I Will Take Good Care of You

I Will Take Good Care of You

*warning for mentioning/kind of describing explicit content

*warning for plot that doesn't make sense or even connect...


Chunji vaguely remembers the time when an elder woman around his mother’s age brought over another boy also around his age to his house. His mother always told him to be nice. He didn’t need to be reminded. He wasn’t one to be rude or to talk back or even open his mouth to give his opinion.

Chunji was a quiet kid and he never complained. Genes from his mother. He eyes the unfamiliar boy who stood behind his mother’s legs. Chunji was doing the exact same. Except, the only difference was, Chunji hid from shyness while the other was only observing.

He didn’t know who the other boy was or the woman who was hugging his dad. Chunji knew nothing. That was the first time they met.

It was when Chunji was 6. Now he knows better what was actually happening.

Chunji walks down the hall of white walls, stops and knocks on a door. He enters without a response, one he’ll never get anyways.

“Umma, I brought you flowers.” He places them in the vase with the other wilting ones.

He walks to the bedside and sits down on a wooden stool. Chunji softly picks up his mother’s hand not wanting to wake the latter up and holds it to his cheek. He starts telling his mother what happened in his day.


Chunji returns home before dinner time. He opens the door to his house and when he closed it, a voice called out to him.

“Chunji, I’m going out for tonight. No need to prepare dinner for me.” Like always.

“Ok…” Chunji replies quietly bowing his head to his father scurrying to his bedroom upstairs.

“Sleep early.” His father smiles and leaves.

Chunji knew exactly where his father was going but he wasn’t going to stop him. It had been years already. As long as his mother is ok with it.


“You what?” the quiet voice stammered.

“I have another child.” A man sat in a leather chair with calm and cool composure.


Chunji was only 5.

“It’s going to be Chunji’s birthday. And this is what you give him?” Although she tried to raise the volume of her voice, it only came out desperate.

“He now has a brother, that’s not exactly bad news. He couldn’t possibly understand the real reason behind it anyways.”

“Why did you do this to me…? I love you!”

“And I loved you.” Was the only response back that brought the woman into tears.

“Please don’t do this to me…” The woman cried kneeling on the floor.

“I love you. I love you! Please. I don’t want a divorce… I’ll…I’ll be tolerant of it.”


The woman staggers out of the room in tears finding Chunji crawling on the floor outside the room. She picks him up and holds him close to her.

“Uh…mma!!” Chunji happily exclaims.

“I’m sorry Chunji. I’m so sorry.” Chunji only giggles playing with his mother’s hair.


Chunji’s mother was the nicest woman you could find. She was gentle and kind and she never got mad. Never. Chunji had never remembered when she was. Born in a poor family, she worked many jobs to sustain herself. That was until she got married. She caught the eye of her (future) husband, a rich man, while working at a hotel.

It was love at first sight for the young girl and she was blinded by this love.

They had gotten married only when she was 19. He was 25. Then they had Chunji.

Immediately, Chunji’s father noticed that Chunji had the same traits as his mother. A boy, warm, gentle and kind. The most significant was the looks, he was as pretty as a girl. Chunji recalls many times when his father would mutter “You look just like your mother. You are just like her.”


When Chunji was 6, the man revealed to the young lady that he had another son and woman he never told her about. The son was almost as old as Chunji. The lady loved the man too much and couldn’t possibly part with him. And with her forgiving nature, she tolerated it as long as Chunji receives the love he deserves.


The man loved both sons. He kept his promise, giving Chunji the amount of love he deserves. But the man favored the other son a little bit more. The boy took traits from both him and his second wife (not married). The boldness and the playerish ways. He always thought his first wife was too plain for him although she was pretty.


During his childhood, Chunji always remembered seeing his mother crying to herself in her room. He didn’t know why and he was afraid to ask.


Years went by, depression took over Chunji’s mother and she was afraid Chunji wouldn’t be loved. She informed him of everything so he would be able to protect himself. Knowing his personality, he wouldn’t be able to. Chunji was only 11.


At the age of 12, Chunji already knew how to cook for himself and for his father since his mother wasn’t there to do it. His mother had been living in the hospital since then. A beautiful young lady only at the age of 32 lay on a bed at the mental hospital.


The second time Chunji saw the other boy was when he was 14. Chunji’s father had told him to stay at the east side of the mansion but wandered to the west nonetheless. He peeked from behind a wall and watched as his father had fun and played games with the other son. Things he would never do with Chunji. Chunji did not envy or long for his father. He was perfectly content and he stuck with his mother most of the time. Maybe because of the similarity in traits.

Chunji hears his father say the boy’s name knowing that was his half-brother.

That was also the day they first acknowledged each other.

“L.Joe get me a glass of water alright?” his mother asked him.

L.Joe got his reluctantly knowing his mother only wanted some private time with his dad.

He walks pass a few door openings and found himself getting lost. He turns a corner and bumps into Chunji who was returning to the east side.

L.Joe knew who he was. The similar facial features as the boy who he saw years ago.

“I’m L.Joe.” he said immediately with a cocky expression.

“Chunji.” Chunji bows and leaves immediately.

L.Joe knew exactly then that he wanted the boy no matter what.


Chunji never had a good impression of the other boy, his supposed half-brother. The aura L.Joe gave off sent chills down Chunji’s spine. It was unpleasant almost. To say the truth, Chunji was afraid of him.


There was a ring of the doorbell and another. Then a few quick ones followed.

“Coming.” Chunji calls out placing the last dish on the dining table.

Chunji quickly opens the door. “Appa, dinner’s r---” His voice trails when he realized it was not who he excepted it to be.

“Um…d-dinner’s ready.” Chunji stutters letting his brother inside.

“Dad’s not coming home tonight. He’s with my mom.”

Chunji closes the door behind L.Joe who takes off his coat.

“It’s just you and me.” Chunji didn’t detect the underlining message. He didn’t even know why his half-brother was here. He never came here.

Chunji turns around and immediately met with L.Joe’s face. He was really close but Chunji couldn’t back away any farther, he was already at the door.

“Come on my dear brother. Why are you so scared of me?”

Chunji shakes his head denying.

“Then look at me.”

L.Joe lifts Chunji’s chin and stares him in the eye.

Chunji tries to look away but L.Joe already pressed his lips onto Chunji’s. Chunji gasps in shock and instinctively opens his mouth. L.Joe takes the chance to take over Chunji’s mouth on the latter’s darting tongue.

Chunji uselessly pushes L.Joe.

L.Joe breaks the kiss, kicks his shoes off and slings Chunji over his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” Chunji’s sentence came out in stutters.

“What else?”

Chunji had no idea what was in store for him but the way L.Joe was treating him was not the way he expected.

L.Joe slams the bedroom door open and throws Chunji onto the bed. Chunji tries to sit up but was pushed down just as fast.

“I won’t stop myself.”

“Un…” Chunji lets out a quiet sound of protest as L.Joe reattaches his lips onto his.

The next few seconds were a blur but both L.Joe and he were and he feels incredible pain in his backside.

“Oh…feels so good…”

Chunji lets out a scream but it was only muffled by L.Joe’s large hand.

 “Even your scream is girly and weak.” L.Joe laughs as he pushes forward in the process.

Chunji continues to scream but all of them were muffled. Tears gathered at the corner of his eyes and he feels his body being rocked back and forth.

He tries to shake his head but L.Joe had him pinned in place.

“I wouldn’t move if I were you.” L.Joe leans closer. “Unless you actually want more.”

L.Joe chuckles sadistically when he feels Chunji stop struggling. Instead of slowing down, he increased the speed of his actions.

Chunji’s screams were reduced to only sobbing now wanting everything to just end.

L.Joe lets out a loud moan and his actions stop, his body slump. He breathes heavily and attaches lips to Chunji’s neck. He bites harshly on the patch of skin but Chunji was too distracted to respond to the pain. L.Joe the patch of skin one more time before getting off the bed.

He eyes the spot between Chunji’s legs. “You really are a . Well, was.” L.Joe grins as he wears his clothes and leaves the room closing the door.

Chunji lay on the bed covered in unknown liquid. He was whimpering and tears ran down his whole face, wetting the sheet too.

The section of the bed sheet was also stained red and areas around it were wet. Chunji slowly cries himself to sleep.


The next morning, Chunji was up early as usual. He hurt everywhere but he wasn’t going to complain. He’ll deal with it. There was a sound in the keyhole of the door and the door opens. He knew that his dad was finally home from the other woman’s place.

“Chunji. You’re up.” Chunji’s dad greets his son happily as he enters the house.

“W-welcome home dad. How…” Chunji’s eyes drift to the two other people behind his dad.

Chunji’s dad notices Chunji’s stare and smiles.

“Chunji, I know you have never met them before and we have never brought this topic up. But I thought it was about time to allow you guys to officially meet.”

Chunji gulps at the sight of L.Joe.

“Chunji, your stepmother and your half-brother.”

“I’m Chunji.” Chunji bows respectfully while L.Joe only smirks.

“They will be living with us from now on. They’ll be family.” His dad announced.

Chunji’s head snap back towards L.Joe who only smiles smugly back at him.

“Chunji I know I won’t have to worry about you. L.Joe, take care of Chunji alright?”

“Oh I will.”

There was something with the tone that Chunji caught. He bites his lips looking away from L.Joe.


Chunji chops the lettuce into smaller pieces and feels a warm presence behind him. The smell and aura told him who it was without having him to turn around. Chunji stiffens and his hands are frozen.

L.Joe buries his nose into Chunji’s hair inhaling the sweet scent. He exhales loudly with an “ah” and presses his body up to Chunji’s backside. Chunji straightens his back and he starts to breathe unevenly. He loses the grip on his knife and it drops onto the cutting board. His throat went dry but he continuously tried to swallow.

L.Joe loosely wraps his arms around Chunji’s tiny waist continuing to smell the latter’s hair. His lips approach Chunji’s ear and he nips at it a little. L.Joe drags his lips from the back of the ear down Chunji’s neck while inhaling the scent. L.Joe’s hands play with the hem of Chunji’s shirt only touching the area of skin slightly.

“Chunji…” L.Joe moans giving soft kisses to Chunji’s shoulder. Chunji shivers from the touches and he gasps. The fabric at the collar was loose and L.Joe had no problem taking advantage of it. He proceeds to kiss the visible skin, his hands moving under the light fabric.

Chunji finds himself trembling and he doesn't know why.


“I definitely will take good care of you.” L.Joe smirks.



*I actually did want to write a complete but…-____- I just wanted to get the idea out first.

*Almost all of my stories are based on things happening to me/around me. This is based on a real story, not the /relationship part just the family situation.

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nickmo #1
Chapter 1: Waaa...authornim..where are u??finish the story please..i dun want Chunji being the victims like his omma...make Chunji be the most powerful person than Ljoe or his mom..Chunji needs to revenges on his mama painful in life..gv the one shot please..authornim finish the story with Ljoe begging Chunji not leaving him..please dun make sad story of chunji..i am so sad in here already..
theonlyhana #2
Chapter 1: I really like the story here and it was too sadㅠㅠ when i finished this fic, i was just confused with the ending but didnt think too much abt it..but when i read the comments, i had a mess of feelings.. Chanhee's life here was so sad and deadlecked! He didnt have the right to choose the way he lived..and everything happened with Byunghun werent things that he could decide himself..i dont know how to say, i mean that maybe he didnt have any feelings to Byunghun and he was too frail to accept those things happened between they two since they are brothers.. So like one cmt beneath, maybe this will end up with Chanhee in a mental hospital like his mother because of his stained and catastrophic life! Sr for my bad english and thank you for this amazing fic authornim!^^
I hope that if you can, you will continue writing this fic and give another certain ending^^
Chapter 1: if you'll continue this.. this will be an angsty one. till when chunji will allow ljoe to keep on 'doing' him?
or this will progress into a 'good' but 'wrong' (coz they were brothers) relationship? or will chunji also end up in the mental hospital coz of emotional, ual & psychological abuse? this is a good plot.. really!
Kpop_bunny7 #4
Chapter 1: I like it!!! Please continue!!!! ......with.......................please.....
cureybaby #5
Chapter 1: Is L.Joe like Chunji or he just want to play with him?
ZombieL #6
Chapter 1: Love it!! Good job! :)
Chapter 1: this is ______.....rite? i luv it kkk /slaps oh please write the complete please ;~;
cureybaby #8
Chapter 1: Please continue this story. It's a good story...<3
Jaeryeolover #9
Chapter 1: Chunji being by L.Joe... TT___TT How dare you Byunghun... >:( Poor Channie... He too nice... *Sigh*
ILoveYou_Forever #10
Chapter 1: OMG You have to complete the .... OMG OMG!!!! Poor Channie baby being harassed and taken away his first time by L.Joe!!!
And I really hate family like that... Poor the ones that got cheated on like this.... Aishhh!