Goodbye forever?!

the big DORM!!!

Chappy 24 ^^

previously on the big DORM!!

jessy: guys... I need to tell you something

all: what is it?


kim: what is it jessy?

mimi: yeah jessy why are you suddenly acting so serious?

jessy: ummm...well... I'm going to... japan

kim and mimi: JAPAN?!

jonghyun: what?!

onew: are you serious?!

minho: why?!

key: your going back to japan?!

jessy: yeah..

kim: why are you going back?!

mimi: is this because of taemin and shea?

jessy: I guess so...

jonghyun: you don't have to move to japan just to get over taemin

jessy: I have to! whenever I see them together it makes me feel like I was nothing to him! I hate it so much! that's why I want to move to japan I want to forget everything! except meeting such wonderful friends

kim: is there really no other way to stop you?

jessy: I'm sorry... no....

they all paused in silence

mimi:... w..why are you guys so depresssed?! we shouldn't be here and feeling sad about jessy leaving we should be out there having fun cause this is her last day!

jonghyun: your right! let this be a farewell party to jessy...

onew: that's a great idea! thing... where will we hang out?

kim:hmmmm I know!, there a new amusement park here near here we can go there my classmate told me it was really fun there

jessy: oh I love amusement parks!

mino: even better!

mimi: ok let's go now we have no time jessy still needs to pack so will spend the whole day hanging out and taking pics... ARASO?!

all: ARASO!

yuma: let's go then xDD

then they all went to the amusement park, they rode one ride after another they spend the whole day having fun at the amusement park they played games and and rode fast and big roller coasters... but they had to end it...its was already 10:00pm they had to go home...

kim: its... 10:00pm already?

mimi: I wish this day never ends! I wish time can stay 10:00pm forever! >.<

jessy: I...I'm going to miss you guys

kim and mimi then burst in tears

kim: jessy please don't leave!!

mimi: jessy I'm going to miss you sooooo much!!

kim: don't make any bestfriends there ok me and mimi are your only best friends!

jessy: I...I... I promise

jessy also started to cry

jonghyun: jessy be a good girl there ok? or else appa will go there and punish you!

key: I'll always miss you jessy

minho: don't forget us ok?

onew: don't forget your ajushii ok?

jessy: I will never forget you guys NEVER! I love you guys soooooo much

all: we love you too

mimi: *sniff* ok guys let's get back jessy still needs to pack

kim: yeah let's get back its getting late

kim: yeah we should its really scary this late at night

all: ok

they all went back home, mimi and kim had to leave but before they left they gave jessy a big hug!

kim: bye jessy remember we will miss you!!!!!

mimi: bye jessssssssy I will miss you!!!

jessy: I will miss you guys too... bye guys

jessy and jonghyun,key,minho and onew went inside

jessy: that was really fun! thanks guys for cheering me up ^^

taemin: what was fun?

jessy turned around she saw taemin in the living room watching

jessy: ta...taemin hi

taemin: hi, so where did you guys go?

key: we went to the amusement park

taemin: oh cool...

jessy:...umm ah guys stop watching and let's get back to sleep I still need to pack my stuff

jonghyun: ok

taemin: pack your stuff??

jessy: good night!

jessy went to her room and started packing all her stuff

taemin: what did she mean by that?

To Be Continued

PS. my story is now done please subscribe it thank you ^^

TITLE: Our perfect DOLL?!

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great fic, thank you!
kissme-minseok #2
i remember this!
great job!
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 32: Awwww ruined the moment lol
New reader here! I really love this fanfic :DDD
JoJomontano #6
aww so nice :))
icemochi18 #7
awww; they were back together <3
gosh i thought it was really the end TT TT i was so scared
brainyjs #9
awwww.....<br />
they are finally back together!! XD!!<br />
sad that this is the last chapter...<br />
it IS the last chapter right?? >.<<br />
yeah... should be... lawl... i answered my own question...<br />
aigoo... jonghyun, key and onew TOTALLY ruined the moment!! aish...