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Far Away...Young Love

     When I finally got home my dad greeted me as I walked in while he was on the phone and then asked, "So Chi, how was your first day of school?" I noticed he looked a bit happy to be in this city so I smiled back at him. "The school here is actually really great, I made a few friends today." I lied, convincingly. He shook his head and continued to talk into the phone. "Yes, six sounds like a perfect time. It's been quite a while since we last saw each other--oh don't worry I'll prepare dinner." That was all I heard before I went to my new room and jumped onto my bed. My puppy Pockey, a Jindo breed, ran to me but couldn't reach me because of my bed. I heard her whining and scratching the wooden floor. "Aigoo Pockey, did Jun take care of you while I was gone?" I asked while holding her while she tried to wriggle away so I let her go. "There you are!" I heard a voice say which turned out to be Jun, my little sister of six years old. She came up to me and pulled my hand saying, "Appa wants you and I to help in the kitchen. One of his old friends are coming over with his family so we have to cook a lot. We barely moved here and we already have guests? Geez my dad was really popular in his days. We both went downstairs with Pockey trailing behind us to meet up with our dad who was making something. "Ah thank you for coming, Chi do you remember how to make Cheesecake?" I nodded my head then he spoke again, "Great, teach Junjun how to make it." I looked at Jun who pouted at her nickname.

     Why does he-- no what is he thinking? Teaching this little girl how to cook? She doesn't even know how to get water for herself! Instead of listening to myself I listened to my dad but gave Jun the easiest job nobody could ever mess up. "Jun, get some eggs. Just four but take two at a time arrasso?" I said, she nodded her head then went to the fridge. While she was getting the eggs I opened the graham cracker crumbs pack then suddenly heard like a million cracking noises. "It fell!" Jun yelled. I facepalmed myself to see the whole egg pack on the floor with cracked eggs around it. I was about to flip out but then I saw Jun about to cry. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean just slipped...." she said quietly. My dad began to clean the mess then said, "Chi, take your sister to the grocery store, it's just around the block. Just buy some more eggs and things we might need." I knew the tone of his voice was too soft as usual so I took Jun by the hand and started to walk out with her but then she pointed to where our dad was working to see another full egg pack and was about to say something but I whispered to her, "Appa doesn't want us here at the momment, he's only like this when he wants to work alone right now ok?" She nodded her head. I took her to the coatrack near the door then grabbed a coat for her and went upstairs to grab my wallet, when  she finally put it on we both went out to the store. I knew if we'd come home too early he'd still be the same but if we came late he would be worried.

      When we were inside the store I grabbed a pack of un-needed eggs then walked to the cash registers. "Oh hey!" a familiar voice said. I turned around to see Mingyu, who started to walk over to me. "Hey...Mingyu, you work here?" I asked. He nodded his head and said, "Yup, my dad owns the place but I'm only part time. I'm also Class President too." he said, as if I needed to know. Jun hit me with her arm then gave me a confused look. "Oh and who's this?" he asked, lowering himself to Jun's level. "Hi, I'm Mingyu, what's your name?" he asked. Jun held my hand then said with her hand at . "Jun." She mumbled and said nothing else. Mingyu stood up then pointed at Jun, "Is she your sister?" he asked. Noooo she's my daughter. "Neh she is. She's really she when she meets new people." I said. His eyes widened. "Jeongmal? Just like you." he said with a smile.

     Jun looked at Mingyu strangely for a while then pulled me away to the register. I waved goodbye to him then went to the line and paid for the eggs. When I was about to take the bag of eggs Mingyu girabbed it. I tried to take it back but he moved away. "What are you doing?" I asked. He smiled, like he could never stop smiling, then said, "Appa, I'll be checking out early today!" he yelled out to a man who was taking supplies out of a box. His dad looked up and said, "You get out of here, all you do is eat the food in my store only!" Mingyu kept his smile on but laughed a little. "Bwoh? We work together, I should at least get a snack break." he said sarcastically. His dad made a gesture for him to get out right away while saying, "Just go! Even a wild donkey can do your work better than you." Jun and I giggled at his dads words which made Mingyu look back at us with a bigger smile. "I love you too Appa!" he said as he grabbed a water bottle then walked out with Jun and I. Jun stared at Mingyu as we all walked together. "Ajeosshi why are you following us." She said straight out. She surprised him and I.

     "W-well um, you know could be dangerous for two pretty girls to walk out by themselves..." he said, trying to sort out his words. I raised an eyebrow at him then he grinned then began to drink his water. Jun nodded her head. "Are you just trying to get married with my unni?" she said again. Mingyu choked on his drink then gasped for air. "Jun~ah." I said seriously. She made a 'hmph' then stomped forward. When Mingyu finally regained his proper breathing he said, "Actually Jun~ah, you're sister and I are good friends--and marraige is something that will happen in my future. I'm still young too so I'm not your Ajeosshi, but your Oppa." Jun shrugged as if it didn't make a difference. After walking just two blocks we reached our home. Mingyu stayed outside the gates looking in awe. "Omo, is this really your house? It's huge compared to mine!" he exclaimed.

     I shook my head and said, "It's really not that much though." When I looked back where Mingyu was standing, he was still looking at my house from the outside. "Yah, don't just stand there, come on in." I said. He scratched his head then followed us from behind. As I opened the door I said, "Appa we're back. I brought a friend over too." My dad walked in the living room with his sleeves rolled up and wore a smile, but it soon dropped when he saw my friend was a guy. "Anneyeongsaeyo Mr. Sun, I'm Kim Mingyu." Mingyu formally greeted and bowed. My dad shook hands with him instead then said, "A strong handshake, that's good. So you and my Chi are just 'friends' right?" Mingyu shook his head, "Neh, I'm her classmate in school." My dad sighed and said, "Alright, I'll trust you with her now as a friend only. If you try to do anything to her, I will protect her." "Huh?" Mingyu raised an eyebrow. "APPA HE'S JUST A FRIEND!" I yelled. "Okay, okay." said my dad, "Now Mingyu, would you be joining us for dinner today?"

     Mingyu looked over at me, I shook my head then he said, "N-neh, thank you for having me this evening..." Jun told Mingyu to sit on the couch and I was about to leave to the kitchen but my dad stopped me. "Chi~ah, don't leave your guests alone. Don't worry, I can handle the food." he said. I went back to Mingyu and Jun to see his eyes staring at all the things in my house. "Hey um...sorry about earlier. I don't know what happened but my Appa is usually nice." I apologized. He looked at me then said, "Aniya, your dad just cares about you. Don't worry though, I'm not a bad--"

*DING DONG* the doorbell rang.

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wow i like this!! (Y)
onewjr #2