
Those Unspoken Words



Taemin was getting more and more used to talking, which was good. The problem was that he didn’t want to talk about the things they needed to talk about. Taemin refused to see a therapist, saying he was fine and that he didn’t need a therapist. He didn’t think he was depressed. He was talking right? That’s already an improvement from before. That should be enough for them. He was trying to tolerate their touches, even though it almost left like acid on his skin. He was trying, so why did he have to talk about what happened?


He didn’t see the point to it. He just wanted to forget everything. He wanted nothing to do with it, and yet, he knew they wouldn’t let him just forget it. They’d force him to talk about it, one way or another. He didn’t want to. He was fine. He wasn’t hurting himself, he wasn’t constantly crying about it. What was the point to seeing a therapist?


The others didn’t understand him. They thought he was just avoiding it. He thought he was depressed. He was upset, yes, but not depressed. How could he be depressed when everyone was fine and he was back with his family? What was depressing about that?


His ribs were healing quickly, and he didn’t have to wear the oxygen mask. The TPN line was removed, as well as the IV. He was drinking a lot of water, and though at the moment he could only eat small portions, he was getting better. In another week, he’d be back home with Key, going to school and having a normal life. He could talk now. He didn’t have to use his white board or use sign language any more. He was better.


But the scars were there, more than ever. He could feel them, burning his skin, mocking him. They were a constant reminder of events he wanted to forget. He’d never be able to fully get over it with all of the scars he was covered in. They were ugly, disgusting. He couldn’t let them be seen, not even by Minho. No one was allowed to look at them except himself. He wouldn’t allow it.


Minho was being the greatest man alive, constantly there with him and helping him. Minho had to go back to school now that Taemin was awake, but when he wasn’t there, his mother, father, or Key’s parents were. Taemin missed talking to them, he did, but he hated when they kept trying to pry. He knew they were just doing what they thought was best, but it wasn’t. It wasn’t for the best. Taemin didn’t like it.


The only thing that hurt him was that Minho didn’t understand either. He thought he would, but he doesn’t. Minho was trying the most to take him to the therapy sessions. Even offered to go with him. Taemin couldn’t have that. He didn’t want Minho to hear exactly what had happened to him.


But still, Minho persisted, until forced to go to therapy. It was needed for the court case.


Taemin didn’t want to go to a court case. Wasn’t there proof enough for them to just be called guilty and send them off to prison? The police witnessed what was happening to him themselves. Minho saw it. Taemin didn’t want Minho to see it.


His only reason for complying even a little was that he was told that if he did, they could try and get Zelo a shorter sentence than the rest. Zelo was kind to him, tried to help him. He didn’t want Zelo going to prison and being labeled as one of them, but it wasn’t his choice. No matter what he did, Zelo would still end up in prison. All he could do was shorten the time he was there.


But he didn’t want to see them. He was afraid to see them. He couldn’t stand to look at them anymore. It was just too much, it brought back too many memories. He couldn’t see them again.


Now, he was in a therapy session, with Dr. Kim Jaejoong, who really wasn’t a bad person. Taemin thought he was actually very nice. That however, did not mean he was comfortable talking to him about what happened. How was he supposed to feel comfortable talking about with a complete stranger if he couldn’t even think about it himself, let alone tell any of his friends about it.


“Taemin-ssi, I understand that you don’t want to be here, so I have a better idea. Today, we won’t talk about anything you don’t want to. Instead, we’ll just talk, get to know each other. I’ll tell you about me, and you’ll tell me whatever you feel comfortable telling me at the moment. How does that sound?” Jaejoong asked. Taemin had to admit it sounded better than what they were supposed to be doing, so he just nodded. “Would you like to start?” Taemin shook his head, and Jaejoong just smiled. Taemin was already feeling a bit more comfortable. Jaejoong wasn’t giving him that pity smile some of the nurses were giving him. He hated those smiles.


“I guess I’ll start then. I’ll ask a question. I’ll answer it, and then you do the same, okay? If you don’t want to answer it, just say so.” Taemin nodded again. He wasn’t completely used to talking yet. If he could avoid it, he would. “Well, I have eight sisters. Do you have any siblings?”


Taemin already hated the question. But he nodded anyway. He may not be alive but Taesun was still very much his older brother, and Taemin loved and missed him dearly. Thinking back, he regretted some of his past. He felt like he didn’t appreciate his brother enough while he was still alive, and now that he was gone he would never get the chance to.


“T-Taesun hyung. H-He’s the best h-hyung,” Taemin said. He tried to control his voice, stop it from breaking, but it was hard. It was so hard, holding back the tears while thinking about the family he’d never get to see again. Not anytime soon at least.


“Would you like to tell me about him?” Jaejoong asked. Taemin hesitated, before shaking his head. He didn’t want to get into a conversation that would lead to the day he lost his family. He couldn’t handle that right now. “That’s fine. Any special likes or dislikes? I like elephants. I don’t like loud noises.”


“I-I... I like banana milk. I d-don’t like bugs.”


“I know what you mean. Bugs are just disgusting, and creepy looking.”


Now, for some reason, Taemin wanted Minho to be here. Minho was his source of confidence, his rock that kept him grounded, He needed Minho. Minho was the only one who could possibly understand. Minho had already seen his scars and what happened to him. Minho wouldn’t judge him like others would. Minho didn’t show him any pity, just caring and love.


“Is everything alright?” Jaejoong asked. Taemin hesitantly nodded. Nothing right now was okay. Everything was a mess; he was a mess. But everything was going to be okay. Everything was going to get better, sooner or later. They had to. He couldn’t let things stay the way they were. He didn’t want people worrying about him or treating him as if he was incapable of even lifting a cup. He just wanted to be like everyone else, for once. “Let’s continue then, shall we? My favorite color is red, because I think it’s what I look best in. What’s your favorite color, and why?”


“W-White,” Taemin said. “It’s... I-It’s pure, n-no s-stains...”


White was the color he could never be. His body, his mind, it had all been scarred. It could never go back the white it once was. It was now a dark gray, almost black, because it would never go back. He could never get back that white body and mind he had lost when he was six years old. His body was too destroyed to be white. At only the age of six, he had seen and experienced things no six year old should. No child should have to watch their family be slaughtered. No kid should ever have to experience so much pain.


He was stained, and there was no amount of bleach that could get the stain out.


“You know, I never quite liked white,” Jaejoong said. Taemin didn’t know if the man was just talking, or had understood his way of thinking. “It’s too simple, too plain. Everything needs a splash of color.” But he didn’t have colors. He just had a dull gray covering him. There was no blue, red, green, or any other color. It was just gray, all of it. “Not everything can stay all white.”


“B-but what if there’s n-no other color w-with white; j-just gray...?” Taemin asked. Jaejoong smiled softly at him.


“That’s fine too. Say you have a white wall, and someone puts a gray smudge on it. You can always cover it up.”


“B-But it’s not white. I-It’s all gray.”


“Then maybe it’s about time to add some more color. It’s your wall Taemin, you choose what color you want it to be.”



He was trying, he really was. Minho knew Taemin was trying his best, but he didn’t want Taemin to force himself either, and that was exactly what Taemin was doing. He was forcing himself to be okay with the touching and the amount of people around him. Taemin wasn’t doing as well as he thought he was. He was pushing himself too much, and it was only going to get worse if he continued.


He wished he could do more to help him, but sitting in hospital room waiting for Taemin to get back from his therapy session wasn’t doing anything. He couldn’t do more though. Taemin had asked him not to come, and he understood that; he understood that Taemin was just scared. He wanted to be there for Taemin though, so that Taemin didn’t have to feel scared anymore.


Taemin walked into the room, sitting quietly on the bed. Tomorrow Taemin would be allowed to go back home. He still had a bit of trouble walking because of the pain, and the fact that he hadn’t used his legs in just about two months, but he was walking okay; a little hunched over but okay. The painkillers were helping, and Taemin was starting to eat more so that he could have more energy.


He looked at the boy, who happened to be staring right back at him. Not many words needed to be said between them to know what the other was feeling. Taemin was still scared, and just wanted someone to take away the fear, in any way possible. Minho stood up from his seat, sitting beside Taemin on the bed. He walked slowly and carefully, hoping that Taemin wouldn’t flinch away from him too much, and thankfully, Taemin didn’t move away at all, just watching him.


Gently, he took Taemin’s hand in his own, intertwining their fingers and tightening his grip. Taemin squeezed back, and he smiled down at the boy beside him. Taemin gave him a shy smile back, carefully putting his head on his shoulder. Moments like these were ones he really truly missed, and he cherished every moment of them. It was only when Taemin was taken that he realized just how truly precious every moment they shared was.


“H-Hyung,” Taemin said. Minho put his head on top of Taemin’s, his gaze on their intertwined hands.




“T-Thank you...”


Minho lifted his head from Taemin’s, turning to look at the boy incredulously. Taemin lifted his own head, looked right back at Minho before looking down. “What for, Taemin-ah?”


“F-For everything. B-Being h-here, helping m-me, t-taking care o-of me. J-Just... everything.”


Minho’s brows furrowed. He reached his other hand up, placing it under Taemin’s chin and lifting the boy’s head up to face his own. Taemin had flinched a bit at the initial touch, but he soon relaxed, looking directly into Minho’s eyes. Minho could see the water rising in his eyes, but he knew Taemin wouldn’t let them fall. Taemin didn’t want to keep crying.


“Listen to me carefully Taemin. I will always be here for you. Even if one day you decide that you’re tired of me and don’t want me by your side anymore, I’ll be there for you. I’ll always care for you. If you ever need me, I will do everything possible to help you,” Minho said. Taemin shook his head, raising his own hand and placing it against Minho’s, bring their foreheads together.


“N-Never. I’ll never g-get tired o-of you. I’m m-more scared t-that you’ll leave me o-one day,” Taemin said. Minho shook his head, sighing. Sometimes Taemin was just too insecure for his own good.


“Didn’t you hear what I just said? I’ll always be there for you. I love you Taemin, nothing will ever change that.”


Taemin leaned in, giving him a peck on the lips. He kept his eyes closed, not even realizing when he had closed them, feeling Taemin’s lips on every inch of his face he could reach. After his eyelids were kissed, he opened his eyes, watching Taemin continue to leave pecks all over his face, tears silently running down his face. He let go of Taemin’s hand to caress his cheeks instead, using his thumb to wipe the tears. Taemin chuckled a bit, smiling through his tears, and it was then that Minho realized that the tears were of happiness, not pain.


“I-I can say it now,” Taemin said. His voice broke every now and then, but his still laughed, a bright smile that Minho certainly missed gracing his face. “I-I can tell you n-now. I-I can finally t-tell you.”


“Tell me what?”


“I love you. I-I love you so m-much Minho hyung. So m-much it a-almost s-scares me,” Taemin confessed. Minho smiled, because he was dying to hear those words for so long; those words Taemin could never say before. It was music to his ears, as cliché as it sounded. He was tempted to record it and make it his ringtone, but then he’d surely ignore all of his calls, just wanting to hear Taemin’s voice, and he already had enough problems ignoring his phone.


“Why does it scare you?” he asked.


“B-Because, I don’t k-know what I’d do i-if you w-weren’t here. I c-can’t i-imagine you not h-here.”


He leaned, claiming Taemin’s lips with his own. He missed this, he missed Taemin. This kiss gentle, soft, but passionate. Their lips moved against each other, neither having much experience, but just following their instincts. It felt perfect to him, and just by the simple kiss he already felt as if he was floating on cloud nine. The feeling of Taemin’s soft, full lips against his own was too much for him, and he had to stop himself from going any further and making Taemin uncomfortable.


He pulled away, grinning at Taemin’s flushed cheeks, realizing his own were probably the same, and just wishing he could just record this very moment in time to play it over and over again in the future. His hands stayed on Taemin’s cheeks, and Taemin’s own hands on his forearms. He wished he could control time and pause it on this scene, and probably never press play. This was the closest they have been since Taemin woke up, and it was just too perfect.


A cough was heard and they turned around to the door, staring with wide eyes at Key, Jonghyun, and Onew who were standing at the door, a knowing smile on each of their faces. “Are we interrupting something?” Key asked. Both Minho and Taemin blushed and separated, but their hands went back to how they were before, in each other’s.


“Nope. We were just finishing up,” Minho said. Jonghyun gave him a thumbs up and he grinned back. Their friends walked into the room, Onew and Jonghyun sitting on the two available chairs, and Key sitting himself on Taemin’s other side. This was definitely perfect. Now that Taemin was back, their group was finally complete.


“So, since you’re getting out of the hospital tomorrow, is there anything in particular you want to do?” Key asked Taemin. Taemin thought for a moment before shaking his head. Minho was trying to think of something they could do, but with the way Taemin is right now, their options were very limited. “How about we go someplace quiet?”


“C-Café,” Taemin said.”




“T-The café that we w-went to b-before. C-Can we go a-again?”


Minho smiled, knowing exactly what café Taemin was talking about. He was talking about the cafe they had went to the Saturday after they were formally introduced, where he promised that he would protect Taemin.


“I promise you, I’ll protect you, with everything I have, I’ll protect you.”


“Of course we can go there,” Minho said, holding Taemin’s hand in his own just a bit tighter. “I think that’s a great choice.” The others nodded. This would be Onew’s first time going there with them, so now the experience would be a bit different, but the place was nonetheless special to them. It was where they officially became friends, where he made that important promise, and where he first saw Taemin’s tears. That one, cozy little café was really where everything for them began, and now where they would continue.


Just the thought of going to that place gave him a new hope, that Taemin would get better soon, that the trial would end smoothly and in the end, Taemin would come out of this stronger than ever. Once they could finally put everything behind them, the pain would be over, and they’d be able to make newer, fresher memories together. Ones were Taemin could truly smile brighter than the sun, and they could be together without worrying about someone coming after anyone.


The café was a perfect place to go. Minho himself couldn’t have picked a better place, and he was happy Taemin even remembered the café in the first place.


Maybe he could even fatten Taemin up a bit while they were there too. Surely Taemin wouldn’t mind having a bunch of sweets.



I just want to take the time to announce this right now.

This fic is not ending yet!!!!! Many of you have been considered that I'm nearing my final chapters, but I assure you that I'm not. I can tell you though, that this fic will not be going over 40 chapters, but it definitely won't be ending anytime soon. 

That being said, I start school again on Wednesday, so my usual updates won't be as quick anymore. Also, I have other on going fics to, so it will take longer to update all of them and get the work done. I'm taking all of tomorrow to finish the left over summer work I haven't finished. (Which means all of my french work.... Whoopsy~)

So, how happy were you about the fluffy 2Min moment~?

On a different note...... ASDFGHJKL; AcidicChoiMinKi is just AMAZING and made me a trailer for this fic! LOOK AT HOW BEAUTIFUL THIS IS! 

Thank you so so so so so so much for making this! (I will never stop saying thank you)

Now uh... I was working hard on this fic... Honest! *hides behind wall* but I maaay have gotten distracted a few (COUGHALOTCOUGH) times and that might sort of kind of maaaaay be why I'm updating it so late..... PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I was drawing a picture of Taemin as a demon for my creepy oneshot "In The Dark." 

I'm done here. Please COMMENT and tell me what you think! Comments are love! 

Bye bye~


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(Those Unspoken Words) Epilogue is up!!!! It's officially complete! (Upvote maybe????)


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Chapter 19: I cried so hard in this CHAPTER .
Chapter 28: I know I am so late to this but this was a beautiful story. I cried and laughed so many times, but mostly you did a wonderful job. THANK YOU for this. Now I am going to read it all over again!
Chapter 27: Second time reading this and enjoying like it's the first time T^T
Leetaemin2233 #4
Chapter 28: Aight i read this and cried about 80 times good job author you made this worth the read
Chapter 28: Brb, I'm just gonna go sob at the beauty of this story over here
This story was just too cute~~!!!! ^____^
bad_bunny #7
Chapter 28: Oh my god i loved it, i dont know what to say, just that i've spend the last three days on this story and now its over and GOD im just sooo satisfied but also i feel so empty.
Sorry i didnt comment the chapters, i needed to arrive at this end, and its just PERFECT. I'm a little sad to not know anything about jongkey's epilogue, but you know? This epilogue is just perfect. Minho's words... gosh i had a shiver on my spine because of that. I was trembling.
This story made me so emotional, i almost cried in a lot of touching moments, and lat me say this: this story has everything.
Love, friendship, caring, passion, action, danger...
it has everything and im just so satisfied.
Thats the Taemin that I prefer, the nice, kind, gentle one, that needs protection and thats the most beautiful person in the world.
Same for Minho, I love his prince charming figure, it fits him so well, i fell in love with him every time.
Same thing for key umma and for the ot5 friendship, i love it.
Thank you for this story stacey <3 im overwhelmed
pinkyume #8
Chapter 28: Enjoyed this story from start to end
Chapter 28: Read all of this today. Thank you for the ending, it is an amazing story.
I'm reading this again because something similar to this happened in my country a few days ago, maybe two weeks. Two bastards because that's what they are, bastards, stormed in a family house and killed the parents, grandparents and kids. There was only one survivor who is in the hospital now, thank god, he is 13. And thankfully his aunt will take care of him now. It's just so sad, really.