
Inner World


I fail, but I try. For you.


Krystal’s night sleep was one of the best she had in a very, very long time. She was actually rather worried about how she would have had to sleep with an odd stranger in the same room, but surprisingly, she had no problem with it.

After she made Kai sleep in the toilet.

Kai is already sitting on a seat by the small table in the main room when she wakes up, and he’s eating a hot bowl of instant noodles, and Krystal really likes the smell.

“Is this the special today?” Krystal asks upon coming downstairs, and Kai looks straight at her, raising an eyebrow. He turns around and grabs another bowl of noodles and places it on the table, and gestures for her to sit down.

“What, no speaking today?” She laughs a bit cold heartedly and goes straight to the fridge and opens it, grabbing two slices of plastic cheese.

Kai eyes her suspiciously, but takes another bite of his noodles.

Krystal opens one slice and places it in the noodles, and Kai is taken aback at the odd flavours mixing together. She jabs into the cheese and swirls it around a bit, and the soup takes on a nice yellow colour as the cheese melts into the hot noodles.

She takes the last slice and put it in slowly, and mixes it around slowly, and takes an experimental bite before nodding her head in approval.

Kai finishes his noodles and places it in the sink for him to clean up later, and he looks back at Krystal who is happily slurping on her noodles and, weirdly, cheese.

She finishes it surprisingly fast, and places the bowl into the sink as well and she cleans with a tissue from the table and throws it into the bin, and turns to Kai.

“So, are we or are we not going to the market today?”

“We are…” Kai mutters slowly, and he’s already changed into his proper clothes. “Later.”

“Why not now?” Krystal pouts a bit, and she crosses her arms.

Kai walks quietly to the door and turns back ever so slightly. “We’ll go later,” He says just before leaving. “I need to do something now.”

Krystal rolls her eyes in annoyance and the door closes, and she’s at home alone, and Kai is out doing who-knows-what. There’s only one thing to do in a time like this, she decides.

She sits down on the table and furrows her brows, and begins to think about life.

Krystal was in a whole new world, and this apparently had just settled in because yesterday, she hadn’t felt much about it, and she lets the tears fall as she thought about her mother, father, and even worse, her older sister.

She didn’t have the best relationship with her parents, but of course, the still supported her in a way, and she still loved them- she had to love them. They were her parents, god damn it and they brought her into the world.

What were they going to say?

Her parents told her it was wrong to move out of the house so early, so what were they going to say now that she had mysteriously vanished?

Krystal almost knew what they would say, “I told you so.”

Who Krystal missed the most was probably her older sister Jessica. Her older sister Jessica who held her when she cried, hugged her in her time of need, and loved her when her parents weren’t there to. Jessica was a best friend, and more than that, she was the perfect sister.

Krystal was in a whole new world, damn it, and she didn’t even know how she got there.

Her mind flashes to her missing uncle who everyone believed had died, and she widens her eyes. Her uncle on her mother’s side- her younger brother, he was the one man who had supported her all the way when she said she wanted to be a singer. Of course there was Jessica who also supported her, but her uncle went to the greatest extents to get her to the audition.

Krystal’s uncle, Lee Donghae, was actually only eight years older than her, aged twenty six, and went missing when Krystal was only fourteen. No one knew exactly what happened to him, but all they knew was that he disappeared a few days after he brought Krystal to the audition.

She decides she has two questions to ask Kai when he gets back.

She’s sitting on the table, crying in her pajamas, and Krystal can’t help but feel pathetic as she wipes the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand.

Standing up, though tripping on her own feet a little bit, she walks over to the bathroom. She looks at herself in the mirror and grunts, and splashes a little bit of water in her face and feels instantly regenerated.

“Krystal,” she tells herself, “I think it’s time you got ready for going into the Village.”

She brings herself upstairs, and she quickly changes into a pair of shorts she had packed earlier and a plain blue t-shirt she bought when she was young, and it happened to be way too big, but she liked it anyway.

Krystal really likes the shirt, and it’s been her favourite for the longest time.

Smiling brightly and proudly, she jumps down most of the stairs and skips back to the table, and a strange idea pops into her head.

I’ll do the dishes.

Krystal walks over to the sink and tries to remember how Kai washed the dishes, but ends up just rinsing them, scrubbing them with soap then rinsing them again.

It can’t be that hard, right?

And it’s not, proven, when Krystal finishes cleaning the dishes, drying them and even placing them back in the cupboard with the other dishes.

She wipes her forehead dramatically, as if washing two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks was extremely hard work, and she sits down with a large huff.

The front door opens, and Kai enters empty handed.

“I’m ready to go to the market!” Krystal bounds up with a happy grin.

Kai is taken aback, but still manages to smile back before walking out of the small cottage again, and opening the door wide for Krystal, who skips out the door happily.

They set out in the large but never ending forest from where Kai had first found Krystal running away from something, or perhaps running to something- he didn’t know.

“Does this forest just never end?” Krystal starts. Kai looks like he’s about to reply, but Krystal cuts him off again. “How do we get to the Village?”

Kai smiles a large smile, and they’re walking through the never ending forest.

“Actually, it really doesn’t end, but, you just ran in one direction,” Kai explains. “If you turn here-” He takes a sharp turn down a side Krystal was sure she never went through before. “We’ll be on our way to the Village. There’s a path, just don’t stray off it.”

Krystal widens her eyes, and feels a chill down her spine when they find the path, and the ground is rocky, and the air is foggy, but she remembers earlier when she was in the cottage alone, and decides to ask some questions she had been saving.

“How do you get here, to this strange place?”

Kai stalls, and walks a bit faster, and Krystal has to jog a bit to keep up with him, and the sky seems to have gotten the slightest bit darker, and it begins to scare Krystal.

“No one knows,” Kai says cryptically, and now he’s jogging as well. “But from the research we’ve gathered, it seems like you have to be at one of your lowest points in life, or something along the lines. One of the Village Elders says you need to have something missing in your life in order to come here.”

Krystal is confused; she’s completely content with her life.

“I’m okay with my life though,” She murmurs, just loud enough for them to hear.

“I thought I was as well, I don’t know, maybe this place has something in store,” Kai grits out- the sky is purple and it’s terribly hard to see, and Goosebumps begin to rise on Krystal’s arms.

They stop abruptly when they get to a long, long rickety bridge, and Kai steps on it, and it begins to shake a little bit.

“Come on,” He smiles dangerously, and Krystal gets on her knees.

“I’m crawling,” she huffs, and crawls like a cat, following Kai, who is scarily skipping across.

“Stop it!” Krystal yells, though crawling at a normal pace.

“Are you scared?” Kai smirks, though stops skipping and stars walking safely.

Krystal notices their surroundings for the first time, and she’s utterly terrified to the core by the lake the bridge is on- it’s dark and foggy and extremely odd, and it reminds her of the one in the Lord of the Rings.

She winces and crawls a bit faster, but smiles brightly as she sees a bright light in the distance.

“Is that-” She starts, but is cut off by Kai.

“Yeah, that’s the Village right there.” He explains. “There’s only around a hundred people living there, but that’s pretty much everyone in this world. Though there are a few exceptions, like us, and the man I told you about before who I give logs to.

“He’s been here for a while, around four years ago, he arrived.” Kai explains with a solemn tone in his voice. “He’s not even that old, but he lives like he has the burden of a very wise and old master. He goes to the Village often too, and they say they might name him one of the Village Elders when he’s, well, an elder.”

Krystal chuckles, “Do you think we’ll see him? He sounds nice.”

“Yeah, he really is!” Kai’s eyes light up and they’re getting closer to the Village, having just got off the bridge. Krystal stands up and brushes off her knees and hands, and takes out a sanitary wipe from her pocket and cleans her hands before handing the dirty wipe to Kai, and continuing to walk.

“What do I do with this?”

“Keep it, I suppose,” Krystal shrugs.

They arrive at two large lamp posts, and the floor becomes light yellow bricks, and it almost looks more like a small, old city. Krystal can’t help but feel it really, really, really reminds her of Rustboro city in a game she used to love to play.

There’s a market place on one side, and a large school too, and Krystal smiles at the community, not missing the small apartment blocks that scatter throughout the Village. What’s nice is that everything looks like it’s made more by actual people than machines, and she can’t help but love the homey feeling she gets, though hating the trip.

There’s a small fountain too, and Krystal skips happily over to the fountain and looks into the water, it being a nice, brilliant blue.

People scatter around the Village, and some even spared her a nice, warm, welcoming smile.

“Nice, isn’t it?” Kai smiles and joins her, and she just nods. A shocked look comes and washes over Kai’s features though suddenly as he grabs Krystal’s hand.

“That’s right, we need to register you!”

He drags her to the large brown building at the back that is so intricately designed, and it looks almost like a mini version of a town hall.

“We register everyone that lives here- the leader keeps us all in track. We register all new born babies too, there’s at least one every month now.”

“The leader?” Krystal inquires as Kai dramatically opens to doors, and it’s a lot bigger on the inside than it was on the outside.

“Yeah, our leader- Kim Jaejoong,”

They stop in front of a large desk with a very, very beautiful man who was eating a packet of salmon sushi flavoured chips.

“Hello, I’m Jaejoong, nice to meet you,” He says happily, eyes crinkling as his mouth forms a large grin. He’s not that old, no more than thirty years of age, and he’s lively.

Jaejoong is beautiful, and he has long, slim legs and they’re covered in leather as a plain black t- with the word ‘always’ on it in white. He’s not wearing shoes, just some bright red socks and he carries a large black book around everywhere.

He places the book on the table and flips it open to around mid-way, and gives Krystal a pink pen and asks her to sign her name down, and the date.

Jung Soojung, she writes- it’s her name.

After that, Jaejoong closes the book and smiles whole heartedly towards the two.

“Nice to meet you, Soojung,” he says, and Kai sends a glance her way.


“It’s my name, silly boy.” She laughs. “Though I like to be called Krystal,”

“Apologies, then,” Jaejoong stands up and bows slightly, but Krystal only shakes her head.

“No, it’s okay, you can call me whatever you want!”

Kai nudges Krystal’s side, wanting attention. “How come you’re suddenly so nice?”

Kai is cut off by the sound of Jaejoong whispering voice. “It’s okay,” he whispers and points at Kai, “his real name is Kim Jongin.”

Suddenly, a loud “Jaejoong!” is heard, and Kai’s eyes light up.

“It’s the guy I told you about, Krystal, the nice one who collects my logs!” Kai whispers quickly and excitedly, and Krystal smooths out her clothes and runs a hand through her hair, and decides she wants to look nice for a good first impression.

Jaejoong has a warm smile towards the man who runs in frantically, and Jaejoong makes him turn to the two guests.

Krystal’s eyes widen in recognition, and so do his.




Note: Hi hi it's drama omfg IT'S DONGHAE BECAUSE I LOVE HIM. I hope I don't lose half of you because of this really, really lame drama. haha. Until we meet again.

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deerinheadlights #1
Chapter 4: hey authornim! please update soon!
Chapter 4: Wow... Finally an update. It was really good, I can totally see where Krystal and Kai's food preferences are from... Ok. See u at school
KrystalHana #3
Chapter 4: lmao i just noticed how every chapter's title is food! so scrumptious just like the read~ thank you :DDD
authornim u updated
watermelon chapter plz
ok i'm too lazy to troll all your other fics lol
update soon
Chapter 2: Hahaha you said T-!
good good so goooooooood (didn't actually read it except for the foreword but it's goooood) (ノ^∇^)ノ
Chapter 3: Jaejoong, Y U SUCH A GIRRRRL. XD
Gawd, I just can't imagine him like this.