Tempting Plan

Get You! Alive!
Hyukjae pov
I was eating my breakfast lazily while Donghae sit beside me, reading newspaper.
"Donghaeee... Can I skip this class too???" I whine as Donghae stare at me with his sweet smile and shook his head while mouthing me a 'no' words.
I pout at him but he just ignoring me and start reading that newspaper again.
I've got an idea.
It works on Siwon hyung usually.
I put the spoon on the table and scoot closer to him.
"Donghae... How if we go outside instead of going to class?" I tried and yes he's looking at me.
sent him my best puppy eyes, but when he stare back at me, I felt my face heated.
He smile sweetly and just like a magnet, I lean closer and peck his lips.
"Are you trying to seduce me Young master?" he whisper softly.
"N-no... I just... It feels so... Different..." I whisper as I trace his lips with my finger.
"What is the different?" he ask. But I just shook my head.
I was about to ask him to go to his room when suddenly Heechul hyung come in and said that my class will start in 5 minutes.
"Let's go young master"
"I told you not to call me that way Donghae..." I glare at him who just chuckle and offering his hand for me to hold.
I lazily follow Donghae to my class. Today is Math class, still Kyuhyun hyung class... Huffftt...
"Hae..." I whisper at him makes him stop a bit somehow, before walk again. I huffed. 
"Be a good kid and we'll go outside again..." he said right in front of the class room.
As soon as my brain proceed his words, my feet couldn't stop jumping.
"Omo omo omo... Really? Really? Really? Promise neh? Neh? Neh?" I grab his hands while still jump happily.
He nod and smile oh so handsome to me.
I just couldn't help but throw myself on him, hugging him tightly.
"Thank you, Donghae!" I exclaimed happily as Donghae chuckle while shove me into the room, before him.
I sat up on my seat while Donghae take the back seat.
And the worst lesson is started. 
Donghae pov
I chuckle seeing him struggle with his sleepy eyes.
I wonder how he can still feel sleepy at Math class.
Oh, I'm not asking yet about him my name this morning. It's sounds so ert though, wonder what he's dreaming of...
"Are you sure you wanna take him outside again?" Heechul said with a low tone as he sit beside me.
I nod, "of course... It's his rights, after all, Mr. Choi gave him the freedom..." I said while smile to him.
"I just scared... Hyukjae never been too close with us, bodyguards... But he kiss you last night..." he said thus makes me widen my eyes.
How did he know it?
"I am the one that handle cctv, and I need to erase those scene if you wonder..." 
I nod understand.
"He did it out of blue..." I whisper softly as I remember how sweet it felt.
"He didn't realize it, I swear to you... He's still don't understand what he feels toward you..." Heechul shrug his shoulder.
"How do you know?" I look at him in amuse as he sigh before answer it.
"Master Junsu asked me about you and why Master Hyukjae asked him about his strange feeling... He even doesn't know what love feels like..." 
I chew my lower lips as I process Heechul words in my brain.
"What if he's indeed in love with you?"
And that question just makes all my words gone.
What if he love me?
What I feel towards him?
I do attract with him, but I still unsure if it's love or just an affection.
"Tch... You still unsure too..." 
"We're just met hyung... I don't think we can have stuff like that..." I mumble as my eyes keep staring at Hyukjae's back.
"Love is not stuff, Donghae..." he punch my arms lightly.
I chuckle as I nod agree and then mouthing 'sorry' for my stupid words.
"I'm sure that Mr. Siwon wouldn't let him out again, Donghae... He's so mad last night... It's horrible..." he shudder as I smile a bit.
"Don't worry... I have plans..."
Soon after Kyuhyun ssi said that the class is end, Hyukjae jump and hugs me with wide grin grow on his flawless face.
"Let's go out!" he squeal cutely while jump.
"Sounds like a date" Heechul state as he smirk.
Hyukjae tilt his head aside and ask innocently.
"A date? What is that? Date? Like today is June 12?"
I stare at him in a high amusement before chuckle while dragginh him to his room.
I motion Heechul hyung to follow us as well.
"Whatever your plan Donghae, I don't think it will work..." Heechul said.
"Well... We'll never know till we try it..." I smile.
Hyukjae who seems lost, pouting his lips cutely, "Plan what? Try what?" he ask, finally.
"Nah... You'll see soon Master Hyukjae..."
"I told you to stop calling me Master..." he cut me, earn scoff from behind.
Tch... Heechul hyung.
Soon we reach the room as I gesture him to sit in front of large mirror.
"What should I do?" he ask confused.
I smile and then shift my gaze to Heechul.
"I... Kind a search for your background, Heechul hyung... And... I guess you can make him up and change his handsome face into a girl..." I grin innocently.
"What? Crossdressing??? Omooo... It's gonna be awesooome!! C'mon hyung! Let's do this!!" 
Hyukjae -out of my expectation- shout excitedly while throw his fist in the air.
"Gosh, so that's the plan... It's easy... But I need everything..." Heechul smirk and cross his arms on his chest.
I walk to the closet and take some box out.
"You mean... This?" I said while smirk back. 
He widen his eyes and shouted a bit uhm... Girly?. He's squealing for sure.
"Oh my... This is new arrival right? Awww... I will have fun with this Donghae..." he said -squeal, actually- and snatch the box of me.
I chuckle. 
Hyukjae too, looks happy.
Soon, Heechul start his task and I just sat on the coach.
I stare at Hyukjae who obviously excited and smile to myself while noted in my heart that I will keep the smile on Hyukjae's face.
Then I felt myself got sleepy.
After struggle for keep my eyes open, I surrender and let the sleep fairy take my conscious out.
Hyukjae pov
"Hyung... Make me a beautiful girl neh!" I squeal as Heechul hyung just nod agree and continue to do my face.
I don't know why I felt so excited...
Excited to show it to Donghae...
And I do care for his respond later.
"You look so obviously in love with someone, Young master..."
And those statement just make my tummy feel weird again. I chew my lower lips, thinking should or not I tell Heechul hyung.
"Wanna share some thought?" he offer.
"Hyung... What it feels to be in love? I ask Su hyung and he said that I.... love Donghae..." I whisper softly and I felt my face's getting warm so sudden.
"I can't describe the feeling Young master... For all the signs... I can say that if you in love with someone, you will always wanna be by his side... Beyond happy for everytime you spent with him..." he answer while keep brushing my face with that brush thing.
"I feel that too with Siwonnie... But something different with Donghae..."
"You only have with Master Siwon when you two met right?? And you spent all the time by doing ... But when you in love, you're not craving by the but the warm of the make love..." 
"Make love?"
"Yes! I assume that you and Master Siwon is have a , no love involve... Now I ask you... Are you ever imagine you and Donghae having a hot like you did with Master Siwon?"
"... No... I just like it when he smile, when he comfort me, when he protect me, and... ... when we kiss" I said and whisper the last part.
"how does it feels?"
"It's different..."
"my tummy felt weird like I want to poo..." I pout.
And Heechul hyung stop whatever he did just to grip on his tummy, laughing out loud.
"What happen?" suddenly a voice interrupt us, makes my tummy feel weird again.
"Sorry for waking you up... Mwahahahaha... But this young master of yours is soo hilarious... Pwahhahahha..." Heechul hyung keeps laughing and my pout just getting deeper.
Meanie Diva bodyguard.
I saw Donghae smile and walk closer approach us.
"What did you do to Heechul hyung, Hyukjae?" He glare playfully at me as I can see his toothless smile on his face.
UGH! My tummy!
"I don't know what makes him laugh that crazy Donghae... I just say that my tummy felt weird like I wanna poo..." I said pouting. Unconsciously my hand just lift up and find his hand, then grab it softly. And my act just make my tummy ache again.
"And what's the context of your conversation? Are you sick?" he stare at me with a worry eyes. I shook my head.
"I'm not sick... It's about , make love, kiss, warm, I don't know..." I said shyly for those words. 
And I feel his body tense a bit.
"Heechul hyung... What idea that you put in his mind??" I saw him glare at Heechul hyung who keep chuckle and laugh.
"Hey... I just answer what he ask me..." Heechul hyung state between his chuckle.
"Oh Donghae... I almost done, please prepare the wig. Get it from my bedroom..." he said again, ended our weird conversation.
"So Young Master... Having and making love is... Different..." Heechul hyung continue, but before I could reply, he add, "Nah... I'm done with the make up... Dress?" 
I smile brightly while nod; clearly forget his statement before.
Of course, dress! I am crossdressing right?
He gave me the dress and push me into bathroom to change.
I glance at the mirror and now I'm nervouse to let Donghae see me crossdressing like this.
Why so shy this sudden...
I palm my face.
"Young Master your wig is ready... What took you so long?" I heard Heechul hyung call me. I was about to answer when I heard Donghae said, "Hyukjae, are you ok? I will get in hyung..." 
"Mmnnnooooo... I'm ok... H-heechul hyung come in..." I shout. And soon, Heechul hyung came in with a black long wig.
"What took you so long?"
"Hyunggg... I'm scare that Donghae wouldn't like my appearance..." I pout.
"And since when his comment affect to you??"
"Aaarrgghhh Hyung... I don't know really..."
"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll love it... Now let me put this thing on your head" he turn my body facing him so that he can put the wig easily.
"H-how do I look Hyung?" I stammer as he grin while twirl me to face the mirror once again.
"See... Yepputaaa..." he cooe thus makes my face looks so pink.
"Let's go... Your bodyguard is a worrywart... He'll be dead just because worrying you too much..." I chuckle at his words.
I hope Donghae will like it...
"Hyukjae what ha- oh... H-hyung I didn't say that you need to change him into this beautiful gorgeous lady..." Donghae eyes didn't blink and keep staring at me as I just lowering my face, shy.
"Awww... Guess you like it, hot bodyguard..." Heechul hyung said nearly sing. 
But I don't like him calling Donghae as hot bodyguard.
I was busy with my own thought that I didn't realize that Heechul hyung is leave and Donghae's already so close to me.
"With this... I hope that you will enjoy your second journey outside this mansion,my beautiful young Master..." he said softly as he offer me his arm. But instead of hold it softly, I end up throw myself on him, and he catch my body perfectly.
"How do I look? Is it good? Are you sure this is not too much??" I pout as he laugh a bit before give me a toothless smile that I like the most.
"You're gorgeous... Perfect young master..."
"Yah stop calling me that!" I protest while pout as he just chuckle handsomely.
"Let's go?"
I nod then walk out with my hand keep holding his arms.
"Young master... Your wedges..." Heechul hyung lift a woman shoes thus make me stare at my feet.
I'm still wearing those slipper.
"Thank you hyung..."
And with that I bid goodbye as the car take me somewhere out there.
"Oh Young Master... Can I ask you something?" Donghae said once he sat beside me. I force him of course.
"Uh huh... What is it?"
"Why were you my name in your sleep this morning?" 
I screw...
I'm baaaaacccckkkk...
And there there... an update for my readers ^_^
Thank you for waiting me and not unsubscribe this story *_*
Love yaaaa
Gimme cookies??
and I just found this pic...
OMFG asdfghhjkllkjhgfsfga.... is he so cuteeee that's why Donghae loves him the most... neh neh neh???
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Chapter 2: Can't wait to finish it!!
cloudye0705 #2
Chapter 12: Any plan to make sequel?
diastikananda #3
Chapter 12: Oh god!!
This is so god
pannuthwe #4
Chapter 12: The best story.
Chapter 12: thanks for sharing this beautiful story :)
hyukkie was toooo cute..love it so much..
lemon-deulop #6
Chapter 12: Ah, this was sweet, I'm glad everything is fine now <3333
Sure, Siwon is still alone, but he does deserve a time for him to think about what he did. And I'm glad Hyukjae found his happiness with Donghae~

So cool <33

Thank you for this.
MyeolchiHyuk #7
Chapter 12: awww... such a beautiful ending..!!
Chapter 12: It's already finished :( I love this story :)