
Casanova's True Love

So sorry guys for the long wait... been so busy. hope you all like this new update.

Bubble i wanted to update my account in winglin but unfortunately it won't open hopefully my former readers will find me here 



Gui gui wakes up with a heavy head and an aching body. She has a fever. She can feel heat rise to her body yet at the same time she felt chills ran down her spine. She’s so tired she can’t even open her eyes. Good thing it’s Saturday. She had class from Monday to Friday and weekends are allotted for household choirs but at her state right now she doubt if she could even roll out of her bed. She places her hands in her forehead. God her head ache is killing her and she could even hear her stomach grumbling. She remembers being so tired and weak that she instantly went to bed the moment she enters the room.


She also remembers waking up to answer a phone call from Aaron. She must admit she miss him so much. How she would love to talk to him all night how she wanted to at least hear his voice. His voice somehow revitalizes her giving her energy but she can’t allow him get more worried. She recalls how his voice gets anxious when she sneezes. She could clearly imagine the knot forming in his brows and uneasiness he felt. His always been there for her, always giving her strength and making her happy; she suddenly realize how dependent she is of him. He maybe a playboy but he never left in times of troubles. He’s always a friend. An image suddenly flashes her mind… a ‘forgotten memory’ or more appropriately a memory she didn’t want to think of. The memory of her last day in Taiwan when accidentally their lips met…


“Arhhhh” she screams. It always felt weird every time she remembers what had happen. Of course it’s weird their best friend and that was her first kiss. She bit her lip and sigh. She tried opening her eyes but before she could clearly see her surrounding she felt dizzy. She felt something touch her forehead. She had no idea what it is but it gave her comfort. It was so familiar… like something she had felt before. She smile it the same feeling Aaron gave her.




She didn’t answer.


“Gui gui”


She’s sure she heard someone calling her. She tries opening her eyes once again. This time her world didn’t turn but focus on person she had misses so much. He definitely had the same smile he had since the last time she saw her. He had a little dark lines beneath his eyes yet his still as good-looking as she remember. She lets out a wide smile.

She’s sure her fever causes this. How else could he be here beside her?


“Gui gui hate to wake you up but you need to eat and drink you medicine.” The familiar voice said in so much care.


“Ah bu” she whispered.


She heard him sigh and touch her face.


“Ghost wake up”


Gui gui close her eyes.


“Gui gui wake up this very minute or else…” he warned. Gui gui just smile she remained her eyes close she’s so afraid that she might not see him if she opens them. She felt herself being lifted she unconsciously held on to the nearest thing she could hold on to; she could smell his sweet cologne near her. Wait is this part of her dream? She instantly opens her eyes. She first notices strong arms holding her up then her eyes moves to him… impossible! She raises her right hand to his cheek, so soft just the ways she remembers. She then squeeze it so hard that it became instantly red.


“Wei, why did you do that for?” he howls. If weren’t for his balance he might have let go of her.


“Aaron!” her eyes went wide. “Oh God Aaron” she quickly hugs him, tears starts flowing from her eyes.


Aaron hugs her back and smile.


“Crybaby” he teases.


Gui gui release him looks at his face and pout. After a few minutes she begins to laugh.


“Wei, I knew you miss me so much but I didn’t know you’ll be crazy without me.” Aaron laughs.


Gui gui glares at him and smile.


Aaron just stared at her he heard her cough. Only then that he remember that she’s sick. He put her back down her bed.


“I’ve prepared porridge for you eat some and take you medicine.” He said as he stands up and went to the kitchen.


Aaron came back with holding a tray. He sat next to her. Gui gui just stared at the food she still didn’t have a appetite to eat anything but it was the first time Aaron cook for her.


“Food should be eaten not stared at.”


Gui gui Smiled mischievously.


“I was just thinking if this is fit for human consumption.”


“Ha ha” Aaron stared at her. “Do you want me to feed you?”


Gui gui smile and nods again her world turns.


“You don’t need to move.” He said then sighs. He took a scoop, blows it a little then took it to .


“wei, I’m curious.” She said after taking her medicine.


“You’re always curious. What is it?”


“How do you get here? I mean…” Gui gui saw Aaron’s expression darken.


“Can’t you take care of you self? I left you alone for more than a month and found you bed sick. What am I going to do to you?”


“Dui bu qi”


“You even left you door open. How careless can you get?” Aaron continues. He remembers the panic he felt when he found her door open. All sorts of scenarios rush his mind.


Gui gui held her head low. Admittedly she forgotten about the door all she could think of last night was to rest.


“Dui bu qi”


Aaron sighs. “You should be! You, my little ghost, nearly scared me to death.”


Gui gui can’t help but smile.


“What’s so funny?”


 Gui gui shook her head.


“Thank you. Never knew I’m this important for you”


Aaron felt her face heats up. He knew he was blushing he looks away from her.


“Lucky for you my aunt called me up to visit her here. I was about tell you about it last night but you are too sick to talk.” He lied. Maybe he’ll visit his aunt Mary before he goes home.


Gui gui felt a little down. So she’s not the main reason his here what’s the big deal.


“Still thank you for being here… for being with me.”


“Silly you know I’ll always be here for you.” Aaron said as he pulls her into a hug.


“I’ll never leave your side again.”  


“I’m so lucky to have you.” She whispered as her eyes began to close.


Aaron smile he knew it was the other way around. He’s lucky to be with her, Lucky to find the slight courage to be here with her. He could feel soft wind blowing in his chest. Gui gui’s breathing became even. He slowly looks at her sleeping face then lay her down and plants a light kiss on her lips.

“Sleep tight my Ghost.”

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xybershock #1
Chapter 32: Such a beautiful story...beautiful friendship and beautiful love.
Chapter 32: OMG!?!? OMO~~~~~ Oh GOSHHHH!!!!
Can't believe it o.o after a long wait and finally you managed to finish this story ^___^
AWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the ending so much XDDDDD
AHAHAHA ..... this Casanova is still acting _______ and all, LOL
PS: I am so proud of myself that I can wait till this story completed ...... AND one more thing I would like to "thank you" that you didn't give up on updating this story (:
PSS: Really!! I don't mind how long I have waited for this <-- I appreciate your WILL,INTENTION & EFFORT for this story ^^
Chapter 32: YES!! I've been waiting for this for like FOREVER!! xDDD
AHH!!! They're so cute!! >//<
I love the ending! <3
Chapter 31: GREAT!!!!!!! Yu wei,
Not before not after WHY NOW?? this dude really knows how to become a dampass >.<
GUI, please stop thinking about your dream man -.- .... AND PLEASE SEE CAREFULLY WHO IS YOUR REAL MAN >//< THE ONE WHO IS ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU AND CARE FOR YOU (:
Chapter 30: gahhhh!!!!! update sooooooooooooon!!!!!
finally Aaron you confessed!! gosh this Casanova...hes soo slow
now what!? Yu Wei is back! grrrr.... why does he have to destroy the moment?!
anyways love this hope you update as soon as possible or else...
imma hunt you in your dream (lol) ^_^
gagaoverpmy #6
ohmy! i love this
can't wait for the next chapter
am really hooked
ur one of d best
u might wanna check your spelling though but! still ur the best! ~_~
chel0912 #7
finally, he confessed! Yu Wei is back...what will happen to our love birds??? pls. update soon!
tinygui #8
Omg he finally confessed and I thought you were gone as in never coming back to AFF again
OMG! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! <br />
HE FINALLY CONFESSED!! i mean like FINALLY FINALLY!!! He took the whole 29 chapters to confess! lol <br />
Why? Why must Wei Yu appear at a time like this? -.- nice timing dude! >< Gosh!!! <br />
CAn't wait for your next update!! XD
~AAAHHH~ Aaron finally confessed!<br />
AAAHHH!!<br />
Anyway...finally you updated.<br />
<br />
Please update soon! ^O^