
The Hunter and the Hunted.

The unrhythmic click-clacking of high heels echoed throughout the long, empty forest highway. The rain showers from before left the atmosphere moist and dark. It was also chilly to the point where occasional shivers would occur. The light of the full moon was the only shining light on this cold highway. The sound of the high heels belonged to a young female around 22, who was obviously drunk. The young female stumbled on the highway after getting dumped in the middle of nowhere by a bunch of evil-spirited girls. Yes, girls can be very dangerous when they get jealous, but what was going to unravel before her was just pure hell. 

The drunk girl, named Tiffany, walked around looking for a bus stop or something. She often got caught on her own foot, causing her to often trip. Honestly, she was too drunk to even recognize the deep haze of mist forming around her. However, she was fortunate enough to realize that it did get a tad bit colder. Unfortunately, she did not notice the red eyes, staring at her as though the creature was trying to burn a hole into her heart. And to her damned luck, she did not notice the body of the creature, therefore, bumping straight into the chest of the bloodthirsty monster. 

"Huh? Is that you, oppa? What are you doing here, silly?" she managed to slur out, before smiling. 

"I'm here to put you at rest, dear," the creature hissed as he slowly moved in towards her, satisfying himself with the scent of her delicious, rich blood, just inside this layer of skin. 

"Are you trying to sed-ah!" Tiffany slurred as he bit the soft skin of her neck. She yelped as he began to the poor life out of the innocent human. He like there was no tomorrow and she continued to scream in pain. 

" dear, you're ruining the fun," he whispered into her ear with a seductive tone.She whimpered with barely any energy left to scream and finally, she stopped moving and whimpering. The creature let go of her lifeless body as she fell to the floor with a thud and a bloodied bite mark prominent on her white skin. Her once beautiful eyes were now blank, staring off in the distance, and her once red lips were colored with shades of gray and pale pink. Poor Tiffany died in the middle of nowhere, with parents waiting for her at home, and a full career in front of her. 

On the other hand, the creature supplied his need for blood with this beauty's rich blood. He crouched down, observing the lifeless face of the poor girl. He caressed her face, complimenting her beauty.

"Oh, what a shame that you had to die so young and beautiful," the creature said in a sarcastic tone. He brought her cold lips to his cold-blooded lips and he kissed her, leaving a drop of her own blood on the edge of her lips. Then he placed her head down on the cold side of the highway and slid his hands over her eyes, closing them once and for all. He then got up, brushed off his black winter coat and black jeans, and walked off into the darkness, whistling a joyful tune one would see in a Charlie Chaplin movie. 

The click-clacking of the high heels was replaced with the only sound on the dark, forest highway that night: a faint whistle, then silence.

Short Intro! D:

Midterms tomorrow /sobs

Anyways, poor Tiffany... sorry I had to use you! T^T

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trandelacruz #1
Oh wow, your story totally got me hooked and it's not only because of the idols that you've used, it's the way you write and how you describe things and left with such a great ending to the prologue. Please update soon author-nim, can't wait to see who from Kaistal and Kris/Yoona will be which kind of vampire:)
Chapter 1: Just read the foreward and prologue...already in love. :3
Can't wait!