Discovered The Truth

White Rose Turns Black

Hermione was patrolling slowly along the dark hallway that lead to the Gryffindor’s House when she notices moans and noises coming from the broom closet that was not very far away. She let out a small cough and fixes her Head Girl badge to a more visible view before making her way to the broom closet.

“Whoever is in the closet please come out right now,” said Hermione as she knock on the door a few times, “or else I’ll open the closet myself!”

There was a sudden silence when whoever inside the closet realized that there was a person outside. Hermione raised an eyebrow as she knock on the door a few more times demanding whoever inside it must come out immediately. The door finally opens slowly and reveals a half- Lavender and . . . Ron?

Hermione stared at them in shock and a pained expression slowly forming on her face. Lavender and Ron was also in shock, they didn’t expect it to be Hermione at all. They thought it was just another of those 5th year prefects that they can threaten.

Ron was the first one to speak up, “Hermione, I-we-um-we…”, but he was cut short when Hermione suddenly give out a laugh. She stares at him and Lavender with her cold and soulless eyes before writing down their name on the detention and point deducted sheet.

“That will be 150 points from both of you and a month detention with Filch!” said Hermione harshly as she walks away from them, not wanting to stay there any longer.

Lavender and Ron stare at each other nervously, not sure of what they should do. They can’t go back to the dorm now; they would be treated like criminals since everyone just love Hermione like their sibling. Ginny especially wouldn’t forgive them and definitely hex both of them so that both of them won’t be able to move at all. Ginny is scary when she get angry, and anyone who hurt Hermione is not going to get a happy ending.

Hermione slowly make her way into the Gryffindor’s Dorm and begin crying loudly as soon as she gets inside. Everyone stare at her in shock, partly because they were surprised that the perfect Hermione was crying. Harry and Ginny immediately stop whatever they were doing and rush to Hermione’s side.

“Hermione, what’s wrong?” asked Ginny with a slightly worried expression on her face. Hermione say nothing and keep crying in Ginny’s arm. Ginny look at Harry and raise an eyebrow at him as Harry just shrug implying that he also have no idea what’s going on either.

Hermione finally stopped after having a good long 10 minutes of crying and look up at everyone with her red and puffy eyes. She sniffed a few times as she wipe away the tears and stare down at her feet. Dean and Seamus, who was getting annoyed with the silence decided to speak up.

“Hermione, what happened? Tell us or else we’ll tackle Ron!” chorused the pair as they look at Hermione with a smile pasted on their face. Hermione, however, glared at the twin at the mention of Ron’s name.

“Don’t speak to me again about that bastard!” said Hermione sharply wiping the smile off Dean's and Seamus's face. She mutters a few swear words and walk up to her room where she closed the door with a slam. If it wasn’t for the strong magic of Hogwarts, the door would have been broken by now.

Dean and Semus were now even in more shock, Hermione never speak to them that way no matter how goofy they are. Everyone in the room glances at each other nervously; they weren’t sure how to react to Hermione’s sudden change. The atmosphere grew heavily by each second that pass by. Finally, Harry decided to break the silence and ask everyone to go back to their room and rest. Everyone nodded and went back to their room, many thought filled their mind about what could had happened between their precious Hermione and Ron.

The next morning, the news of what happened the previous night was spreading through the whole school like wildfire. It was one of the hottest news at Hogwarts; most people couldn’t believe Ron left Hermione for Lavender and that Hermione dared to subtract a bloody 150 points from her own house.

Hermione was obviously getting very annoyed with how whispering always start when she walk in the hallway or in the classroom. The large dark circles under her eyes show that she hadn’t been sleeping the previous night. For the rest of the day, Hermione tried her best to avoid Ron and Lavender at all time. Ron and Lavender was now the hot couple of Hogwarts beside Harry and Ginny was always seen snogging each other everywhere they can.

A few weeks passed and it was finally time for the 7th year’s trip to Hogsmeade. No matter how much Hermione tried to avoid this, her duty as Head Girl duties wouldn’t excuse her. Speaking of Head duties, that pureblood bastard Malfoy hadn’t been bothering her these few weeks. Strange enough that he do all his duties, he didn’t even bully the younger years or have party with a bunch of Slytherin girls hanging on to him like a magnet every night in the Head’s room.

Hermione groaned as she picks out some random clothes and wear it under her Hogwarts’s uniform. Just then, Ginny burst through the door and jump on Hermione making her stumble backward almost falling down.

“What is it, Ginny? Wait, let me guess. You hexed someone and now you need me to cover up for you?” said Hermione with a sarcastic tone. Ginny didn’t noticed the sarcastic tone in Hermione’s voice and decide to jump around like a bunny.

“No, definitely not that, something else!” shouted Ginny excitedly and as the grin on her face was brighter than ever.

“Hm…you got an O on one of your subject?”


Hermione gave Ginny a confused look before an idea pop into her head. Grinning at her idea, she looks at Ginny and finally gives her a small smile.

“Harry got you something?”

There was a pause and then giggles suddenly come from Ginny which scared Hermione and creep her out at the same time.

“Yes, that. And…he asked me out!” said Ginny in a very low voice that if Hermione didn’t listen she probably wouldn’t be able to hear it at all.

Hermione’s jaw drop down and an unbelievable expression was on her face. This is impossible, the clueless Harry finally ask out Ginny! However, she quickly switches back her serious face and stares at Ginny. She faked a cough and pick up her wand before shoving it to her uniform’s pocket. Ginny frowned for a moment but was happy nonetheless that Hermione finally smile for once.

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