Sweet Sweetness

Siwon X Reader - Sweet Sweetness


“We’re planning on going to Senzuru next Saturday with the girls,” your friend told you one day on Skype.


“Senzuru?” you asked, curious.


“Yeah, that new sushi restaurant.”


“Sushi! You’re so lucky!”


“Well, you could come too, but you’re so far… I mean, it’s not like Trois-Rivières is THAT far, but you know… it is. You’d have to come by car.”


“I know… it’s not fair.”


“Oh well, if you have the courage to drive in Montreal, you can try to come, it would be really cool if you were here too! Oh, I gotta go. Sorry. See you later!”


She hung up and you sighed. Montreal… so far away. You were not a bad driver, but not an expert one either, and you definitely couldn’t find any fun in driving. But maybe… for the sushi…


You decided to go.


On Saturday, you drove to Montreal, carefully avoiding the crazy other drivers in there, and you parked under the Palais des Congrès, which you knew – your friend had told you – was a safe place to park and close to where you wanted to go. You stepped out in the horribly hot air of the city and looked around you. Nothing looked very sushi-like, so you just started going around, thinking you might find it soon.


You forgot you had a horrible sense of direction. And you also forgot that Montreal was a huge city.


It took thirty minutes for you to notice you hadn’t walked in the right direction at all, and thirty other minutes of backtracking – or so you thought – to understand you were completely lost. The Palais des Congrès was nowhere to be found, all those people around you were speaking French – you had moved from Toronto to Trois-Rivières not long ago, so you were not really able to ask for directions in this language yet – and, just to make life worse, you had lost your purse, and all your cards and money with it. Great. Just great.


You were now in a residential part of the city, with apartments and houses everywhere. At least this part had trees in it, making the horrible heat a bit more bearable. You walked around, ready to let yourself die in despair, when a heavily accented voice suddenly resounded.


“Hey! You are lost?”


Because of the accent, it didn’t sound English enough for you to stop. You weren’t even sure someone was talking to you, when a hand was softly put on your shoulder. Not really having a choice there, you turned.


And bam.


“Lost?” the tall Asian man repeated.


You took your time evaluating him before saying anything, and before deciding if you had to run away or not. He was tall, handsome – no, not handsome, that was an understatement –, well built – understatement again –, muscles and abs everywhere. His eyes were dark brown, like any other Asian’s, and his hair was… hidden under a white bandana. Oh well, they were probably black. Anyway, the bandana wasn’t hiding anything much anymore; it had turned transparent thanks to that guy’s sweat. Same for his white sleeveless shirt – only the seams were still white, the rest was letting you see a very tasty view. He was also wearing old baggy jeans that would fail at hiding how powerful his legs were. Damn. No running away then, it would be useless.


Biting your lip, you were about to say something about needing help when a voice resounded, making you lose your opportunity to reply. Someone – a woman – was yelling in a weird language, and the man in front of you turned to reply in the same language. When he looked at you again, he tilted his head to the side, raising his brows. “So? Lost?”


“You… are so hot.”


Damn. You and your fineness.


At least that made him laugh and you couldn’t help but notice just how cute he was. Handsome and cute at the same time? This guy could be it. And he was removing his transparent bandana, unveiling pure black – and super wet with sweat – hair. “It is pretty hot outside today, and I know I am sweaty. But I guess that is not what you meant, right? Haha oh well, thanks?”


He said something else in this other language before repeating it in English. “Can I help you?”


“I… you… please just kill me. That would help a lot.”


He shook his head, disapproving, and you froze when his arms were suddenly around you, hugging you tight. Oh gawd. Oh gawd. Oh gawd. “Do not say that! I will help you,” he purred with a smile.


You couldn’t move. Couldn’t think. Couldn’t realize that those muscles were hugging you. Couldn’t realize that you liked being into these arms. Hugged. Safe. He was a stranger, but…


“I, um, please let me go?”


You immediately regretted it. He let go of you softly, losing his smile and pouting a bit. His eyes were strangely echoing another culture. Another world. Something attractive. So damn attractive. “Oh, sorry. I like hugging people. But I can help you if you are lost.”


The woman’s voice resounded again and he sighed before turning to reply, letting you see the amazingly beautiful tattoo on his back through his transparent shirt. Wings, so realistic you wanted to touch them, wondering if you’d feel the feathers under your fingers. You stayed there, just staring at it, while he was replying in that weird language again before he took your hand and made you follow him. “My mother made food. We will eat and then help, okay?”


You could only nod.


It didn’t take long before you discovered that this weird language was Korean, and this guy’s parents were Korean, and his name was Siwon Choi, and he was cute, and handsome, and sweet, and- oh, yeah, you already knew that.


After you ate, he decided to help you. You couldn’t remember that restaurant’s name nor the place you were parked into, so he simply decided to make you visit Montreal hoping something would make you remember where your car was. You were quickly in Old Montreal, near St-Lawrence river, in the hot summer breeze. His hand would never let go of yours – he had so quickly understood that you’d get lost if he let you go.


“Want to go visit those little shops?” he suddenly suggested with a smile. One of those beautiful smiles that made your heart beat furiously in your chest.


“Um, why? Won’t we… search for my car?”


“Well, yeah, but we are here, so let’s just enjoy?”


“O… okay. But I don’t have money. I lost it.”


“I have money.”


He smiled again and you melted from the inside. You tried protesting, but in the end he bought you a small blue flower to put in your hair, ice cream when you got a bit hungry in the middle of the afternoon, a new tank top, a new watch and even a light-colored lipstick he chose himself, saying it would look the best on you. You were touched by his gifts, but… but his smile was definitely the best thing he could give you. He smiled the entire afternoon, his hand holding yours, and buying you things here and there. After a while, you ended up in Chinatown.


Small shops were everywhere, selling cheap stuff, and you somehow knew you’d leave this place with tons of other gifts. You were right.


He bought you a ring, a necklace, another ring, and even earrings. Cheap stuff, but they were adorably cute and he insisted, saying they would look perfect on you. Sometimes he would stop somewhere and hug you tight when he felt that you were worried about your car. And once, only once, his lips delicately touched your forehead, making you blush, making him smile, before he took your hand again and made you follow him in the city.


At the end of the day, you were in Old Montreal again – this place and Chinatown being pretty close to each other. He decided that he’d treat you that night, knowing you had lost your money, and he brought you to a very expensive-looking restaurant. Expensive-looking? Not just that. Expensive, period. Expensive, but intimate.


The tables were not too close to each other, the ambiance was set by a delicate and warm dim light, and each table with clients had delicately carved lit red candles. They made you sit at a table for two and you blushed when Siwon smiled to you. “Do you like this place?”


“I do, but it’s so expensive…”


“Do not worry about it, love.”


You blushed some more. Love? “Siwon, I…”


“Do not worry about it, love,” he repeated in a deep but soft voice.


You saw the candles’ light in his eyes, and his smile on his face, and his soul through every fiber of his body. You knew, somehow, that he was doing this for a reason. And you knew he didn’t want to hurt you. So you just smiled and nodded softly. “Okay. Thanks, Siwon.”


You ate while discussing, just learning more about each other. Siwon was Korean, he had moved in Canada with his parents a while ago. He understood English, but sometimes had a bit difficulty pronouncing words correctly. He had one younger sister, but she lived in her own apartment near Ahuntsic College, on St-Hubert Street. His parents had asked him to help them paint the house earlier today, which explained why he was wearing old baggy jeans and a bandana – just in case, so he wouldn’t dirty his hair.


“What about you, love?”


You told him about your life in Trois-Rivières, about your poor French and people laughing at you at school. You explained him your parents had lived in Quebec before your birth, until they had moved in Toronto, where you were born. They had decided to come back in the province of Quebec a few months ago and, just to make your life horrible, they had decided to move in Trois-Rivières instead of Montreal. If everybody knew English in the metropolis, a lot of people in Trois-Rivières only knew the basics. Not enough to help you much in improving your French since they couldn’t explain stuff to you.


“But you are still better than me in French, love” he said softly when you were done explaining. “I have enough difficulty with English. You are better than me.”


His smile convinced you that he was sincere and you could only blush softly. “Thanks… but, you know Korean.”


“Nobody here knows Korean, so it is useless.”


You left the restaurant after Siwon paid, refusing to tell you how much it cost. Walking near the water under the streetlights, holding hands, you looked at the sun slowly disappearing behind the buildings. The water had taken a beautiful color and you sighed when you remembered you still didn’t know where your car was. Siwon approached, took your hand and smiled to you. You smiled back.


There was no need for words. As the sun let out a last, desperate ray of golden light, two strong, comforting arms hugged you, and beautiful, soft, sweet lips touched yours, making your heart skip a beat. It felt good, and it felt right.


You didn’t know too much about Siwon, but you didn’t need to know much to understand it had been love at first sight.


That night, you spent it in Siwon’s arms, not only because there were no free rooms in his house, but also because he was scared you’d get lost in the house if he didn’t keep you by his side. His muscles all around you, you felt safe. Safe enough to sleep well despite your troubles.


The day after, you woke up remembering the name of the place you had parked your car. Shaking Siwon, you woke him up, and you smiled when he groaned softly, almost purred, as he opened his eyes. “Hmm?”


“I remember. The Palais des Congrès.”


He understood, and raised a brow before laughing. “We were right next to it yesterday then… Chinatown is right next to it.”




You gladly found your car again, along with a beautiful paper on it saying you had extra money to pay. Of course, Siwon paid for you. And right after he was done, something caught his eye on the floor, not too far from the exit. Damn right. Your purse. Were you lucky? A lot. Nothing was missing, not the money, not your cards, no nothing.


But you were even luckier to have met this guy, this adorable, handsome, nice and perfect guy. Right before you left, he kissed you goodbye. His lips tasted sweet, you could’ve kissed them for hours. When he moved back softly, you could see how sad he looked that you had to leave. He kissed you again before purring into your ear in a deep voice.




And he walked back, letting you leave. You didn’t regret anything.


He had said soon.




A month later, school was about to start. Cegep, its lot of problems and stuff. And the fact that you had to get up early. Monday morning, you got up and went to school by car. A large group of girls made you frown and, since you were curious, you went to see what was happening. They were all blocking your way; you couldn’t see anything.


You couldn’t see.


He could.


Splitting the crowd, he walked to you. Tall, Asian, smiling, muscles everywhere. So handsome. And so sweet.


In front of all those people who spent their time laughing at you, he kissed you passionately.












He basically moved in Trois-Rivières to study there and see the reader again ;)

And I'm sorry the ending happens too quickly... I got tired of writing it :/ I'm not patient enough ^^'

Hope you enjoyed it anyway =)

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Chapter 1: That was sweet!!!!!
Ju-Bee #2
Chapter 1: I am dying. HOW COME I FORGOT ABOUT THAT?

And why am I STILL smiling like an idiot. WHY?

Maybe I should go and get lost in Montreal for real. It always ends well in your fics...
hikio-chan #3
Chapter 1: Okay, he is my theorie for your inspiration :
Bee is the girl and you are Siwon's sister. Say it, I'm right~~
So cuuuuuute!!!!!
puckbunny #4
cant wait because i love siwonnie :))
hikio-chan #5
*insert epic comment here*
Senzuru is the restaurant we went to, right? Or am I dreaming?