Imagine – Even though you were by my side

Imagine – Even though you were by my side


Peniel and his girlfriend, Miyun, were just outside the club, waiting to meet their friends for a late night celebration after their semestral exams.


“Oppa, are you sure this is the right one? Cause you know, in Hongdae there are like hundred other clubs around!” Miyun shouted across to Peniel, who closed in and lowered himself to hear her out amongst the loud pumping music coming from the club.


Peniel swung his arm around Miyun’s shoulder and pulls her in.

“Brrr, it’s cold!” He said, and wanders his eyes about hoping he heard s’ right.

Miyun did not object to Peniel’s actions. Instead, she rounded her arms around her boyfriend’s waist and hugs it tight, jumping ever so lightly to heat up her body against the cold winter breeze.

“Where the hell are they?” Peniel checked his watch for the nth time while copying Miyun’s light on-the-spot jumps.

“A-Yo Peniel my man!” Hyunsik hollered, squeezing amongst the crowd to get to his buddy.

Hyunsik loves to pretend as if he was good in English like his friend, Peniel who grew up in States.

“Dang it man! What took you guys so long? Where’ve you been?” Peniel countered back in his perfect fluent American accent.

Hyunsik was stunned for a few seconds. He then just nodded with his greasy smile and hollered back,

“Yeah man! Let’s go!” as he enters the club.

One by one of his 5 other members followed suit behind Hyunsik, with Peniel gripping onto Miyun’s hand tightly being the last man.

♥ ♥ ♥


The bunch was having a blast, grooving to every music and consuming the drinks like it was a free flowing system.

They were all high and ecstatic, flaunting their body about while at times eyeing the y chicks in the club, whistling and wooing them. Daring each other to approach them and ask them out. All the naughty, cheeky things guys normally do.


The bunch decides to take a break hence they gathered around the table with beads of sweats running down the sides of their temples.

“Oppa, I’ll head to the washroom for a bit.” Miyun excuses herself.


As Miyun leaves, a slender, red bob-haired lady strolls pass the group of boys.

Ilhoon caught the sight of her and nudges Hyunsik who was beside him.

“Hyung! I dare you to woo that babe over there,”

Hearing the word babe, Hyunsik swings his head to the dance floor.

“Babe? Where?”

“Aigoo, look at that eyes wide open. Where did those slits go?” Minhyuk teased that eye-smile prince.

“Over there. That lady with the red bob. One hell of a babe, no?” Ilhoon points to a distance.

The whole bunch trailed their eyes to the end of Ilhoon’s point finger.

Some started gaping at the sight.

Sungjae started to whistle in that low, y voice.

“Oh, I put my dibs on her… she’s all mine baybeh~” Sungjae started to straighten his clothes and was about to make his move when Hyunsik took off before him.

He turns around and walks backwards saluting and mouthing to Sungjae whom the latter returns a glare.

In just minutes, Hyunsik succeeded in wooing the lady who claims her name to be Na ra.

He brought her to the table and introduced them to s.

“And this!” Hyunsik literally jump onto his friend and round his hands over the shoulders and grip it tight. “…is my best man, Peniel!”

Peniel bowed in respect, as he lightly gave her a smile.

Nara returns him a 90 degree bow along with the sweetest but non-flirtatious smile. Throughout the previous introductions by the other members, Nara could not feel the slightest interest until it came to Peniel. She felt an instant attraction to Peniel.


Unfortunately, Peniel felt no different. He could feel his heart beat a rhythm faster than norm.

The two went into a deep, silent eye-contact.

Both their hearts started to go faster when the eye contact got a little too long.


There are no necessary words to be said

The moment our eyes met, we wanted it..


The moment was finally broken by Miyun’s present back into the clique.

“Oh, who is this?” Miyun started nicely with a smile not having a clue about her boyfriend.

This time, Peniel was saved by Miyun from going into that danger zone he prayed he never enters.

♥ ♥ ♥


Weeks have passed and the clique decides on a dinner together after their respective summer jobs.

Peniel was browsing through the magazines at the street stall waiting for Miyun who was finishing up her job for the day. Peniel was deep reading into the article, he was unaware of his surroundings. A lady accidentally bumped into him and trips. Being quick on reflex, Peniel manage to grab onto her waist before she falls.

“A-ah I-I’m sorry,” The lady lowered her head in guilt even though she was slightly shaking because of the sudden trip.

“That’s alright,” Peniel replied genuinely.

He pulls the lady up into a standing position and released the grip round her waist.

As she lifts her head to thank her savior from allowing her to give a public show, she got her eyes widen in recognition.

“We’ve met before haven’t we? Pe..niel ssi?” Nara was fluttered as she portray her sweet smile across her lips.

The red bob with the sweet smile, allowed Peniel to immediately recognize the lady standing before him.

“Nara ssi,” Peniel smiled. “What a coincidence,”

Being true enough, Peniel’s heart inevitably beats faster than it should.

“What are you doing here?” Nara picks up the conversation, breaking the stare Peniel was giving her, which he himself was unaware of.

“A-ah I..” Peniel felt a little lost. He cleared his throat and started again. “I’m waiting for my girlfriend. She .. she..” he pointed to nowhere.

“Oh.” Nara tried to hide the disappointment in her face by looking away.

“Oppa!” Miyun greeted, just in time, hooking her arm around her boyfriend’s.

The atmosphere suddenly changes as Peniel scratches the back of his neck and fidgeted about.

“Oh, Nara unnie is here too?” Miyun was obviously oblivious of what had happened just minutes ago.

“Aha, yeah I was just.. well..” Nara smoked her way out from any misunderstandings.

”Err, you guys should be on your way, and I will just be on mine. Nice to bump into you two again,” Nara avoided any further eye contact and intends to stride off but, Miyun decides to invite her along to their dinner, knowing that the other members would be delighted to see her.

Nara knew she could turn down the offer but her heart tells her not to.

And there Nara was, sitting awkwardly opposite the couple as they waited for the rest to turn up.

“Nara? I am right, Oh God Nara ssi!” Hyunsik gaped from the door as he fights his way with Sungjae to the table and succeeds in obtaining a seat beside her.

The two dorks never thought they would see her again. But now that they did, their tiffs came about which causes a natural smile to Nara’s lips.


It has been hours and Peniel, unknowingly would catch a glimpse of Nara every now and then. He did not know why but his eyes would naturally find its way to Nara’s flawless face. Coincidentally, Nara lifts her head up and their eyes clashes.


I want to go to you – you’re right in front of me but..

I want to go to you – you are looking at me too but..



“Oppa, have some of this,” Miyun offered some dishes to Peniel that causes him to break his eye contact on Nara.

He snapped back to reality and shook off that weird thought. He turns to Miyun and took a moment to appreciate his beautiful girlfriend.


If you weren’t next to me, I think I would’ve gone to her and it would’ve gone down tonight..


Nara saw how Peniel looked at Miyun and she felt her heart tightens. She started to feel uncomfortable. She could not deny it any longer. This jealousy was building up. She had fallen for Peniel.

Nara decides to take a leave but Hyunsik stopped her. He swung his arm around Nara’s shoulder which causes her to jump slightly at the touch,

“Oh come baby, don’t leave yet..” Hyunsik slurred, obviously half drunk.

Peniel turns his attention back to Nara and felt his heart boil, seeing Hyunsik’s arm around her shoulder, and the discomfort in Nara’s eyes.

He had the urge to remove that arm from her shoulder but Sungjae beats him to it.

What is wrong with me.. why do I feel discomfort seeing that when my girl is right next to me..

Peniel clenches his fist tight under the table trying to control his uncertain emotions.

♥ ♥ ♥


Valentine’s was just around the corner and Peniel along with Miyun, was out with his best friend Hyunsik finding an item for that romantic day.

Peniel was looking around for a simple yet romantic item for Miyun while Hyunsik, who was still head over heels for Nara, was looking for something grand that would blow her away.

At every little item, Hyunsik would bother Peniel, asking for his opinion whether it would be enough to blow Nara away. Peniel would just naturally reply to his buddy, “It’s the thought that counts, hyung.”

And Hyunsik would just whine and starts looking at some other things.

Peniel chuckled at how his hyung was behaving.

Being in love makes people behave weirdly.


Peniel was strolling lightly with his hands in his front pocket tailing after Miyun who was glancing through the jewelries in the glass display.

“Oh, Oppa! Look at that pendant! How pretty,” Miyun cooed.

Peniel, closed in and round his eyes on the item that Miyun was pointing.

Instantly, Peniel got attracted to the silver pendant.

It was definitely eye catching.

He calls for the attendant to let him see it up close. As he held the pendant in his hand, his imagination started to wonder at how good it will look around Nara’s neck.

Miyun was right beside him, but he imagined Nara wearing it instead.  


I love her and I’ve never been like this before
But I only see you and I keep shaking – I’m unfamiliar with myself being like this..

I can’t keep, keep, keep doing this but
Though I know, though I know, I keep getting attracted to you
You steal my heart and you enter my heart
You make me bad (you make me bad) you make me go crazy


Peniel unknowingly smiled in content at his imagination. Miyun witnessed how in daze her boyfriend was and nudges him,

“Oppa, what’s wrong? Why are you smiling so creepy like that?”


I know very well that we can’t ever be
Because the girl next to me right now is very precious too
I shouldn’t do this – I keep getting attracted to you but
I can’t help it


“O-oh?” Peniel snapped out of his reverie and turns to Miyun.


I don’t know what’s wrong with me these days,
But I just can’t help it.
I’m sorry…


“A-a-aniya…” Peniel excused.

He slips his hand into Miyun’s and grips it tight.

“Ka ja,”




A/N_Another random one shot inspired by BTOB's Imagine. Hope you enjoyed it. 



The translations to the song are as below ^^

►—English Translation—◄

There are no necessary words to be said
The moment our eyes met, we wanted it
Without letting the girl next to me know
So she won’t know anything, I am falling more and more for you

I love her and I’ve never been like this before
But I only see you and I keep shaking – I’m unfamiliar with myself being like this
I want to go to you – you’re right in front of me but
Next to me is her – I keep imagining bad things

I can’t keep, keep, keep doing this but
Though I know, though I know, I keep getting attracted to you
You steal my heart and you enter my heart
You make me bad (you make me bad) you make me go crazy

Locking eyes with you right now
Smiling at the stories you’re telling
I’m sorry that I’m not doing those things – actually my eyes are busy
I didn’t even know your cup was overflowing
I love em all – everything about her
Even if it’s so bad I just wanna hustle
If you weren’t next to me, I think I would’ve gone to her and it would’ve gone down tonight

My heart is shaking – I shouldn’t be like this but
I hate myself for stealing glances and imagining things
I want to go to you – you are looking at me too but
Next to me is her – I keep imagining bad things

I can’t keep, keep, keep doing this but
Though I know, though I know, I keep getting attracted to you
You steal my heart and you enter my heart
You make me bad (you make me bad) you make me go crazy

I know very well that we can’t ever be
Because the girl next to me right now is very precious too
I shouldn’t do this – I keep getting attracted to you but
I can’t help it

I don’t know what’s wrong with me these days,
But I just can’t help it.
I’m sorry…

I can’t keep, keep, keep doing this but
Though I know, though I know, I keep getting attracted to you
You steal my heart and you enter my heart
You make me bad (you make me bad) you make me go crazy

Somehow, I feel like tonight’s gonna be a long night
I only have a apologetic heart toward my girl
But still, the inside of my heart is flickering
It’s a night where I want to see you one more time.


Translation credits to

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