Sweet night

A Kiss!

           Byunghyun and you had been a couple over a year now but he never forget to express to you how much he loves you.  He always bring home a rose for you, he also wants to kiss you all the time that you get irritated cause even though he just kissed you a minute ago, he attempts to kiss you again.  When you asked him, why does he loves kissing you, he'll just simply say that he loves you a lot.

           Tonight, you're with him here in your apartment.  It's their day off for today but he don't want to go anywhere so you just stayed home and watched movies all day, actually you invited his bandmates(teentop), but they refused your invitation cause they also wants to rest all day.

          While you were making your dinner, he went near you and stared at you.

you: Ya! Jagiya, why are you staring at me like that?

Ljoe: Nothing, I just thought that you are more beautiful when your cooking.:)

you: Really? Then should I just cook all the time?.:")

Ljoe:*back hugged you* no, cause your pretty what ever you do.

     He suddenly kissed your cheek.  He wants to turn you around and kiss your lips but you refused to, you just stayed your position there.  After he tried to turn you around, he just released you and sat at the chair in the dining area which is just next to the kitchen.

Ljoe: Hey!Jagiya.

you: Yes?

Ljoe: Why do you always refuse to kiss me back? Aren't you love me anymore?


you: Huh? What are you talking about?

Ljoe: You know, everytime i try to kiss you, you just end up turning around, don't you like kissing me?

you: I do love kissing you of course, but you see. You always kiss me, I mean you kiss me all the time and I feel like romance between us will fade if you'll just kiss me whenever you want to.  Don't you feel the same?

Ljoe:No, cause I love you and I will forever love you that's why I never thought of those things.* stared at you with a confused face*..OMO!!Does it mean you don't really love me jagi??

You:*you stopped stirring the food that your cooking and stared at him* YA! I never said that, ofcourse I love you more that you love me, it's just that. . . . .

Ljoe: Whatever.*he stood up and lived you alone in the kitchen*

---------------------i'll update this story,maybe nxt weekend.
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i know its not good. I dont like it that much either.haha!


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Chapter 2: Kyeoooowoooo fighting authornim more L.Joe oppa to come kekeke