Tryin' to make one

Keep Tryin'


A tall and handsome boy was walking down the hallway. He stopped as he reached a door with F(x)’s logo on it.

He seemed to be in hesitation yet a big smile on his face couldn’t cover his hesitation. He brought a little thing in his hand.

He stopped for a while. Finally he opened the door.


“OPPA!” the maknae shouted as he opened the door. “eonni misses you she cant practice the movement properly” the older one helped the maknae to teased their eonni.


“Ya! Stop teasing your eonni.. Kris, what makes you come here?” the tomboy girl approached him.


“vic-umma, can I leave for a moment? Please” she gave her puppy-eyes looks to her leader. “what can make me not allowing you to go with your prince?” the leader even more.


“haish.. Kris lets go” she grabbed his hand out of the room.


They went to the end of the hallway, where nobody can’t eavesdrop their conversation. He brought her to his deep embrace.


“ya! Kris, why are you acting like this out of the blue?” she looked puzzled because his action. “Why you haven’t told me about this? I’m so happy after I knew this” he hugged her even tighter.


“what do you mean, Kris? I don’t get it..”


“What do you mean by “I don’t get it”? You supposed to understand this problem better than me..” he let her go from his embrace. “Kris don’t fool around. I have to practice for my comeback..”


“WHAT? You still practicing after all of this? No. I don’t give you the permittion to practicing.”


“mwo? You can’t be like this Kris. It’s for my group, my fans. Why are you being like this” she got more puzzled. “I.. I didn’t mean it baby, but I just don’t wanna lose him.. we have to keep him. Or you don’t want to keep him?”


“who is ‘him’?”


“baby.. you still don’t understand what I mean? Should I spill it? what if someone eavesdrop us and they know about this?” Kris asked Amber vigorously.


“just spill it out. Don’t make me confused even more.” She gave up because she understand nothing from this conversation.


Kris took something from his pocket and gave it to Amber.


“this is what I mean baby.. I found it in our apartment this morning just right after you left..” his smile got bigger as he handed that thing to Amber.


“mwo.. HAHAHAHAHAHA Kris so you think I’m pregnant? Hahahahahaha Kris why are you so funny Kris..” Kris spaced-out.


“you.. you are pregnant, aren’t you?”


“of course not!. I’m on the pills. We also use condoms, you remember?” Kris had nothing to say because of his dullness.


“you aren’t pregnant? I’ve already imagined accompany you when you gave birth to our child, take him to our show..” he looked sad.


“It’s my cousin’s testpack. She came to our apartment last night for telling me she’s pregnant. You really want a child Kris?” she asked him..


“OF COURSE! I really want children. Not only one, maybe twelve sons so we can make the new generation of EXO. Or five daughters to make F(x)’s new generation.” He grinned.


“I’m only 21 while you’re only 23. 7 more years okay? Then I will give you children. Not 12, but I’m sure they will be the cutest and the best babies ever.. okay?”


“but I want them now..” he pouted and started his aegyo in front of her.


“not now.. but I don’t mind for one night trying to make one..” She giggled and left him spaced-out planning for their hot-trying-to-make-babies-night.


a/n : this is a oneshot for you all. sorry for not updating my other fanfic. i promise i will update it as soon as i finish the 2nd chapter. school's getting busier nowadays.

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Chapter 1: hahahaha 7 years!!!
luckypyo #2
Starnger #3
Chapter 1: Lol XD kriss be patient!!
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 1: hahahaha... XD
Chapter 1: lol! so funny.. Kris.. just be patient..
Chapter 1: AHH ADORABLE! I wanna squeeze Kris' cheeks...
(/ > ○ < )/ *pinch*
ANYWHOOOOO I like the idea of having the next generation pf EXO and f(x) :P
freakymui #7
Chapter 1: This is a funny chapter!!! Lol...Kris, u know wat to do next! Keep doing it until she pass out, u juz have one night dun you?!
Chapter 1: lol... cute!!