a new relationship?!

the big DORM!!!

Chappy 23 ^^

previously on the big DORM!!

jessy: I...I love you

jessy said with a smile on her face


jessy: I love you... but only as a brother and nothing else I'm sorry...

yuma: jessy pleasegive me another chance please!

yuma kneeled down while holding jessy's hand

jessy: sanada-sempai get up!

yuma: not until you say yes!, please let me court you!!

jessy: I... I don't want it to happen again

yuma: if your talking about before I promise you I won't do it again please jessy please only one chance please!

jessy: sanada-sempai please get up there are other people that might see us

yuma: I won't stand until you say yes!

jessy: ummm...fine fine fine.... yes!

yuma stood up and hugged her very thight

yuma: I promise you jessy I will never hurt you

jessy: 50 percent of me says I don't believe you but the other says I do

yuma: I'm ok with 50

jessy: just remember were just dating ok?

yuma: of course!, I love you and I won't stop saying it

jessy just smiled

yuma: we should really be getting to class

jessy: oh yeah whoops hehehehehe xD

yuma: shall I walk you to class?

jessy: It would be my pleasure

yuma held jessy's hand and walked to class, they only had 20 mins more before class starts

~at the classroom~

girl: hey look first that took our precious taemin now she's even taking sanada-hyung she is such a !

girl: yeah what a b****

jessy just looked away like nothing happened then she heard a girl shouted

bea: you shouldn't be saying that to her you b****** you have no right and besides taemin was lucky to have jessy but he just dumped her but I don't think he did that purposely I think he did that because shea and you s blackmailed him!

girls: wha...wha...what a...a...a...a.are you talking about we didn't!

bea: then why are your voices shaking!

girls: grrr why are you helping that anyway she takes all the boys here! were sick and tired of her hogging all the attention!

then another girl stood up

shellie: you s are just jealous of jessy!

girls: were not its obvious were prettier than her!

bea: yeah your pretty.... pretty ugly!!

shellie: nice one bea! and besides didn't you s forgot that jessy is the youngest here second to taemin!

the girls were silent

girls: umm even though she still hogs all of the attention of the boys!

boy: no she didn't T.T

girls: what?!

boy: we just kept on going to jessy cause she always teaches us math and she has good handwriting so we can easily understand what she's saying not like our math teacher T.T

girls: what? really?

boys: and she's like our lil sister that's 100 percent much more smarter than us we don't really like her like love like her she just our mini tutor

jessy: mini! seriously... mini!

boys: yes MINI! >:]

bea: see you s were wrong!

shellie: how dare you s hurt jessy!

boys: you girls hurt jessy?! why didn't we know?!

bea: cause you guys were busy T.T

girls: ummm aaah

bea: and didn't you girls like jessy before jessy even helped you in math!

girls: that's until she said that we were losers and we were a total s in the whole campus!

jessy: come again? 0.0

girls: don't try to deny it!

jessy: I didn't spread anyrumor about you girls 0.0

boys bea and shellie: do you girls think that this LITTLE kid can spread a rumor?! she's too innocent!

jessy: heeeeeey! I can be mean to you know >.<

boys: yeah right T.T

girls: its true!

bea: how do you know its true!?

girls: shea told us!

jessy: you guys seriously trust shea think about it T.T

girls:.... ummm....jessy were sorry!! we didn't know we thought it was you! sooooorry jessy were really are really sorry >.<

bea: you girls should be

shellie: yeah!

jessy: I forgive you ^^

boys, shellie, bea, yuma: what?! you do?!

jessy: of course I can't stay mad at anybody it wouldn't be right hehehehehehehe xD

boys: this is why she's our LIL sis!

jessy: do you have to emphasize the LIL!

boys: yup :D

jessy: let's just forget about what happen ok?

everyone agreed with jessy and forgot about what happened but then shea and taemin came

shea: oh the boyfriend taker is here and her ex boyfriend

yuma: shut up shea!

shea: you shut up I don't even know why you like that girl

yuma: I don't just like her I lover her and besides were dating

yuma pulled jessy closer to him jessy just smiled

taemin: your dating yuma?!

jessy: and your dating shea?!.... ^^ similar no?

taemin walked away and went to his seat

shea: look what you did taemin is now angry!

jessy: I don't think that's my problem ^^

shea looked at jessy like a devil

jessy: you know getting mad is really bad for your skin ^^

shea: oh shut up! loser!

shea went to her seat but she was still glaring at jessy

jessy: sanada-sempai go back to your class you might be late xD

yuma: call me sanada-oppa xD

jessy: fine fine bye bye sanada-OPPA xD

yuma: bye bye

yuma went to his class and jessy sat at her table

jessy: bea, shellie... thanks :)

jessy said with a heart warming smile

boys: what about us?

jessy: thanks too guys xD

boys: your welcome xD

taemin and shea: ~what's with them T.T~


To be continued

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great fic, thank you!
kissme-minseok #2
i remember this!
great job!
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 32: Awwww ruined the moment lol
New reader here! I really love this fanfic :DDD
JoJomontano #6
aww so nice :))
icemochi18 #7
awww; they were back together <3
gosh i thought it was really the end TT TT i was so scared
brainyjs #9
awwww.....<br />
they are finally back together!! XD!!<br />
sad that this is the last chapter...<br />
it IS the last chapter right?? >.<<br />
yeah... should be... lawl... i answered my own question...<br />
aigoo... jonghyun, key and onew TOTALLY ruined the moment!! aish...