Diary Entries

Dear Diary


One day, you, Lee Seonyu, was at home, sick from school. You walked to your father’s office. He was at his desk, sleeping, pen still in his hand. He must be very tired. You got a blanket and place it on his shoulders. You walked out, accidentally hitting a book on the way. You look down to pick it up. It was old and tattered, open to a page almost 18 years ago. It was rude, but you were bored, so you took it to your room and read it.

Dear Diary,


My name is Lee Taemin.

I am the new owner of this diary, after the passing of my brother, who was the previous owner.

And I am, or WAS, in love. Let me tell you our story.

There was a girl named Sunmi. She was my best friend; I love loved her. But there was one problem. She loved my brother, Lee Donghae. Well, she and my brother met one day when we were hanging out at my house for the first time in months, for I was out of the country with my traveling parents. Unusually, Donghae Hyung, who was constantly not at home because of his busy idol schedule, was home that day, and I swear, it was love at first sight. He even said it here. Maybe you remember? I feel so stupid. I’m talking to a diary =_____=. But it was nine years ago… It’s so long ago….

You turn to some pages in tho 2006 part of the diary. You read until you come to a part you were looking for.


Dear Diary,

Today my brother brought home a very beautiful girl. I think it was love at first sight…. Well, for me, anyways. Is that his girlfriend? I hope not. But… I think she’s the same age as him. Is it wrong for me to like her? But there is no age in love, right?

You go back to the part where you left off.

Well, he liked her, and I’m sure she liked him also. He would constantly ask me if she was coming over. His visits home were becoming more frequent. It was all because of Sunmi.

Five long years after their first meeting was graduation from high school. Yes, we were thirteen when they first met. Hyung was 24. Pedobear-like? Sorta. >< But it seemed like true love, to me. I think they were meant to be. Those many times during the five year that they saw each other… Made me jealous :(. Even with the small, shy smiles they gave each other, you could see that they had something going on. For some reason, I could never get over her. She was just such a mesmerizing person. Beautiful, kind, cute, sweet… I understand why my brother was so in love with her. I remember the first time I read Hyung’s diary. It was so… Sweet. He almost always talked about her, comparing other girls he knew with her, saying how no matter how many girls he “dates” or “pairs with” on Variety Shows, none of them will beat Sunmi.

A month after graduation, they got together. A 29 year-old and 18 year-old. Weird, huh? But their relationship was a secret. Only known to me and the rest of Super Junior. He loved her so much, words can’t explain. His diary was filled with words of love and his hopes and dreams with her.

Two years after they got together, they broke up. My brother was devastated. Sunmi wouldn’t even come by my house anymore, nonetheless see me. Even six months after their break up, on those rare times I saw one of them, they would try to pry information about the latter from me. It always confused me why they broke up after such a happy relationship; why they broke up when they obviously both cared about each other. Was there a misunderstanding? Did one of them cheat? I never knew. Until I read Hyung’s diary.

You turned to find the page with their break up. It was obvious which one it was… It had ink streaks where the wetness from tears blotted the ink.


Dear Diary,

My long, happy relationship with Sunmi has now officially ended. Why? Why did I have to bring that up? Why couldn’t I be satisfied with the relationship we currently had? ‘We were never meant to be in this life.’ those words echo in my head. When I close my eyes, I see her crying face as she said that.

Sunmi, one day, we will get married and have beautiful kids.” Her body sat stiffly on my lap. I nuzzled my head into her shoulder.

“Oppa…” She had wrapped her arms around me and I felt tears fall onto my body. I was confused. “My parents… They found out about our relationship.”

I was so happy when she said that. “My love, then why are you crying?”

She sniffed then laughed heartlessly. “They…. Don’t approve.” Tears streamed down her face as she continued talking. Tears were about to fall out of my eyes but I refused to let them fall. “We can convince them… We can do it.”

She had pressed her forehead against mine and shook her head. “Aniyo… Donghae-yah, we were never meant to be in this life.” My eyes widened as she said that. Did she mean it? Her next words meant she did.

“Donghae….. Goodbye.”

She let go of me and wiggled out of my grasp. Before she left, she turned around and looked me in the eyes. “Donghae-sshi, no matter what, no matter who I love or marry in the future, you’ll be the only one I love. I can’t love anyone else as much as I love you. Even if I die, even in the next life, I’ll love you and only you.”

‘Me too’, I wanted to say that. But she left before I could. “Sunmi, I’ll meet you in the next life… Where we can be together forever.” I wish she had heard me.

You turn back to your father’s entry. Tears fall down your cheeks in long streams.

Today Donghae and I had a day off and we went out to get some lunch and talk about work. I, like him, was now an idol, in an idol group called SHINee. Well we were waiting for the crosswalk when Donghae suddenly stopped talking. He was looking across the street at something, no, someone. I looked up to see the figure looking at him also. It was Sunmi. When the sign blinked ‘GO’ they ran to each other like their lives depended on it. I stood back and watched.

“Sunmi, how are you?”

“Good…. How about you?”

“I-I missed you….”

I could hear vague pieces of their conversation as they walked back to me. Donghae offered to walk her home, and I didn’t mind. I walked a few feet behind them as they shyly had a conversation. When we reached her house, I walked to the curb, giving them privacy. I secretly watched them.

“Sunmi, when can I see you again?” Sunmi shuffled awkwardly and Donghae laughed. “Here.” He takes off his earring and puts it on her. “Keep this on and never forget about me.” He takes the earring she had on and put it on. “I’ll never forget you. Let’s take these into our next life where we could be together for sure. I love you.” He kissed her cheek and walked away. I saw her wipe her tears and I looked at his ear. It was the earring they got custom-made when they were together. It said “Sunmi<3D” and the one she had now said “Donghae<3S” Cheesy, but the writing was so small it was hard to see. It looked like a regular earring from afar. I remember him wearing his earlier today. We heard footsteps running toward us and into the street. It was Sunmi, chasing her cat. 

“Hae-baby, don’t run away from umma!!” Suddenly, a car came closer, a disstracted Sunmi running into the car’s path.

“SUNMI!!” Hyung ran to save her. I saw him tackle her just as the car hit, slamming into his side and Sunmi’s neck. I stood there, horrified. Two people I loved so much, killed together in a second. Tears ran down my face as I called 119. I’m writing this in the hospital; Donghae had this in his bag that he had handed me to hold before he died. He broke his back and his ribs poked his lungs, puncturing them, and Sunmi’s neck snapped. Today was the worst day of my life.

You had no idea your father experienced such a thing. It must’ve been so painful…. 


Dear Diary,

Today is their funeral. I made a speech today. I wasn’t afraid to cry. The two had no doubt loved each other a lot. I know that they will be able to experience a better love in their next life. I believe that over and over, in every life they live, they will end up together.

I hope they will have a better future one day.

The next entry was twenty years later, a couple of weeks ago from today.


Dear Diary,

I haven’t written in this for so long, I’ve been busy with my singing career. My daughter introduced me to her boyfriend today. He… was just like Donghae (they even have the same name!!). Just as she is like Sunmi. They look different, but the aura they give off, their personalities, are the same. Am I crazy, or…. are they the reincarnation of my brother and Sunmi? Kekeke, I knew that they’ll be reunited one day. Gah, I sound so retarded. Oh well, maybe I’m just being superstitious, but, I actually believe they are meant to be, soulmates. I just hope their fate is much better than the latter’s!!

*Ding Dong*

You rush to open the door. “Donghae oppa!!!” You run and hug him. “Whoa, did my baby miss me that much?” You take his hand and bring him inside. Your father is in the kitchen and gives the two of you a warm, loving smile. You understand now, why he liked Donghae so much, when he was so unaccepting of your other boyfriends. You bring Donghae to your room and cuddle with him.

“Oppa, never leave me, okay?” He smiles and kisses you. “Of course. We’re soulmates, after all.”


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Chapter 1: This is really a cute and heart warming story!
I loved it.
AiMei_4 #2
Chapter 1: This is one of the cutest story I've ever read!!! GOOD JOB~ It actually moved my heart~