Chapter 1

Fly Me to Polaris



"Huiyi-ah, get up kiddo. It's seven and you have to be at the company by eight." I nodded my head, sitting up, but not moving. 


Aunty stood up, hands on her hips. "Come on kiddo, get your dancing shoes on and smile!" She scolds, forcing me to smile. I swatted her hand away, laughing. 


She smiles sadly, taking a seat next to me. "It's a shame you're mute Huiyi, your voice must have been heavenly." She sigh, ruffling my head gently. 


I shake my head, pulling a the small white board from under my bed, and wrote, “I'm not ashamed Aunty, if I weren't mute, I would never met you. But I promise, if I somehow magically get my voice back, you'll be the first to hear it.' I held it up for her to see it. 


She squeal, hugging me tightly. "Oh you! Stop making me so girly! Go get ready hon." She pat my cheeks gently, I nodded, and began my morning routine. 


I haven't always been mute you know. When I was young, I was a singer. Until that one day when I was seven, mama was driving me home from a singing competition when we got into an accident. They said that the shock of seeing mama's dead body made me lose my voice. That's when papa got me into dancing. He went as far as getting me an audition for SM! President Lee was amaze at my skills, he made me a trainee, and I started getting parts in live performance. 


"Huiyi-ah you ready?!" Aunty shouted from the kitchen, I quickly put on my jacket and ran out of the room. She's already at the door, my shoes in her hand. I kiss her cheek in thanks, and slips on my shoes quickly. 


She nodded in approval, "let's go kiddo." I nodded, following her to the car. 


Aunty is not my real aunty, she took me in after papa died. She even forced me to live with her! But I also pay some part of the rent, not because I have to, but because I want to. I've been living with her since I was 16. How does a mute girl earn money? Even though I'm mute, President Lee gave me a job. I've been teaching artists and trainees how to dance since I was 17! I'm extremely thankful for him. 


"Bye Huiyi-ah, I'll see you at lunch okay?" Aunty hugged me briefly before running off. She's a stylist so she's busy most of the time. I'm overseeing EXO's members training this morning. 


"Ah, Huiyi! How are you?!" Victoria-jiejie jumped out of nowhere, hugging me tightly. I hugged her back, smiling as she began talking a mile away. 'I'm fine Jie Jie, how are you?' I wrote on the small board. 


She grins, "I've been good! You know Amber is crushing on Kris a little." I blush, Victoria-jiejie have always liked teasing me. Especially about my huge crush on Kris Wu, the giant member of EXO. 'Jie jie! Stop teasing!' I showed her the board, covering my face with it. 


She just laughs, "okay okay kiddo. I gotta go now, you wont mind if I join you and your aunty for lunch will you?" I shake my head. "Alright then, see you at lunch!" She ran off waving. I've pretty much know every trainees, and artists of SM. Whenever anyone's debut, or comebacks come up, I'm in charge of seeing them through their training, and when they're is none, I get to do whatever I want. 


*Ding ding ding* 

Message from: Kris 

Huiyi-ah, where are you? 


Checking the time, I saw that it's almost eight! 


message to: Kris 

I'm so sorry Kris! I'll be there in two minutes! 


The members are already waiting for me! I freak as I ran towards one of the bigger training room as fast as I can. I wrote, 'sorry I'm late.' On the board before entering the room. Only Kris, Changyeol, Luhan, Chen, Xuimin, Beakhyun, Tao, and Sehun are here. 


"Huiyi-ah!" Luhan, Xiumin, Changyeol, Beakhyun, and Chen jumps at me, hugging me tightly. "It's been so long!" Luhan started. "We miss you so much!" Xuimin continues. "We got you your favorite candies!" Changyeol and Beakhyun ran to their bag, pulling out two wrapped bags of chocolate cover gummy bears happily. "Aren't we great?!" Chen finishes, the other guys nodding happily.


I laugh at their dorkiness, I love these guys! 'Thank you so much! I miss everyone too. How are you?' 


Luhan, Xuimin, and Chen looks at me mischievously. "Squeeze her!" Beakhyun shouted, joining the three guys as they hug me as tightly as they could. 


"Eh eh eh! Let her go children!" Kris pulls them apart, pushing me behind him protectively. "I've miss you Huiyi." Kris smiles, I laugh as he started swinging me back and forth as he held me. The guys started wiggling their brows at me teasingly. 


"Flirting so early in the morning already? My my aren't we moving fast." Yixing commented as he enter the room with the rest of the guys. "Nothing we can do Yixing, the two lovebirds haven't seen each other for..." Kyungsoo stops for a bit, pretending to count his fingers. "Four days!" The guys started laughing. 'You guys are so mean. I haven't seen you guys in so long, and all you do is tease me.' I held the board up, pouting. 


"Aww Huiyi-ah, we didn't mean it! We got some gifts from the sea!" Suho handed me this beautiful conch! "It's from me too!" Tao spoke from where he stands. "Don't forget me!" Kai added, i smile. 


'Thank you for the gifts everyone. I mean it!' I hugged them each tightly, saving Kris for last. Just because he's special. 


"I got something else for you. Meet me on the roof tonight?" Kris whispers, hugging me even tighter. I nodded, grinning like an idiot. Kris is one of my very first student. He may be taller and older than me(only one years), but he's a horrible dancer. Ever since his training days, I was and still is, his main dancing instructor. He's not like any other guys though, he doesn't spoil me like every other people, and it's like he can read my mind. He knows what I want to tell him before I get to write it. 


Smiling at him like an idiot, I nodded in agreement before getting all their attention back to me, giving them instruction to start their warm ups. 




Practice went on hiatus at around noon for lunch, lasting a total of 75 minutes before we all went back to practice. You can say that President Lee expects 110% everyday during practice. Some days, 120 percent. 


“I thought you forgot again.” Kris laugh the moment I step onto the roof, leaning against the railing cooly. 


Rolling my eyes at his cockiness, I pulled out my board, quickly jotting down my respond. “At least I don’t stand people up all the time, jerk.” 


“Got me there,” He smiles, grabbing a hold of my arm and jerking me towards him. “I missed you.” He whispers, his breath tickling my neck, arms around my waist.


Nodding my head in response, I wrap an arm around his neck. “Does that mean yes or no?” Rolling my eyes at his teasing tone, I dug my nails into his neck. “Ow! I’m sorry!” He laugh again. Jesus, this guy is going to be the death of me. 


“Any ways,” he started, pushing me away to arms length. “I got you something!” 


“What is it?” I ask, holding up the board awkwardly in between us. 


“Here...” He grumbled, turning shy all of a sudden. It’s so adorable!


Making a raspy sound, I held up the beautiful charm bracelet. “Do you like it?” He ask, voice timid, and a bright blush on his face. 


Nodding frantically, I held out the bracelet and my arm, urging him to put it on me. “I was hoping you liked it.” Clasping the bracelet on, he kisses my knuckles, making me blush hotly. 


“Thank you!” Dropping the board when I saw that he had finished reading, enveloped him in a tight warm hug. I think I love this adorable giant. 


The two of us sat on the roof for the rest of the night, talking about our week late into the night. 


“I’ll take you home.” Nodding at his offer, I follow him down the stairs, out of the building and into the dark of the night. 


“What are you doing?!” He shouted, pulling me back onto the curb immediately. 


Looking at him as him he’s out of his mind, I point to myself, then across the street. “Huiyi..... Wait for the light to turn before you go, you know how dangerous the streets are at night. Especially in Korea, don’t you watch dramas?” He ranted, holding onto my hand tightly as we cross. The light finally turned green, and he was happy with the empty street. 


Shrugging, I didn’t bother pulling out my board to argue with him, I’ll lose any ways. 

“Please remember to wait for the light next time young lady.” Pouting at the term that he used, I pulled my hand away before running into the street, just to make him mad. The lights are green, so no worries! 


“Huiyi!” He shouted, running towards me frantically. What is wrong with him today? I thought to myself, not seeing the car that was coming my way until it was too late. 


“Oh ...” I whisper, my voice coming back as my life flash before my eyes. Pain filled my senses seconds later as I hit the ground, twitching at the searing pain on my side. 


“Huiyi! Hey... NO! NO! NO! Keep those eyes open you hear me?! Damn it! Hui......” I tried to stay awake, but his voice was already fading away. 


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