Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

Warning...just because it's plain weird...


L.Joe is seated in a booth with leather seats and wooden table. He had just finished eating his light lunch and had ordered a cup of coffee. The café was crowded with people. The line for the checkout was super long and there were booths cramped with people. He was plain annoyed because well, the place was crowded.

He managed to grab a booth just before the lunch rush started. Luckily he was able to snag an area where he didn’t have to share. He did feel a tad guilty that the seat across from him was empty but hey he’s a customer. He didn’t have to share if he didn’t want to.

He was about to take a sip of his coffee when a male seated himself at the booth in a swoosh. L.Joe stopped his cup halfway to his lips frozen in place. ‘What the hell,’ came across his mind.

“Sorry there’s no other space left.” The male apologized while looking down. He was all bundled up while carrying an oversized backpack. His breathing was uneven which made him seem like he was in a rush. He even bowed a little to emphasize his apology.

L.Joe wanted to retort something back but he was just too dumbfounded to reply. Who the heck would just randomly seat himself at a table when someone was already sitting there?

“I hope you don’t mind.” The male continued.

‘Like hell I don’t mind. Who would allow a random stranger to sit at his table?’ L.Joe thought placing his cup back down.

Already really annoyed, L.Joe could only sigh. ‘Why me?’

But what can he do? He’ll just be a Good Samaritan this time seeing how there are absolutely no other seats in the whole darn café.

The male had blond hair and his bangs covered up almost his entire forehead. L.Joe couldn’t really make out how the male looked exactly since his head was always bowed while he searched through the bag. Once thing L.Joe noticed immediately was the plump red lips that the male kept .

L.Joe then realized, he hadn’t made eye contact with the male even once since he sat down. Well isn’t that a bit rude.

The male looked busy and didn’t once look up at him. He rummaged in his bag that was way too big for someone the size of him L.Joe must add.

Good thing the supposed awkward silence was covered by all the ruckus that was going on from the other tables.


Chunji takes out a bunch of items from the bag and lays them all across the table.

‘Oh now he’s taking up all the space he can.’ L.Joe thought rolling his eyes.

Chunji unrolls something and L.Joe raises a brow wondering what everything was.

L.Joe picks his cup back up and took a sip. He almost spat out what he had in his mouth when he realized what ‘everything’ was. He managed to keep it in only slightly choking on it.


L.Joe coughs a few times trying to get the coffee out of his lungs placing the cup back into the dish.

Chunji didn’t even seem to notice as he raises his head slightly and clips his bangs and hair back. Then he pulled out a standing mirror.


L.Joe notices the long eyelashes that fluttered every time Chunji blinked. He was starting to want to make some eye contact. This guy was one weird person but L.Joe couldn’t blame him, L.Joe himself was intrigued which was weirder.

‘Does he like wearing drag or something?’

Chunji grabs a few cotton pads and dabs it in the cream foundation. L.Joe was finally able to see Chunji’s face, the only skin that was showing from head to toe. Flawless. Pale white skin, looking soft and smooth, dark eyes like a hamster, rosy cheeks, and kissable pink lips.

He watches as Chunji applies foundation turning his pale skin into a darker shade. It was barely there but L.Joe was observant and eyed the color of the foundation.

‘How can a guy be so good at applying makeup?’

Chunji finishes smearing the foundation equally as L.Joe just stares with his mouth open (slightly, only slightly, he didn’t want to look dumb and show that he was actually secretly watching).


L.Joe continues to observe as Chunji pulls out a pencil. He watches as Chunji close his eyes halfway, drawing a thin black line and then look straight into the mirror for a line on the top eyelid.

‘He could pass as a girl without even makeup on.’ L.Joe speculated.

Chunji puts down the pencil, caps it and blinks at the mirror inspecting his work. Indirect but the wide eyed innocent eyes got L.Joe.

L.Joe starts to feel awkward as if Chunji was looking at him. L.Joe had always been attracted to girls, he thought. So does this count as liking a guy or a girl? ‘What am I talking about? I don’t like him. That’s absurd.’

Chunji smiles satisfied, his eyes shrinking in size and L.Joe’s heart flutters.


L.Joe takes another gulp of his coffee finding it already cooled. He motions for a waiter and asks for another cup.

‘Why the hell am I still here? Why the hell am I staying is the real question.’

He really wanted to know where this was going to take him.


Chunji touches some eye shadow on and blush to define his cheekbones.

‘It makes it look like he’s totally blushing.’

Chunji places some things to their respective places and opens a case of fake lashes.

He applies the glue and steadily places the fake lashes on doing the same thing with the other eye.

Chunji notices L.Joe staring at him when he looked up after finish applying the fake lashes. He blinks a few times and tilts his head slightly as if questioning the male across from him why he was staring.

Now, L.Joe was hoping he hadn’t made eye contact because he absolutely cannot take his eyes off the blonde male from that moment on.

L.Joe looks away awkwardly but drinks his newly brewed cup of coffee pretending nothing happened.

Come to think of it, L.Joe hadn’t taken his eyes off the male from the moment he sat down.

L.Joe was not one who liked to stare. But it was impossible to take his eyes off of the male.


Chunji finishes the makeup as L.Joe looks at him through the corner of his eye.

L.Joe watches as Chunji pulls out a lipstick, part his lips a little and apply the red substance. Chunji presses his lips together and lets out a little smack that made L.Joe’s heart beat just a slight beat faster. The little tongue that peeked out from the corner of Chunji’s mouth to apply moisture did not help but only increased the rate.

Chunji carefully takes out a brown wig from the bag, runs his hands through it a little and proceeds to wear it. The long synthetic hair seemed unnaturally straight to L.Joe.

L.Joe sees Chunji look at his phone and gasp a little.

‘He seems to be in a hurry and needs to go soon…’, L.Joe notes (sadly).

Chunji takes one last look in the mirror before putting it away with the rest of the makeup kit.

If L.Joe hadn’t seen the whole process, he would never have believed the blonde in front of him was male. It was like he totally changed his gender.


Chunji pats his hair a little and starts to his outer coats.

L.Joe had forgotten about the weird apparel the male was wearing.

What he wore underneath proved to be a low cut shirt with frills. The male himself was petite.

‘And is that a bra he’s wearing?’ L.Joe wonders incredulously. ‘He’s not normal. He even wears girl clothing.’

Chunji stuffs everything he didn’t need into the bag and looks around. His eyes land on L.Joe. L.Joe stares back.

 “Hold this for me.” It ended in more of a question than a statement.

The male quickly leaves leaving L.Joe to process what has happened.


Life is hating him right now.


L.Joe catches a glimpse of the male’s backside as he rushed out of the café. He was wearing a short miniskirt with that top and a bit of a heel. From the backside, he looked exactly like a girl, his waist was the size of a girls maybe even smaller than some.


 ‘What does ‘hold this for me’ mean? Is he coming back?’

L.Joe looks at the bag in his hands. Why was he in this mess? But did he actually think it was annoying or was he actually annoyed that the male left?

L.Joe could only sigh and wait until the male was back.


He was definitely at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Hours and hours L.Joe waited. It was started to turn into ‘evening’.

“Why the hell am I still waiting for?’ His mind produced an image of the earlier stranger and he quieted down laying his head on the table. He also didn’t know how many times he had went to the bathroom for drinking too much coffee.

‘I hope I don’t get a stomachache from this.’

He hears rustling and sees someone situate in the seat across from him.



L.Joe raises his head to look at the male. He waves it off and sits up. He grabs the bag to his left and pushes it across the table.

The male was still in drag and was playing with a strand of hair.

An awkward silence enveloped them.

L.Joe coughs to ease the tension.

“Um….” The opposite male starts but was cut off when a phone sounded.

Chunji pulls out his phone and sighs when he read the text.


“You have to go?” L.Joe questions cautiously.

“No!” Chunji replied almost immediately and shrinks back embarrassed by his sudden outburst.

Another awkward silence. There was almost no one in the café except a few stragglers. Guess it was only the lunch rush.


“So..uh..why are you dressed this way?” L.Joe didn’t even know why he stuttered on his words.


“You don’t---- ” L.Joe was going to say that he didn’t need to know if he didn’t want to say but was cut off.

“I was helping a friend.” Chunji finished quickly.


“Helping…a friend?” he responds timidly.

L.Joe makes a face.

“My friend needs me to pretend as his girlfriend for his parents.” Chunji didn’t even know why he was telling a random stranger these things.

L.Joes nods waiting for Chunji to continue.

“I just had to help him…he is my best friend… his parents would worry if he didn’t have a girlfriend so we made up an act…he’s actually gay though…”

“Are you?” L.Joe tried to ask as casually as possibly.

Chunji was taken back and blushes giving a little nod.

“You don’t possibly…” L.Joe trails hoping for the best.

“Like Niel? Of course not!”


“Uh…yeah…my friend.” Chunji laughs lightly.


The two engaged in a conversation and didn’t realize that it was really getting late.


There was another ring from Chunji’s phone. Chunji exclaimed an “ah” before stuffing it in his pocket.

“Sorry, Niel…my friend…I need to go…” he points to the door and bites his lips.

Disappointed, “It’s ok,” L.Joe replies.

The two sat as silence took over again.

“Ah…” they both started.

“You go first.” They simultaneously said again.

Chunji blushes as L.Joe scratches his head.

“I think you better go.” L.Joe speaks up. Chunji looks at him. L.Joe nods assuring that he was positive.

“Thank you.” Chunji expresses his gratitude, grabs his bag and leaves in a hurry.


“I hope we meet again!” L.Joe calls after him. No matter how weird it sounded, he just wanted to see Chunji again.

Chunji only turns around ok’s him and smiles before running off.


Maybe it wasn’t that bad after all.

The wrong place at the wrong time led him to something ‘right’.



*I’m sorry if I got the makeup thing completely wrong cause I don’t use makeup XD haha

*I don’t even know…0_0 I just wanted to write the makeup part :3 well that’s that…don’t kill me please

*It should have been a different ending but it didn’t make sense either…I hate endings >.>

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Chapter 1: like others were asking.. a sequel please~~ :D
sasunaru1827 #2
Chapter 1: It was sooo cute.. I hope there's a sequel ....
aerxplane #3
Chapter 1: SEQUEL PLEASE ;u; DAEBAK!!!! ><
D_S_H_ #4
Chapter 1: It was cute! I'd like some sort of a second meeting sequel! Lol. :)
Chapter 1: This was interesting, I suppose. . .
L.Joe just waited there, for hours? XD
ZombieL #6
Chapter 1: I loved this!! You should make a sequel when they do meet again. :)
ILoveYou_Forever #7
Chapter 1: LOL This is just totally weird like you say! LOL!
Chapter 1: hehe chunji is gorgeous as a girl!~ lols nielie needed his help and he would go all out with a bra and everything :3 interesting way to meet but cute at the same time!
Chapter 1: aaww ... cute btw i want chunji to makeup me ..... hehe
Chapter 1: lol that was soooo cute!! Chunji as a girl... sigh i always knew you were one llololol jk!!! that was cute though.. hope they do meet again.. i liked this