Chapter 1~

Love, Drugs, Pain

"Aish, you guys! You're doing it wrong!" Jiyong yelled. All of Big Bang was getting their dance routine wrong, and Jiyong, being the leader, had to yell at them for it. He was already on edge because he hasn't been at his best health wise, so this wasn't making it any less stressful for him.  "Youngbae! This isn't I Need A Girl! Stop acting like you don't know what's going on!" Youngbae looked at Jiyong. 

"Sorry, Ji," he said. Jiyong targeted Daesung next.  "Daesung, stop messing around and do the dance!" Jiyong watched Seunghyun and Seungri for a while. Those two were screwing around again. 

"Seungri, stop flirting with Seunghyun and dance! And Hyun, you look like you don't know what you're doing? Stop screwing around, both of you, and do the ing dance!" Both Seunghyun and Seungri looked up.

 "Sorry, Jiyong, I was just showing hyung how to be more graceful," Seungri said.  Jiyong sighed, "It doesn't need to be graceful, Ri, it just has to look good on stage." Jiyong coughed. His sickness wasn't getting any better. Seunghyun came over to him. "You okay, Ji?" Jiyong smiled when Seunghyun said that. He made his heart race. 

"I'm alright, Hyun. Just sick, you know that." Seunghyun nodded and smiled. 'God damnit, Choi Seunghyun, why must you be so y?' Jiyong thought, and as he did, he quickly pushed past the maknae and the rapper, and ran out to the bathroom.

"Seynghyun-hyung? Where's Jiyong going?" the maknae asked. 

"Ji's sick, remember? He probably just ran out to the bathroom," the rapper replied. As if he heard them, Jiyong came back into the room, with that confident grin on his face.  "We're done for today," Jiyong called to the others. "Let's get going!" All five of them gathered their things and walked out of the YG building. 


"I'm exhausted," the second eldest, Youngbae complained. "Could you have worked us any harder, Ji?" All five of them laughed. They were too much like a family, and that didn't bother any of them.

 "Ji's our leader, Bae. We have to listen to him!" Daesung said. Jiyong smiled. 

"Thank you, Dae, for setting him straight. If I wasn't so sick, I would've done it myself." Seunghyun stood and looked at his 'family'. 

"I'm getting a drink. Anyone want anything?" The remaining four thought for a moment. 

"If you make coffee, bring us all some." Jiyong said. "It's well deserved for all of us, and it may help me feel better." Youngbae looked at Jiyong. 

"You just want your hyung to make it so you don't have to!" Jiyong gasped.

  "Me? Use my precious hyung like that? Never! I love him too much to do that!" Seunghyun laughed and kissed Jiyong's hair. 

"I'll get you coffee, don't worry. Just give me some time." The rapper walked into the kitchen to make coffee. After a while, he came back and gave them all coffee. Jiyong sighed in content.  "Finally, something warm to drink. All manager-hyung gave us at practice was cold water. That is not going to help me get better." The other four laughed, but their laughter was interrupted by knocking. Jiyong looked at the time. 10:00. 'Other than 2NE1, who would be here at this hour?' Jiyong thought. He got up, unlocked the door, and sat back down.

"It's open!" he yelled. The door opened to reveal a girl. None of them immediately recognized her, because it was so dark out. As she walked in, all of them knew who she was.

 "Miss me yet, Jiyong?" she said. Jiyong's eyes widened and he tried to keep his cool.

 "Yuri, what are you doing here? We aren't dating anymore. We haven't for almost three years." Yuri smiled evilly.

 "Oh, I know. You're dating the rapper of your group, instead of me," she said. Her voice was dripping with hate and jealousy.  "And I'm here to get back at you, and make you pay for what you did to me." Jiyong couldn't take it anymore. He got up and ran out of the house.

 "Jiyong!" Seunghyun yelled and ran after him.  But Seunghyun was too late. Just as he got outside, Jiyong was hit by a car. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE~ I'm so happy I finally got to actually start this! The other chapter was just for a starter, and is going to be put in the middle. Also, I'm sorry if it is a block of text, I'm on my iPod and it won't fix it~ and this is NOT Yuri from SNSD!

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Chapter 2: (This is Emily from Muzy) Ummm what does this remind me of? This reminds me of the role play so much! I love it a lot! <3
Chapter 1: Hey I'd love to be able to read this 'chapter' but I can't since it's a giant block of text. Could it be possible you could break it off into smaller portions so I can be able to read it please?
TheWhiteRen #3
Chapter 1: I cant wait for it to actually start >°<
TheWhiteRen #4
Suscribe? Yes, i think i will :)