More than friends

the big DORM!!!

Chappy 9 >.<

taemin: yes I do I really do

jessy:... me too I'm so glad to be your best friend xD I never had a guy best friend before now I do

taemin: wait I mean't "MORE" than friends

jessy: yah more than friends best friends :D, well best friends now I can finally go to sleep thanks to you xD

jessy gave taemin a big hug

jessy: good night taemin oppa see yah tom.

jessy went to her room and let taemin alone at the kitchen

taemin: jessy wait! I didn't mean best friends... why is she soo freaking innocent!!... oh well at least I can finally sleep...I think  T.T

~The next day~


jessy: who is it?

kim: its me kim and mimi

mimi: ellow sistaaah!!

jessy opened the door

jessy: I'm not your sister!!

mimi: mean!!

jessy: your mean you always pinch me!!!

mimi: oh yeah that reminds me

mimi pinched jessy for 20 seconds (^_^)====c(*_<)

jessy: ow ow ow ow ow!!!!

mimi: 18 19 20 ok done! ^.^

jessy: waaaaah your mean kim save me!!

kim: mimi stop it its not nice to bully little kids xD

jessy: hey!! I'm not little and I'm no kid >.<

kim: of course your not you lil cutie you xD

mimi: want a cookie

jessy: no I don't want that choco yummy delicous cookie...ok can I have it?

mimi: suure u can after I pinch you

jessy: nevermind

mimi: are you suuuuuure? (showing jessy abox of cookies)

jessy: eeerm ok fine T.T

mimi: here you go

mimi then pinched jessy

jessy: ouch hey this box is empty there's no cookies you tricked me >.<

mimi: kekekekekeke I'm so mean

jessy: wow you just noticed it T.T

kim: jessy aren't you going to let  us in??

jessy: only you not that thing over there

mimi: I'm not a thing I'm a her!

jessy: yeah right! T.T

mimi: just let me in please I'll give u a cake ^^

jessy: ok xD

jessy let mimi and kim in they went to the living room and had a little girl to girl chat.. taemin then went to the living oom to greet mimi and kim

taemin: annyonghaseyo ^^

kim and mimi: annyonghaseyo

jessy: good morning taeminnie oppaaaaa! xD

taemin: since when do you call me taeminnie??

jessy: since now xD

mimi: innocent minded girl!

jessy: mean!!

mimi: kekekekekeke

jessy: hahaha mimi sounds like a witch!

kim and taemin: hey your right! xD

mimi: hey! it does not!

jessy: sure it does xD

mimi pinches jessy hard!

jessy: nooooooo

mimi: nyahahahahaha

kim: now she's an evil cat xD

jessy: waaaaah I can't luagh my cheeks hurts!!

kim: hahahahahaha

taemin: hahahahaha

then the other shinee members cam to the living room

key: what are you guys laughing about??

mimi,kim,jessy and taemin: noothing xD

jessy: wait don't you guys have a schedule in sme?

jonghyun: nope xD were free today nyahahahaha

jessy: wow you sound like mimi xD

jonghyun: hahahahaha

onew: wait we do have a schedule! manager hyung called me yesterday when you guys were sleeping

taemin,key,jonghyun,and minho: what?!

onew: sorry >.<

key: when and where?

onew: today and in the water park were going to have a shooting there

taemin: how long will the shooting takes?

onew: hmmm 1 hour

jonghyun: wow that long?

onew: yeah... but the good news is after the shooting we can have fun in the water park for free and we can invite kim, mimi and jessy xD

jessy: really? I love the water park!!! especially the big slides xD

mimi: oh don't you ever remind me about that field trip!!!

jessy then gave an evil laugh

jessy: nyahahahahahaha

kim: now that souns like a cute kitty laugh hahahahaha xD

jonghyun: wow my daughter is even better than me xD

jessy: of course xD ... hey mimi wanna go to the slide??

mimi: your dead!

jessy: immpossible I'm still here alive and still cute >:))

mimi: grrr

kim: ok stop it guys before you two fight!

jessy: ok ^^

mimi: innocent lil girl

jessy:merong >:P

onew: we better get ready or else manager hyung will get mad!!

all: ok

they all got ready mimi and kim went home wgile jessy and the shinee members get ready

~after 15 mins~

onew: everyone ready?


jessy: ok they're here xD

kim and mimi was waiting outside

jessy: yup ready xD

minho: let's go then

they all went down and into the white van

to be continued

author: yay were going to the water park!! xD

kim: that's not true!! this is a story remember?

author: I know but we can still make the story in the waterpark right??

kim: so were "REALLY" going?

author: yup xD

mimi:nooo!!!! NEVER

author: what's with her?? T.T

kim: oh she still have trauma with our last field trip T.T

author: you mean that field trip was real? 0.0

kim: of course its real xD

jessy: yah and that field trip was fun especially the "BIG SLIDE"

background music *dan dan dan duuuuuun*

mimi: kyaaaaaah nooooo don't remind meeeeh!!!

kim: waoh! where did that background music came from 0.0

jessy: dunno but its so cool everytime I say " THE BIG SLIDE"-

*dan dan dan duuuuun*

jessy: the music comes up

kim: cool "THE BIG SLIDE"

*dan dan dan duuuuun*

author: cool I never knew that!! xD "THE BIG SLIDE"

*dan dan dan duuuuuuun*

mimi: stop iiiiiiit!!!!! you guys are sooo mean >.<

jessy,kim and author: kekekekekeke

shinee: hey guys what going on?

jessy: hey guys hear this ahem... "THE BIG SLIDE"

*dan dan dan duuuuuun*

mimi: gyaaaaaaah

mimi runs out of the room

kim: woah that girl has issues 0.0

*dan dan dan duuuuuun*

jessy: hahahahahaha

shinee: author noona your phone is ringing T.T

*dan dan dan duuuun*

author: oh so that's were the sound was coming from hahahahahaha

author picked up her phone

author: hello who is this?

*dan dan dan duuuuuuun*

jessy: wait a minute if author noona answered her phone and the music is still here than were is that music coming from? 0.0

*dan dan dan duuuun*

unknown: he..he..he.heeeellooooooo

all: kyaaaaaaaah!!!! its heeeeeer she showed uuuup!!!

(unknown was also in chappy four ^^)

unknown: hmph weirdos T.T... oh well bye bye see you in the next chappy mwahahahahahaha

*dan dan dan duuuuuuun*


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great fic, thank you!
kissme-minseok #2
i remember this!
great job!
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 32: Awwww ruined the moment lol
New reader here! I really love this fanfic :DDD
JoJomontano #6
aww so nice :))
icemochi18 #7
awww; they were back together <3
gosh i thought it was really the end TT TT i was so scared
brainyjs #9
awwww.....<br />
they are finally back together!! XD!!<br />
sad that this is the last chapter...<br />
it IS the last chapter right?? >.<<br />
yeah... should be... lawl... i answered my own question...<br />
aigoo... jonghyun, key and onew TOTALLY ruined the moment!! aish...