Don't Bother: TTPLM

Junkyard Dump


Sixth Entry

"Don't bother, don't worry, just do it. You'll do it."

Part Three of the The Thoughts of People Like Me Series


"Don't bother, don't worry, just do it. You'll do it."


"There's just way too much work this week..." Baekhyun sighed as shuffled around with the paper. Kyungsoo picked up his own yellow folder and shoved it into his backpack. He wearily slung the bag over his right shoulder and gave Baekhyun a tired look. "I can't do this anymore Baek, I'm gonna die", but Baekhyun only gave his pal a firm pat on the back.

The following night Kyungsoo laid under the covers on his queen sized bed in bliss. He gave no for the work he has yet to do. It was six forty-five and Jongin had just arrived home from his part time job on Wednesdays. He came home to a napping Kyungsoo and a mint conditioned backpack leaning against the bed. Jongin knocked on the already opened door to catch the other's attention. "Kyungie?".

He was fast asleep; there was no reason to bother waking him up. Jongin walked towards the bed and carefully squeezed himself next to Kyungsoo. He didn't bother to change his clothes.

It was a bit cold above the duvet, but it was all fine once he snuggled closer to his hyung.

"Hyung I love you..." He whispered.

Jongin stared at the back of Kyungsoo's head. "He must have been so stressed and worn out." he thought.

"Don't bother, don't worry, just do it. You'll do it, I know you can and I know you will."

Jongin hugged Kyungsoo tighter and fell into deep slumber.

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