Chapter 1

She's a he?

His jet black hair blended him well among the students of Seoul National University. He kept his cool as he knew that his identity is well hidden in his ordinary appearance. Brushing his fringe away from his eyes he walked his way to his dormitory through the crowd of people.

“Here is your key. And as you can see there is your room number too.” The lady in the front desk of the dormitory said. “Have a nice stay here at SNU, see you around Mr. Lee.” The lady smiled. The boy nodded and muttered a small “thanks” before leaving.

It was not more than five minutes when he reached his room. “Room 505” the tag on the key reads. Right before he inserts his key on the keyhole he heard someone.

“Hi.” The boy looked around and found a brunette standing a meter away from him. The boy bowed a little, not wanting to speak at all. “Uhh, so you’re my roommate… Nice to meet you, I’m Donghae, Lee Donghae.” The brunette approached him and offered his hand.

“Hyukjae.” The other boy said as he took Donghae’s hand and shook it briefly. “Shall we go in? Come on, Let me help you.” Donghae said as he opened the door for Hyukjae. “You—“ Donghae already entered the room with some of Hyukjae’s luggage even before the boy stop him. “Hyukjae-ssi, come on in!”

Hyukjae immediately complied and entered the room. He closed the door and looked around the cozy room that he’ll share with Donghae. “I arrived last night and slept on the left side of the room, but I still want to ask you if which side you prefer.” Donghae stood beside him pointing at the two beds, one near the window and the other one near the door.

“This one.” Hyukjae pointed at the bed near the door. “Cool! Because I like this side.” Donghae said as he dragged his luggage and boxes to the left side of the room. Hyukjae just nodded and unpacked his luggage as well.

Hyukjae finished unpacking and arranging his things 3 hours after, an hour later than Donghae. It would have been easier and faster for him to unpack if Donghae didn’t go around checking all of his things.

“Wow, this one is really expensive right??”, “Gosh, you’re so rich, you have this one!”, “Oh my God! Where did you bought this?!”, “I think this will look good on you.”— Donghae says as he still checks on Hyukjae’s things.

“For a man, you sure talk a lot.” Hyukjae absentmindedly said. Donghae looked at of him, eyes as wide as a sauce pan. Oh my gosh, did I offended him? “J-just don’t mind w-what I s-said. I—“ Hyukjae stuttered.

“That was your longest sentence so far.” Donghae smiled at him sweetly, making his heart beat fast. Hyukjae, you’re a man. YEAH! A ING MAN! SO… NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! “Uhh.” Hyukjae replied with his head hanging, trying to hide the pinkish blush on his cheeks.

“It made me feel we’re a bit closer than earlier.” Hyukjae looked at Donghae and pouted. Donghae chuckled at the action. “Don’t worry I won’t force you to talk if you don’t want to. But don’t be shy to ask help from me if you need okay?” Hyukjae nodded and looked up to Donghae to give him a small smile.

Donghae patted Hyukjae’s black hair and went straight to the bathroom. “I’ll take a bath first okay?” Donghae yelled out as he closed the bathroom door.

Hyukjae sighed in relief. Since when did I stop breathing? He just shrugged of the idea and sat on his bed to calm his mildly racing heart down. Why do I always get nervous when I’m touched by men? I think hyung is right, doing ‘that’ work might turn me to someone I don’t want to be.

His heart thumped hard on his chest when he heard his phone rang. Hyukjae grabbed his phone on top of their shared night stand and made his way out of their room to the rooftop.

“Hello hyung?” Hyukjae immediately answered when he reached the rooftop.

How’s your dorm?

“It’s fine. It’s not as cheap looking as you described.” Hyukjae shivered a little bit. I should have took my jacket with me.  It’s ing cold.

You just didn’t expect SNU to be cheap did you?” The man on the other line scoffed.

“Mmm.. Maybe I did. I know nothing about university dorms.” He answered truthfully. He haven’t been in college before, how can he tell?

Now that you got what you want, I just want you to know that you have a bunch of schedules this week. You better eat a lot and don’t forget to take your supplements.” Hyukjae nodded his head, as if the man on the other line would see him. (A: *scoffs*)

“He’s really angry isn’t he?” He said as he let out a little chuckle

You wouldn’t want to know.” The man on the line snorted.

“ahhh… I guess I have to work twice as hard.”

You sure have to. But more than that I want you to enjoy college.

“Thank you hyung.” He smiled, his smile reaching his eyes now. I’m really touched.

I guess you’re tired, just take a rest and I’ll see you tomorrow.

“okay, bye hyung.”



Right after the conversation Hyukjae went back down to their room, rubbing his arms with both of his hands and occasionally blowing on them. “Cold~” he mutters to himself.

“AHH!” Hyukjae let out a little squeal when he opened the door of their room. “Wear something mister!” He shouted before he slammed the door close. He put his hand over his chest and there he felt his heart thumping hard, like it wanted to come out of his chest.

He just saw Donghae as a baby sticking his up in the air. Good thing Hyukjae didn’t saw Donghae’s thingy or else he might have fainted there right away. Ever since he was a kid, Hyukjae didn’t like to see those kinds of uhh… ‘things’ he don’t know, but he just don’t like it. To tell you the truth, he dislikes .

Sure he might have seen a couple of it but he ends up puking. He’s in the middle of calming his self down when the door opened. “I’m sorry Hyukjae!” Donghae burst out of the door wearing sweat pants.

Donghae held both of Hyukjae’s shoulders. “You see, I left my towel and clothes outside the bathroom and—“ He stopped when he saw Hyukjae— with his eyes as wide as saucepans is staring at his… Uhh.. Chest. His oh-so-well-built chest.

Donghae let go of Hyukjae when he realized he haven’t worn his shirt on. He went back in their room and wore his shirt in less than five seconds. He ran back to the shocked Hyukjae who is still standing outside of their room gaping at nothing.

“Why are you so shocked? We’re both man.” Donghae asked rubbing his nape, obviously shy of what happened earlier. Hyukjae closed his mouth and looked at Donghae right away. “So what? It doesn’t mean that you can walk around in our shared room for god’s sake!” He snapped at the brunette.

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” Donghae said looking back at the angry Hyukjae with his puppy eyes. Hope this will work. “Let’s go inside. I know you’re cold.” Donghae said making a way for Hyukjae to enter.

Hyukjae entered their room without any word. He grabbed some clothes from his cabinet and went straight to the bathroom.

Donghae sighed. He’s just so stupid to walk out of the bathroom wearing nothing. Having a roommate like Hyukjae that seems to be a sensitive lad, he sure got his self an enemy even before the semester starts. He was in the middle of thinking how to apologize to Hyukjae when he suddenly heard a click.

Donghae looked at the innocent bathroom door as if he’ll find there the answer. The door creaked open. Hyukjae’s head popped out of the space it has created. “uhh... I just…” Hyukjae said pouting every now and then. “I-I’m sorry if I over reacted.”

Donghae gaped for a moment. “Y-you s-shouldn’t apologize. I should be the one apologizing. What you said was true, I shouldn’t walk around as if I’m the only one using this room.” He said trying to make Hyukjae feel comfortable.

Hyukjae bit his lips, feeling sorry for Donghae. “Ugh. Let’s just forget about this.” He said as finally stood out of the bathroom. “So you’ll go back some kind of a mute bastard you are earlier?” Donghae mumbled absentmindedly while looking at Hyukjae.

“What?” Hyukjae snapped. Not really getting the ‘mute bastard’ part. “N-Nothing. I said let’s just really forget about what happened. I promise I won’t do it anymore.” Donghae said while doing some awkward hand gesture to explain his self more. Hyukjae narrowed his eyes at Donghae but moved seconds after.

“You should ask me as well if there are any favors I can do for you.” Hyukjae said before closing the bathroom door. “Oh.” is the only word that Donghae’s mouth left before he grinned sheepishly to himself.


Donghae woke up at 8 a.m. the next morning. He was still rubbing his eyes when he saw Hyukjae rushing out of the bathroom wearing jeans and shirt. “Good morning.” He greeted but it seemed like Hyukjae didn’t heard him so he greeted the other again. Hyukjae stopped scrambling around his shoe rack when he ‘finally’ heard Donghae.

“Morning.” He greeted briefly before walking out of their room. “That man is sure busy.” Donghae mumbled to his self. “Anyways…” He stood up from his bed and sat on his study table to open his laptop.

He grabbed some bread from his cabinet before he started to surf the net. “Nation’s lovely girlfriend Lee Eunhye will model for vogue.” One article title reads. “Mmmm!! My Eunhye so gorgeous! I can’t wait to see the pictures!!” Donghae squealed.


“What?! Vogue asked me to be their cover?!” Hyukjae spat his driving hyung. “You don’t have to shout Hyukkie.” His hyung said while looking at him through the rear view mirror of their van. “I’m sorry Sungmin hyung… I’m just… happy.” Hyukjae said, small tears forming on the corner of his eyes.

“I know.” Sungmin replied with a smile.





Sorry for such a short chapter. I'll make it up to you next time. My dad asked my help for something and it took us the whole day to finish the work so I wasn't able to write longer.

I hope this is okay for you guys as a starter :)


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 1: interesting, so hyuk is the eunhye...
can't wait for the next update
Chapter 1: wow... its really interesting hope you'll
update sooooooooonnn....please...
Chapter 1: it's interesting... and i like it when sungmin is his brother,...
Fanaeh #4
Chapter 1: lol.i guess soon hae will notice that hyuk features is similar to his 'idol'
this looks interesting.can't wait for next!
sayhyukkie #5
Chapter 1: Waaaaaa i really cann't wait for the next chap~ update soon pleaseeee
Chapter 1: omo~~ its so interesting, wonder why hyukkie had to act like girl as lee eunhye~~
cant wait for it, please update soon ^^
Chapter 1: omg sooo cute! i just cant even describe all my feels >__< woot woot!
Chapter 1: Aw hyukjae so cute pouting everywhere xD update soon!!!! ♥
Chapter 1: this story is great . I can't get enough of it . Can't wait to see of how will hae reacts when he knew that his eunhye is his roommate while hyuk knew that hae is his obsessive fanboy lol .. Update soon neh~ ^^
cant wait for this, please update soon
fighting ^^