
As loNG as yoU loVe Me


After take a shower, Sung Gyu's sit on his bed while reading a book before he sleep. And suddenly he heard something at downstair. He tried to calm as he thought that his parents finally came home after going somewhere. He take his cellphone and contact Mrs. Kim, his mom.


"Omma, are you at home already?" asked Sung Gyu.


"No. We're not going back yet. Your dad has something to do with his friend." answered Mrs. Kim.


'Omo! Then who's at the dowstair?' Sung Gyu's widened his eyes. He's started to scared.


"What's wrong, Gyu? Why are you asking like that? Are you scared living alone?" said Mrs. Kim with a joke.


"Omma, i think someone in this house too. I heard some noise at the downstair." said Sung Gyu as he started to trembling.


"It is? Omo! Gyu, just stay on your room and locked the door. Called the police also. We're on the way." said Mrs. Kim.


But before Sung Gyu can answered it, someone enter his room and close the light before rushed towards him. His cellphone was thrown away by that person and his body was thrown on the floor.


"Yah! Let me go! What are you doing?!" Sung Gyu's shouted while he's trying to escape from that guy. That guy didn't answered it.


Mrs. Kim started to panicked as she heard Sung Gyu's screaming (Sung Gyu's cellphone still on).


"No! Noo! Let me go!" Sung Gyu's try to stopped that guy from taking off his pants and clothes. "Omma, help me!!!! Please, someone help me!!!" Sung Gyu's tears starting to fall. He can't escape from that guy as that guy to strong for him.


"Gyu! Oh my god! What happen there?" shout Mrs. Kim on the other line. She's on the way home with her husband.


"Om-omma..." said Sung Gyu weakly before he fainted. He lost his ity by some random guy that called a robber.


Then, that guy enter Sung Gyu's parents bedroom and took his mom precious things before he run away.


Sung Gyu's parents arrived at home and they rushed towards Sung Gyu's room. They shocked to see Sung Gyu's on the floor with a blood around him. He looks fatigue.


"Gyu!" Mrs. Kim take a blanket to covered her son's body that unconcious. Then, she hugged him with a tears starting to stream down her cheeks. "What would happen to him now, yeobo? He's not a normal guy..."


"Don't cry, honey. Whatever it takes, we should be by his side." Mr. Kim wiped his tears before he manage to call the police for the report.


After searching for a few days, finally polices found the robber but unfortunately, the robber is dead. He died because of drug.




Sung Gyu's working as usual at the Coffee Club Cafe. It's been 3 months after that horrible night happen to him.


"Gyu, you got a love letter again." said Ghun as he give Sung Gyu a purple enveloped.


"Jun Young hiong again, huh?" asked Sung Gyu as he knew that Ghun's cousin was trying to get his love, but Sung Gyu can't accept it. Sung Gyu's sighed. "As usual, Ghun. Give it back to him. I can't accept his love. Tell him that i'm sorry..." Sung Gyu's put the enveloped on the table before he continued his work.


"Why? He's nice, rich, caring, and he loves you more than anything in the world. What else do you want?"


"You know why i can't. I'm not pure as he expect anymore. I've lost my ity that night. I'm despicable human being. Is that enough for him to forget about me? Just tell him that, and i bet that he immediately forget about me." Sung Gyu's tears starting to fall.


"Well, you should tell him yourself." said Ghun as he saw Jun Young's standing behind Sung Gyu.


"What?" Sung Gyu's turn his body, facing Jun Young. He shocked to see him. "Did-did you heard..."


"I've heard everything. That you're not anymore."


"So, i guess this is it. Thank you for loving me before. And i won't blame you if you didn't love me anymore. I understand and..."


Jun Young suddenly kissed Sung Gyu's lips. Sung Gyu's froze. Then he pushed Jun Young slightly.


"Why did you kiss me? You hate me didn't you?" asked Sung Gyu confusely.


"Why should i hate you? I love you!" said Jun Young.


"Love me? Are you deaf? I'm not pure anymore! Don't make any fun on me." said Sung Gyu.


"I'm not. And for your information, i've know about this along time ago."


"You know? But how?"


"Your mom told me when i went to your house the last two months."


"You came to my house? What for?"


"For you of course. When i saw you for the first time at the cafe, i falled for you."


"So, all this time you know about this and you still love me?"


"Yes! After all, it's not your fault. You're just a victim."


Sung Gyu's lowered his head. He loved Jun Young too, and everytime he receive a love letter from that guy he's happy.


"So now, i just wanna know if you love me or not?"


Sung Gyu's silent. He's slowly facing with Jun Young. "As long as you love me." said Sung Gyu shyly.


"Of course i'll always loving you! I accept you the way who you are. I don't care what happen to you, as long as you love me too."


"Okey, but did my mom tell you about 'this'?" Sung Gyu's take Jun Young's hand and put it to his tummy.


"Tell what? What do you mean?" asked Jun Young.


"I'm 3 months pregnant now. After that night..."


Jun Young's jawed dropped.


"It's okey...i'm not forcing you to accept this baby. So, i'm going now." said Sung Gyu and before he manage to go, Jun Young pulled him onto his embrace.


"I love you!"


Sung Gyu's touching. He hugged Jun Young too.




"Arghh!!! Youngie! It's hurt!" Sung Gyu's shouted as he lay down on the bed in the labour room. Jun Young accompany him.


"I'm here! You can do it, Gyu!"




After a few hours...


"Uwwweeeeeeeeeeek uweeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk uweeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk"


"It's a boy! Congratulations!" said the nurse as she gave the baby to Sung Gyu.


Sung Gyu's crying as he carrying his newborn baby. "He's cute, Youngie! He's look alike you..." said Sung Gyu weakly.


"He's my baby, of course he look alike me. But his lips, same you. See?"


Sung Gyu's stared at Jun Young before he say something.


"Thank you, Youngie! Though this baby not your's but you seems happy with it."


Jun Young smiled. "Don't say like that again. This baby is our's, fullstop. Okey? It's my baby!" Jun Young kissed the baby's forehead. "My son!"


Sung Gyu's smiled. And he hope that they'll be a happy family forever and ever.


"I love you, Youngie!"


"I love you too, as long as you love me!"


And they're kissing....



What fics is this? Omo! I'm dead!

But if you guys think this fics is awesome, then you should leave a comment...

And if not...i'm really dead! TT_TT

hehehehe joking around! i'm crazy! XP



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as long as you love is oneshot fics


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Latte94 #1
Chapter 2: so sweet~~ ^__^
Chapter 1: Aww~ this is so cute. Cant stop smiling now... :D
dewdew90 #3
Chapter 2: junyoung either because it has been willing to accept gyu
Chapter 1: I thought at first, Junyoung was the one who Sunggyu. ><'
It's a nice story! :) Hope you can make it longer~ :D
Chapter 1: As long as you love me too~ Argha, the feels! X3