Minho’s comforting arms for a while, and continued after until the end of the day, when Minho could watch him 24/7. Even Onew was there when school was done. He was happy, seeing his friends all there for him, and it really made him feel much better than before.

He really just wanted to be at home right now, even though he knew that wasn’t going to happen at the moment. Right now, they had more serious matters to attend to.



“The trial will begin in one month. In that time, I will be training you in everything you need to know, and how you will all act during this case,” Mr. Park said. The others nodded, including Taemin. It was his first time meeting his lawyer, and he stuck as close to Minho on the couch as possible, holding his hand. He wasn’t about to talk to a stranger without Minho there, even if this stranger was his lawyer.

“Are you sure you can do this?” Mr. Park asked. Taemin nodded hesitantly. He wasn’t really sure, and he wasn’t sure he would ever truly be ready, but he had to get through this sooner or later, and he’d rather it be sooner.

“That’s one thing. You have talk speak during the trial. They won’t accept it if you just nod your head. Because we have pictures, and multiple witness, the defense attorney will try to make you look bad. He’ll say things like you willingly went with them, you inflicted these injuries on yourself, or that because of the fighting going on, no one had a clear look at what was really happening. He’ll even try to claim that because of the trauma you went through with your family, that you have gone insane. Although we have more than enough evidence to prove him wrong, it is important that you not fall for his tricks.”

Taemin nodded again, mumbling a soft “okay” before telling the man continue. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to handle the stares, the looks, or the fact that they would be there, watching his every move.

“On the upside, we do have Choi Junhong on our side, who can give the other party’s side of the story.”

Taemin was confused by the name, and looked up to Minho for an answer. Minho, seemingly knowing what he was curious about, quickly answered him, telling him who it was.

“Zelo hyung... I don’t want him going to jail,” Taemin said.

“Although it was would be nice if he didn’t have to go, I’m afraid we have no choice. The police already saw him at the scene, and he did confess to his actions. We can argue for less time for him, but that’s the most we can do. He already knows this as well,” Mr. Park replied. Taemin nodded, knowing there was nothing else he could ask for. He didn’t see what the point of the trial was if the police had already seen everything, and they had already admitted to being the ones that killed his family. Any more information necessary was pointless. There was nothing more to know. All the important facts were already thrown down onto the table for all to see.

“What’s the point of this trial if they already know that they did it?” he asked.

“They can’t prove that they were the ones that killed your family,” Mr. Park said. “That is why Choi Junhong is useful, more so than you are in that aspect. They will claim that you were too young and too traumatized to remember what happened that day, but he remembers all of it, so he will testify against himself really.”

He just wanted to get this mess over with. He didn’t want to deal with any of this anymore.

“Please remember that breakdowns during the trial are, well, not the best idea. Against, it will make them claim trauma and insanity. Just in case, we in keep Minho-ssi as close to you as possible, but while you are up there speaking, you will be by yourself, and the other lawyer will try to push you to your breaking point. Do you think you will be able to handle it?”

Taemin nodded. Mr. Park hoped he wasn’t sounding too harsh on the boy, but he couldn’t be too lenient either. This was important, and he wanted to be as ready as possible. He’d soften up, but for right now, they’d have to continue as they were.

I haven't updated in so long I'm surprised no one has tried to kill me.

I'm sorry for the giant deny! School is Satan itself, homework is it's spawn, and my job is it's cousin. 

Anyway, there is the update! I'll try to update again as soon as I can! 

I'm taking my day off to try and update as much as I can. 

Gonna go work on other fics now.

Please comment and tell me what you think! 

See ya~







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(Those Unspoken Words) Epilogue is up!!!! It's officially complete! (Upvote maybe????)


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Chapter 19: I cried so hard in this CHAPTER .
Chapter 28: I know I am so late to this but this was a beautiful story. I cried and laughed so many times, but mostly you did a wonderful job. THANK YOU for this. Now I am going to read it all over again!
Chapter 27: Second time reading this and enjoying like it's the first time T^T
Leetaemin2233 #4
Chapter 28: Aight i read this and cried about 80 times good job author you made this worth the read
Chapter 28: Brb, I'm just gonna go sob at the beauty of this story over here
This story was just too cute~~!!!! ^____^
bad_bunny #7
Chapter 28: Oh my god i loved it, i dont know what to say, just that i've spend the last three days on this story and now its over and GOD im just sooo satisfied but also i feel so empty.
Sorry i didnt comment the chapters, i needed to arrive at this end, and its just PERFECT. I'm a little sad to not know anything about jongkey's epilogue, but you know? This epilogue is just perfect. Minho's words... gosh i had a shiver on my spine because of that. I was trembling.
This story made me so emotional, i almost cried in a lot of touching moments, and lat me say this: this story has everything.
Love, friendship, caring, passion, action, danger...
it has everything and im just so satisfied.
Thats the Taemin that I prefer, the nice, kind, gentle one, that needs protection and thats the most beautiful person in the world.
Same for Minho, I love his prince charming figure, it fits him so well, i fell in love with him every time.
Same thing for key umma and for the ot5 friendship, i love it.
Thank you for this story stacey <3 im overwhelmed
pinkyume #8
Chapter 28: Enjoyed this story from start to end
Chapter 28: Read all of this today. Thank you for the ending, it is an amazing story.
I'm reading this again because something similar to this happened in my country a few days ago, maybe two weeks. Two bastards because that's what they are, bastards, stormed in a family house and killed the parents, grandparents and kids. There was only one survivor who is in the hospital now, thank god, he is 13. And thankfully his aunt will take care of him now. It's just so sad, really.