Chapter Three.



Chapter 3.

It was one of those rare, lazy Saturdays. I sat on the settee, a book in hand, my head leaning back against the plush fabric. Mother was out, which in itself was a pleasing fact. The weather had brightened, wisps of white clouds littering the blue. I could feel winter approaching, which I was not excited for, for it meant my wedding was coming closer as well.


I would marry Kim Jonghyun in the early spring.


Five months from now.


I closed my eyes, setting the book, still open, on my chest. A sigh escaped my lips.


Rinka. Let’s fall in love, and make them hate us.


There was only one problem, Kim Jonghyun.


I didn’t know what love was, let alone how to fall in it.



A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. The ninja servant, as I had come to affectionately call her, slipped away to answer it. She returned a few moments later with none other then my betrothed.


“Jonghyun!” I stood up so quickly, I nearly threw my book off my lap. I bobbed a quick bow, still surprised.


He gave me his usual, pleasant smile and inclined his head politely. “Miss Rinka.”


“What are you doing here? Does my mother know?”


“No, I would imagine not. She was with my older sister Sodam and my mother, last time I checked.”


“Oh. May I ask why you’re here, then?”


“Oh! Yes, of course…Would you care to take a walk with me?”


“… A walk? Where?”


“In the forest not too far from here, there’s a beautiful path I want to show you…” His voice trailed off. He was shy, I noticed. It was almost…endearing.


So I gave him a smile, and said, “I would love to go on a walk with you.”


He seemed to perk up, almost like a puppy. Yes, a puppy. I could practically see his metaphorical tail wagging in excitement as he offered his arm, and I took it.


My ninja servant suddenly appeared out of nowhere and practically gave Jonghyun a heart-attack. She blushed and offered an umbrella.


“To protect from the rain, mister and mistress.” She said shyly.


I watched with slight amusement as her blush brightened, seemingly blood red against her pale skin. “Thank you, miss,” Jonghyun said.


He truly was a gentleman.


We made our way outside. The streets were quiet; no one was out on a day like this.


He popped out the umbrella and held it mostly over myself, which made me smile, and I once more looped my arm with his, pulling him further under the umbrella.


We walked silently for awhile, and I let my eyes wander.


The streets were…Dreary.


I had never been outside without being distracted by a million things (mainly, my mother). I realized then, how…Grey the world was.


How lonely.


“What are you thinking about, Rinka?” He asked.


I snapped from my reverie, glancing up at him. “It’s nothing. Just…I’ve never been out and been able to get lost in my own thoughts. I never noticed how bleak this world is.”


He seemed to think about my words for a long while. “This world…Is not living, anymore. Humans are trapped inside the hands of the dead; any heart or soul is as rare as the sun. Beauty is hard to find. There is no longer a heartbeat within.”


And he looked at me, his eyes dark and slightly sad. I came to yet another realization. Jonghyun and I…Were just alike.




The pathway Jonghyun had taken me to was just as he said: Beautiful. It seemed untouched by the greedy hands of our society.


“I like to come here. It’s my little secret, I like to think…” He had this habit of trailing off, and frankly it was rather…Cute.


He lost my focus for a moment, my eyes wandering over the scenery.


“It’s so beautiful,” I whispered.


I turned to him when his hand barely brushed my shoulder. He held a flower, something I’d never dreamt of being able to hold. It was blue in color, almost like a gem. It seemed to glow under the dim lighting of the clouded sky, and I cupped it in my hand.


“There’s a whole patch of them, over behind the trees.”


“It’s so pretty.”


“One of nature’s true treasures.”


Jonghyun took off his dress coat, smoothing it over the ground. “Sit.”


He offered his hand and I took it, lowering myself onto the ground. He sat next to me, leaning back on his hands.


“Falling in love with me, yet?” He asked suddenly. He sounded cocky, and yet I could sense just a little bit of hope.


But as much as I wanted to tell him yes, honesty forced me to say, “No.”


“I didn’t think so. I felt I needed to check, is all.”


“Have you?”


He hummed in thought, looking down at the flower in my hands. “No. I think…I think I could love you. If not for these circumstances.”


“The circumstances in which our demanding parents are forcing us together, not allowing us to be…Real?”


All he did was nod and I shift to lie down, staring at the darkening sky. The rain had long since stopped, though I could still feel the occasional drop and the heaviness of humidity. It felt nice though; tranquil.


“I hope I can.”


Yes I thought. If only it were that easy.





A/N: Short chapter is short. I have updated everyday so far, which really is just because I've had time to write. I don't know if I'll continue having this time next week, but if not, I'll try to update every Wednsday. 

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hi guys. im kind of going through some stuff. i dont really want to do anything anymore. ill update soon. matodroid will make sure. bye till then.


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Chapter 10: Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 10: I admit it was kind of short, but I'm glad we got something. We hadn't updated in a while. And again, if you ever get writers block just get a hold of me and I WILL HELP YOU.
midnightF #3
Chapter 10: I've just found this thing today and finished reading it today..
DOn't you dare quit on this story!
Chapter 8: Christ, umma, ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS ASK FOR HELP
Chapter 6: Update soon! I'm loving the story already ❤
Chapter 4: This is soooo good! <333 so far i can't understand jjong's feelings XD i can't understand why he is so nice to rinka when he hates her
Chapter 4: I am SO not letting you quit on this story! UMMA FIGHTING!!
Chapter 2: O.M.F.G I LOVE IT, LOVE! af;kasjdfkl;askljdfkjf asd;fljasdf See waht you did? you gave me feels. Good for you. T_T DSJF;lkha;kfhhasdjkfhasdlf YOU KILL ME DUDE. KILL ME.