Chapter one ~~


Hey guys when you read this listen to this please~~ Its the total inspiration for this one shot^^

-2:00 Pm-

You sat there staring at the clock and out your bedroom window back and fourth.

*Where is he?* you thought

*I know what to do !!* you thought

"A little music will help the nerves heheheheh~~" you mumbled akwardly turning on your CD player not caring what is playing until it blasts aloud


You dove for the volum button and turned it down to "5" so only you could hear it... *CRAP that was loud I hope he didn't hear it =_________= *you thought

Then it hit you and you remember your goal and ran back to the window to see Hanbyul causually walking down the driveway.

"MY PHONE!!" You yelped unlocking your phone and calling Hanbyul as fast you could.

It rung twice beofre he answered his phone.

"Hello?" Hanbyul answered with his cute thick accent.

(Purple= you & Blue =hanbyul)

Hey hanbyul~~

Oh ello_______ what's up?

*You can do this* Nothing Much I got a question though... 

Cool but anyways what's you question?

*Quick pause and gulps* Are you doing anything later?

I have practiceand trianing for three hours thats about it why?

I was going to go to yhe Han river later before the rainy season starts tonight.

Yeah totally I promise I'll come~~ What time?

*Crap ><* Umm how about  5:30 ish so we can catch the sunset.

Arasso I'll try my best ~~ No I wil 

Arasso Gumawo

De no problem anything ~~ I gotta go now anneyong!!


-End of Call-

"YES I DID IT !!!" u=you screamed jumping around the room exactly how you did the night before when you kept watching the ONE SHOT video.

Little did you know that through the window through the Driveway...

Hanbyul saw your reaction and smiled. Your reaction seemed to have lightened his day.

-2 Hours later-

You were laying upside down on the bed deciding what to wear.

Staying still you haven't  moved one inch."What am I going to wear?" You wondered aloud "What's the time anyway...."

You checked the time "Oh its Four-thirty...FOUR THIRTY!!"

You jumped from your spot grabbing you towel and running to the shower.

9 minutes later and headed back to your room.

"Okat now what to wear ><.." you scanned your closet for the millionth time.

*I KNOW~~* you thought pulling out your favorite outfit.

Which was:

-light blue above the knee skirt

-A gray cardigan 

-White"V" neck T-shirt

-Pink/ Purple Nike's


"Perfect~~" you remarked brushing off your sides of the outfit confidently.

You decided to go makeupless like always.Whenever you wore it you felt fake so every once in a while you wore eyeliner.

You curled the first two front pieces of your hair and left the rest straight.

You checked the clock "4:50" it shown.

*You can do this ~Kim ____~* You thought slipping your phone in your pocket .

You locked the door and headed out the door and headed on the 10 minute Fast walk (or run) to the Han river.


At 5:00 Pm you arrived at the river to prepare what you were going to say to Hanbyul.

*I can't believe it *you thought while rehearsing what to say.

As you waited for the time people on bikes rode by blasting "catch me by TVXQ" and weather reports.

You sat down on a bench and prayed "Oh god please help me >< "


*Whew its time*  you thought beginnning to look around for Hnabyul.

"Uhhh no sign... maybe running a tad bit late yeah thats it.."you said comforting yourself while waiting.

15 minutews later still no signs of Hanbyul.

Around this time the Sun was already set and the street lamps were turning on . While the clouds began rolling in with a slight chill. You slowly became more and more sad and discouraged.

Within 5-10 minutes rain began to poor hard.

"Of course I forgot an umbrealla as always >< "You mumbled walking away towards home on a 20 minute walk taking you time.

You trudged home slowly step by step with your head down.

Walking slowly you walked by the clock tower you weren't watching where you were going and ran into someone.

"Mianhe.."You said bowing and lifting you head so you weren't rude but froze as soon as you saw who it was.

It was Hanbyul.......

The both of you stood there staring at each other both soaked from the rain.

"Well I'm here~~...."Hanbyul finally said breaking the silence.

You just smiled the best as you could as tears formed in your eyes.

"hehe yeah *sniffle*" you replied.

"I'm sorry I was late..." Hanbyul began apoligetically.

"It's okay I'm heading home now anyways.."You replied brushing by him sadly.

All of a sudden he grabbed your wrist and called you "________-ah"

You hesitated for two seconds then lifted you head to respond and turned to reply  but were cut off "Ye..."

It took you about one second to realize.

Hanbyul's lips were on yours.

You had no clue until you realized and closed you eyes.

Perfect timing because at theat same exact moment the clock tower rang.

Signaling everyone it was 6:30.....

A feww minutes later the two of you realeased from the kiss as it continued to pour outside.

Hanbyul higged you tightly and snuggle his nose into your hair.

"Kim______ sarangehae.. I loed you forever since I babysitted you when you were four to the time I helped you study for French class. You have alwyas been in my heart and will be forever." he said huggin you tighter.

"Hanbyul oppa... sarangehae, sarangehae, saranghae~~!!" You replied a little tery.

"This is crazy ~~"You mumbled.

"How?" Hanbyul argued hearing you loud and clear releasing from the hug.

You laughed kissed him on the cheek then whispered in his ear.

"I was going to confess to ~~" 

Hanbyul looked surpised and happy at the same time "Chincha??" he asked.

"DE!!" you replied.

"HA ha haha  I can't believe it !" He exclaimed.

"What?" You asked confused.

He smiled at you then wrapped his arms around your waist and picked you then spun you.

"That your finally mine..." he replied and lightly pecked your lips....


Sooooo..... how did you guys like my first one shot ??

It was kind of crappy and good at the same time^^~~

Please suppport me and please spread the word about this and thanks for reading !!


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