Chapter 10

That Pair of Eyes...




CH 10 ;



You fell onto the floor, covered in sweat from head to toe. Your legs were starting to ache really badly. Breathing heavily in and out, your trembling hands reached out for the plug and disconnected your mobile phone from the speakers in the dance studio, checking if there were any unread messages. 

Seeing that there were none, you grabbed onto the barre and pulled yourself up with all the strength you had left after four hours of dancing non-stop.

Your knees buckled a little as you picked up your bag and headed back to the dormitory with your earpiece plugged in your ears. You glued your eyes onto the screen of your phone, scrolling down your Twitter timeline, checking if you had missed out on any important updates on 4 Minute and EXO. 

Oblivious of your surroundings, you walked straight into somebody. Your head knocked onto his back and you staggered backwards clumsily, jelly-like knees giving way yet again. You lost your footing and fell hard on your bottoms, causing you to shriek oh-so-unglamly.

Pulling out your earpiece harshly while wincing in pain, you looked up at the person you had bumped into to apologize.

"I'm so sorry, I'm really so sor-"

"B- Byunghun?" You stoned for a moment.

"It's okay." He said and turned around to continue walking.

Second time he talked to me today... Your cheeks flushed a deep shade of red unknowingly as the short moment of skinship replayed itself in your head.

You took a few seconds to regain your equanity before realising you were still stupidly sitting on the floor. Oh my goodness, this is so embarrassing. You used your hands to support yourself whilst getting up, only to have your elbows give way too. You fell back to the floor on your bottoms with a soft cry of pain again. 

I shouldn't have danced so much... You sat on the floor to catch your breath, deciding to get up a few moments later when you have enough energy to get up on your feet.

Unexpectedly, Byunghun retreated upon hearing your short scream when you fell for the second time.

Your eyes widened to the size of saucers and your hands turned cold and clammy. You knew you were flushing a deeper shade of red now. The burning sensation returned to your cheeks and stayed there. Your heart seemed to drum against your ribcage so rapidly it could break at any point of time. 

He extended his arm to you without saying a single word. Shyly and hesitantly, you held onto his hand and he pulled you up. You quickly let go of his hand, pretended to dust dirt off your sweats and bit your lip so hard it could bleed.

"Uhm... Thanks." 
Oh, that was awkward...

"Where's the music room?" You saw that the gaze in his eyes were so unlike the glare he gave you earlier on. It was so much softer. And you definitely prefered this version of Byunghun to the one with the death glare. 

"It's only here." You pointed to a room to your right, knowing that Byunghun was still unfamiliar with the school.


"It's no biggie." You cheerfully replied, glad that you could be of any help of him. Of course, you were also glad that he is starting to talk to you and he did not seem so cold and unapproachable anymore.

With that, he disappeared into the music room.

You debated with yourself whether to peep at him or not, but decided that you would not risk him losing his temper at you again should he catch you creeping up on him. The walls of the music room were soundproof, so there was no way you could hear what he was doing inside. 

Why would I even think about peeping at him...? I must be out of my mind.

You stared at your hand which grabbed onto Byunghun's hand, feeling your blood warm up and start to gush to your cheeks again. 

What's this feeling?  

You began to head back to your dormitary, with the skinship you shared with Byunghun constantly on replay mode in your head. 

Your heart skipped yet again.

Stupid heart, slow down a little.

You looked at your hand and your heart defiantly started racing. 

What's wrong with me?

Still a little disappointed that you had to come to a conclusion not to peep at the new transfer student, you went to Youtube and typed "Byunghun" out of curiosity. 

No results of the guy you were looking for.

Stupid me... He came from California... What's his English name?

"Joe", you swiftly typed into the search engine, feeling proud of yourself that you remember seeing "Joe" written on the cover of his textbook.

Endless results of "Joe" started to spill onto the page and you stared at them hopelessly. Now, how many people in this world go by the name "Joe"? 

Well, have to make do with it... It's the only thing I know...

You started scrolling down, letting the pages load one after another. 

You sat on your bed upon entering your dormitory and continued to scroll down page after page.

"American Talent Entry #41 : Joe- Piano & Singing"

The picture depicted a blonde teenager. Joe took singing classes as well. He plays the piano, you suppose. Anyways, the guy in the photo does look like him. You clicked on the link.

The audience's applause died down, and Byunghun started off with a slow melody, slowly letting it escalate into a fast, thrilling tune. His voice blended in perfectly with the sound of the grand piano. 

His eyes were closed all the time. You felt amazed- He did not have to refer to the music sheet at all. His voice was perfect.

The moment the the applause stopped completely after the performance, Byunghun stood up and bowed to the audience. Applause erupted from the crowd yet again, and the judges motioned for them to quiet down as they discussed about the piece that Byunghun had played on the piano.

You noticed something special about Byunghun the moment he looked up from the ground to the judges. You had no idea what it was. He looked different... In a way or another...

Perhaps you were just being sensitive.

The only female judge tapped the microphone softly and spoke into it. She started off with compliments. Byunghun nodded in reply to her opinions and suggestions. You started to feel happy for him, for the lady was overflowing with lots of compliments.

Then, she paused for a while. 

You had a certainty that Byunghun had passed, for sure.

You had an assurance that the judge will raise the green flag to show that he has gotten into the next round.

You thought that the judge had finished saying her piece.

You waited.

You were feeling confused as to why she had not raised a flag because she has finished talking.


"However, I'm really sorry, because your blindness would pose a big inconvenience for you if you are to get into the music industry." 

She did not even bother to raise a flag.

Because he was blind anyways.


You stoned on your bed.

You held your breath.

Your lungs felt tight all of a sudden.

Your phone slipped out of your grasp.


That explains everything.


Byunghun using braile, Byunghun grazing the walls, Byunghun holding onto the railings, Byunghun being so anti-social.

Because he had experienced hell before.

Because he was judged by many.

Because he has gotten numb to rejection.

Because he received so little love.

Because... He was treated the way he did not deserve to be treated.


Then, another question hit you.

If he was blind, why can he see now?


Everything whirled around you. Reality hit you hard. It sunk deep into you. Byunghun was blind. Byunghun is no longer blind. 

Confusion overtook you. 

Confusion was all you knew at that point of time.







Omoya, 109 subscribers and 11 upvotes. Dear subscribers and upvoters, I love you all so much ~ 

p/s--- The american talent thingy IS NOT REAL, nae? So don't go to youtube and search for it xD ~

Anyways, I'm so sorry for not updating for such a long time! There were intense dance practices due to a competition... There was a lot of tests and lots of homework and of course, tuitions... Plus, I fell sick :( I'm really so sorry!

Oh, by the way, the results for the competition was posted today on the website! My troupe attained a Certificate of Distinction (It's the best award one can achieve) !!! 

Just thought that I would share something personal from my life with you all lovelies~ ! And some evidence for not updating for a long time xD I'll update soon! ^^ Thank you for staying with me up till now ~ 

















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Sorry for not updating! I've been busy with sch & dance pracs are more intense due to an upcoming competition! I'll update in 2 days, when its over! ❥ YOU ALL!


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Chapter 16: Make sure to link them ok... Here to support author nim... Fighting!!!!! Love this story!!!
Chapter 15: Update! update! Update! *cheering in oddly manner*
Chapter 15: Where are you, author? I have loved this story since its very beginning even thought I wasn't here from the beginning. I was so happy I found such a sincere story full of emotions that make me sympathize with characters and everything fits so well! It's beautiful~
I want to encourage you to write more and I'm very sad I can't read more of it because I know you're a good writer. I beg you to continue this story, seeing how long you haven't been here. I hope you're healthy and doing well :/ :3
I can't wait for your update! It's been a long time since I cared for a story this much!!! ^^
Lots of love for youuuu <33
Chapter 15: This is such a great story. Please update!!
ljoe2320 #5
Chapter 15: such a great story and i cant wait for the next chapter~ update soon, authornim.
Chapter 15: Update soon pls! ^^ you're an excellent writer! :D
mysteriously_unknown #7
Chapter 15: nice! L.Joe's making new friends! :D
update soon! ^^
Chapter 15: minus that 'e' hehe XD
Chapter 15: oohhhhh L.Joe's openeing up! ^^