You fall and scrape your knee!

What if...?


Author’s Note: Hello everyone! I know I just talked to you in the intro but I thought I’d just say a few things here too if that’s okay! First off, if I need to put an A/N like this on a chapter then I’ll put it in the beginning so it won’t be a sudden snap back to reality when you reach the end :D this way you can stay in the moment. All other A/N will be just me elaborating on the story. Second, I’m only starting off with 4 members (Heechul, Leeteuk, Siwon and Eunhyuk) because they are the ones I feel I know the most… relative as the term may be since I don’t know them at all personally (>.<) So I’ll add more people as I get to know them all better by variety shows and what-not. Also please feel free to comment on other scenarios! As creative as I am, I do sometimes have writer’s block so suggestions would be awesome! I should warn you though, I don’t write so no suggestions like that please (>x<) Also honest reviews on my writing would be welcome too! Thanks for your time and without further delay, here is the first scenario!



You fall over and scrape your knee while on a date:



HC: (*Shakes his head while helping you up*) Aish this girl! I really can’t take you anywhere can I? Why did you wear that short skirt anyway? Now your knee is all scratched! (*Puts your arm around his shoulders, wraps his around your waist and guides you to a nearby bench*)

(*You pout*) Oppa! You told me to wear this skirt! What if it scars? Are you going to take responsibility?

HC: Why should I take responsibility for your clumsiness? (*Sets you down on the bench and holds out his hand to you*) Give me your purse.

You: Why? Stealing from the injured now?

HC: Ani! Do you really think the worst of me?

You: Then why do you want it?!

HC: Just trust me! (*Shakes hand he’s still holding out to you*)

(*You sigh and give it to him*)

HC: (*Digs around quickly and pulls out a first aid kit, then he turns to you and smirks at your confused expression*) Knowing you I figured something like this would happen at some point today, now don’t move! (*Kneels in front of you and takes out some disinfectant, medical cream and a band aid from the kit*)

You: Ya! That band aid is too small! I need a patch for this!

HC: (*Head snaps up*) ‘Ya’?! Are we that close?!

You: You’re my boyfriend, why can’t I use Banmal?

HC: Aish, this girl… soon she’ll be calling me “Heechul-ah” instead of Oppa (*Starts to disinfect the cut*)

(*You wince but try not to make a noise*)

HC: (*Continues to work but mumbles an apology you almost don’t hear and wipes more gently. When he’s done, he puts the medical cream on and puts a bigger band aid on your knee and gently slaps it*) There! All done! (*Stands and holds out his hand to help you up*)

(*You grab his hand and stand. You try to pull your hand out of his*)

HC: (*Tightens his grip*) You really are a lot of trouble! I better hold on to you or you’ll probably fall again!

(*You smile while looking down and squeeze his hand gently. You glance up and see him smiling a little while he leads you down the busy street to continue with your date*)



LT: (*Drops to his knees and starts fussing over you*) Are you okay? Are you hurt? Aigoo, your knee is bleeding! Do you have a first aid kit? Maybe we should get you to that bench over there. Can you stand? Did you twist your ankle? Maybe you broke it! I should call for help-

You: Aniyo! I-I’m okay, Oppa. It’s just a scratch…

LT: (*Looks at you with worried eyes*) Really?

You: Neh. (*You nod, turn to the side and try to stand on your own. You manage to get up on your good foot but you lose your balance and start to fall again*)

LT: (*Sticks out his arm and catches you before you face plant*)

(*Aware of his hand across your chest, you immediately straighten. You look at the ground while blushing*) Th-Thank you… (*You glance up too see him looking off into the distance, hand in a fist over his mouth and his face slightly red*)

LT: (*Coughs*) Um… do you think you can walk to the bench?

(*You look to where the bench is and find yourself nodding*) Neh, it isn’t far. (*You start to limp slowly to the bench*)

LT: (*Walks beside you for a few steps then links his arm through yours*) Here, lean on me…

(*You blush and mumble a thank you. You can’t help but smile at his concern. You sit down on the bench when you finally reach it*)

LT: (*Kneels in front of you and looks at the cut. Pulls out a band aid from his pocket and starts to put it on your knee*)

You: Wait! (*You rummage through your purse and find some disinfectant*) I should probably clean it first.

LT: (*Nods and lets you clean the scratch yourself, wincing when you wince. When you’re done he puts the band aid on and shoots you his dimple smile*) Should I sing a song to make you feel better?

(*You smile widely and nod at him*)

LT: (*Stands and clears throat*) “Flower gleam and glow…

(*You laugh while he sings the healing song from Rapunzel. He makes a few engrish mistakes, and he goes off tune sometimes but you find it really cute and clap when he finishes*)

LT: (*Bows, covers his smile with his hand and sits beside you*) You feel better?

(*You smile widely and nod*) Neh, you’re song cheered me up. Thank you.

LT: (*Stands up and holds out his hand to you shyly*) I better get you home. You shouldn’t be walking on that leg for too long.

(*You grab his hand and link arms with him again, leaning on him as he leads you to your apartment building. You both make small talk on the way and whenever you make eye-contact both of you blush, smile and look away. You make it home safely and he spends the rest of the day taking care of you*)



SW: (*Kneels down and slips his arm under your shoulders so you can sit up*) Are you okay? Looks like you scraped your knee a little…

(*You nod and glare at the ridiculously high heels that you wore that day*) I shouldn’t have worn these today…

SW: (*looks at the heels and shakes his head*) Why’d you wear them anyway? I know I told you I was going to take you shopping so that you’d dress comfortably…

(*You blush and look at your lap, shooting him small glances as you talk*) Oppa… you’re so much taller than me, I have to wear heels. Otherwise I wouldn’t look right standing next to you… I’d look like your dongsaeng instead of your girlfriend…

SW: (*Smiles and playfully blows a strand of hair off your face, causing you to jump a little*) I always think you look perfect, with or without heels. I’m the one who has to work hard to look good with you.

(*You try to hold back a smile from the compliment*) You’re just saying that…

SW: Would I lie to you?

(*You look into his eyes for a while before looking away again from shyness*) Alright… I believe you…

SW: (*Smiles and picks you up bridal style. He starts walking toward a nearby café*)

(*You squirm uncomfortably in his arms, noticing all the people staring at you guys*) Oppa~! I can wa~lk!

SW: (*Shakes head*) Your knee is bleeding and you might have sprained your ankle. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I made you walk to the café? (*Continues to carry you, although you try to convince him you’re fine, to the café and sets you down on one of the cushioned seats*) Wait here, I’ll be right back (*Leaves to where the counter is and he starts talking to the cashier*)

(*You look around and notice all the people looking at you, mostly girls looking in envy. You glance down at the table and can’t help but smile at the way Siwon fussed over you. Someone gently taps you on the shoulder and you turn to see Siwon with a first aid kit in one hand and a drink tray with two coffees and a small paper bag in the other*)

SW: (*Puts the first aid kit on the table, hands you one of the coffees, pulls out your favorite doughnut from the bag and gives it to you with a smile*) Here you go.

(*You take the doughnut and place it on a napkin, than take a small sip from the cup and find it’s your favorite flavour (A/N: If you don’t like coffee, it’s your favorite hot drink i.e. hot chocolate, tea, etcetera)*)

SW: (*Starts to treat your scrap while you blissfully enjoy your drink and doughnut. When he’s done he sits in the chair across from you and sips his coffee, smiling as you enjoy your treats*)

(*You stop when you realize he’s watching you and smile shyly, tucking your hair behind your ear*) Thank you… for everything

SW: (*Nods*) How are you feeling?

(*You look at your knee and back to him*) I feel great, but you didn’t have to go through all that trouble, Oppa. I have a first aid kit in my purse…

SW: (*Shakes head*) Aniyo, we were walking for so long it’s no wonder you got hurt. I figured it was a sign for us to take a bit of a break. (*You share a pleasant conversation while you both finish off you’re coffees. When it’s time to continue shopping, Siwon takes off his shoes and tells you to do the same. You comply and he puts his shoes on your feet. They’re too big for you but they feel a lot more comfortable than the heels. He carries your shoes as he leads you, with only socks on his feet, to the nearest shoe store to buy more suitable footwear*)



EH: (*Quickly kneels beside you and looks at the scrap*) Are you okay? Aish, that looks painful.

You: I-I’m okay. It’s just a scratch after all…

EH: (*Shakes his head*) Those always hurt the worst though, like paper cuts. (*Stands and gently pulls you up by the arm*) We should probably get you cleaned up. (*Looks around for a place for you to sit*)

(*You nod toward a stone wall just off the sidewalk*) Oppa, that should be good enough.

EH: (*Nods and puts his arm around your shoulders as you gently limp to the wall. When you sit down he sits beside you and looks at the scrap while wincing*) I’m sorry. If I had been quicker I could have caught you and stopped this from happening…

You: A-Aniyo! It was my own fault. (*Seeing him so worried and serious makes you feel uncomfortable, so you try to make him feel better*) I should have watched where I was going. Really, I’m so clumsy I could trip over nothing.

EH: Still… (*reaches into his duffle bag (you ran into him while he was going home from dance practice) and pulls out some disinfectant, a band aid and a tenser bandage*)

(*You wave your hands in front of you*) I-I don’t need the bandage. I didn’t twist my ankle. I just tripped over something…

EH: (*Kneels beside you and looks at your ankle while shaking his head*) It’s starting to swell. It’s best if we deal with this now. (*Grabs the bandage and starts to work on your ankle*)

(*You glance around and see some people looking at you guys and you blush slightly*)

EH: (*Starts to work on your knee and winces when you do while putting on the disinfectant. When he’s done he gently puts on the band aid on your knee and your shoe on your foot. He looks up at you and smiles half-heartedly*) I feel like the prince who was looking for Cinderella. This shoe better fit you. If it doesn’t I’ll have to go look for another girl.

(*You smile and make a face at him but sigh when you look at the band aid*) I hope it doesn’t scar…

EH: (*Smiles his first real smile since you fell and looks at you with mischief shining in his eyes*) Do you want me to make sure it doesn’t scar?

(*You look at him in confusion but seeing him back to his usual self makes you feel better and you find yourself nodding to his question*) O-okay…

EH: (*Swiftly leans down and kisses the band aid. Realizing that he actually did it, he starts to blush and laughs*)

(*You blush and laugh with him*)

EH: (*Sits beside you and can only bring himself to glance at you*)

(*You lean in front of him and smile*) Thank you Oppa. I’m sure it won’t scar now. Your kisses have magic in them… (*You blush fiercely at your words and go back to your side, shooting only glances at him now and then. You see him giving you his gummy smile*)

EH: (*Now he leans in front of you, his gummy smile wide and cute*) Really? Magic?

(*You smile shyly and nod*) Neh…

EH: (*Smiles happily and stands, holding out his hand to you*) Come on, let’s get you home before it gets dark.

(*You take his hand and smile when he keeps a hold of it. He walks you home and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before running away, waving over his shoulder. You can’t help but notice his face going red before he disappears from your sight. When you get inside you’re bombarded with texts from Eunhyuk telling you to take it easy and to try not to walk on your foot too much. Each text is ended with “♥~Magic~♥” which makes you blush and smile happily. You continue to text him until you fall asleep that night*) 

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