Boyfriend/ Project Partner

After Dark


"Oh~ Yeah~ Woo~ She’s Dazzling Oh~ Yeah~"

Another ty morning when you have to wake up for school! *Arrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh even Jjong's otherwise angelic voice sounds nasty at this point of time* sorry offence....PEACE!

You dismissed your alarm and 'zombie-walked' woohoo i made a new word :P to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth, took a bath and dressed up. You quickly tied your hair into a high bun and went downstairs.

 well i know there's no point putting up this picture but still...... :P


You quickly drank the orange juice, grabbed three sandwhiches (LOL!!!) and rushed to school. "Bye Jamie...have a good day." your mother said as you went out. 

You walked through the hallway and reached your locker. That's where you met Sooyeon. "Annyeong chingu~ Mwo hae?" you tweeted. "Nothing. Just waiting for Kai to come," she joked. "You are not crushing on him. Are you?" you asked. "BWO? Ani~ I just miss those sausage lips." "Yah Sooyeon, you know? He actually has sausage lips. I only noticed it yesterday when we were talking about Taemin and he was........" you went on until Sooyeon stopped you, "Gidaryuh~ You talked to him? About Taemin? Yesterday? That's something I didn't know. How and when did this happen?" That's when you realised that you hadn't talked to Sooyeon about anything that had happened the previous day. "Aish~ miahne, I forgot to tell you. So yesterday, Kai was following me after school and........." "What? He was following you? OMO!!" You sighed, "Sooyeon-ah, it's nothing like that. He was following me because..."
"I wanted you to take me home," a deep voice completed for you. "Won't I get a chance to complete what I'm saying, today?" you turned back to face the intruder. And there he was. The one and only-- Kim Jongin! *trumpets playing*

Sooyeon's eyes bacame as wide as that of an owl, "BWO?!?" "I wanted her to take me home but her daddy is a difficult man," he repeated with a forlorn puppy face. You wanted to stuff elephant poop in his mouth for making Sooyeon misinterpret everything. "Aniyo~  Yah Kai, shut up! And Sooyeon, he came with me because he wanted to know more about the school and everything around. That's it. Innocent!" "I never said so", Kai snapped back with fake innocense. "Argh!!!! Shut the up, you goofball! Sooyeon-ah, please believe me. I'm telling you the truth." Sooyeon inspected you, still not believing whatever you had said. Kai went on, "Tell her, Jamie. Why hide? She's your best friend after all. Tell her that yesterday I came with you so that you could take me home and then ask me to marry you!" You glared daggers at him. He smirked back at you. You felt like pinning him against the locker and choking him to death. ooooohhhh -_- Just then the bell rang to HIS rescue. You ignored his smirk and Sooyeon's questioning looks and walked towards your classroom. As you entered, you saw Chi Hoon.

*He's present today* you felt ecstatic

He saw you and waved, "Hey Jamie!" You were elated. Overjoyed. Enraptured. In seventh heaven!!! You felt too weak to wave back. *He's so perfect!*



That's when Kai and Sooyeon entered. "Is that Chi Hoon?" Kai asked. Sooyeon nodded. "Phsshh....he does look like an ant!" he commented. *He's clearly jealous. Cute!* Sooyeon thought and went up to you. You had finally managed to drag your weak knees towards Chi Hoon. "Annyeong oppa~ why didn't you come yesterday? Were you not well?" you were curious. "Nae. You missed me?" he asked. You were tickled pink. "So you are Chi Hoon?" Kai jumped in. NOW, you were scared to death. *Please God, please don't let him tell Chi Hoon oppa that I'm crushing on him.* Chi Hoon was surprised to see Kai, "Yeah. You?"

"I'm Kai, Jamie's boyfriend." 


You were like *WTF!* Chi Hoon's eyes widened in shock. He turned towards you and asked, "Jinjja?" You replied, "Ani~ Oppa, don't believe him. He's a big time liar!" 



"Jagiya~ Why are you like this? You can't forget about me just as you see a hot guy!" You blinked at him in surprise *This guy is such a pain in the *
Just then Mr. Shim entered and asked the class to settle down. You sat on a chair and quickly pulled Sooyeon to sit next to you as soon as you saw Kai approaching.


*You are awesome, Kai* he assured himself!!!


Mr. Shim announced about a new activity that had to be done in pairs. You had to visit a science museum and write a report about any thing that caught your attention there. He randomly called up students and asked them to choose a partner. Naturally, everyone paired up with their friends.

"Choi Ahri"

"I choose Lee Chi Hoon!"

*DAMN* You saw Ahri flirtatiously smiling at Chi Hoon. He smiled back at her. Your heart sank. *Why did he have to be such a player?* Anyway, now you had no hope of choosing Chi Hoon so you just hoped you would end up being Sooyoung's partner, IF she doesn't choose Kai -_-

"Kim Jongin" Mr. Shim called out. Kai stood up. He looked around and thought for a moment. "I would like to be paired up with.............................." You could seriously feel the entire female population of your class counting their prayers to be his partner. And he was clearly enjoying it. He paused for another minute.

"Mr. Kim Jongin, would you mind going a little faster? We don't have the entire period." Mr. Shim sounded annoyed.

"Uh miahne, I choose..........Park Jamie."


Not only did you react with a "WHAT?!?" but the entire class did! "Why me?" you blurted out, not realising that that's not what you are supposed to ask someone in that situation. "Park Jamie, I know you are worrying about doing a project with a new student but Kim Jongin has a good record in his last school so you need not worry about it." Mr. Shim assured. "Err...uh yes. Yes, Mr. Shim." you bowed. You saw Kai smirking towards your direction. Sooyoung poked your arm, "Lucky you. Every other girl is dying to be in your place so cheer up!"

Class was over and you went out of the class. You waited for Sooyeon to get out. As soon as she did, you pulled her aside and said, "Yah~ why were you acting like that in front of Kai. You believe that new comer muttonhead and not me?" "Woah, girl. Chill. I was just kidding. I know you aren't like THAT!" she winked. You sighed. Kai came out and stood next to you, "Miahne~" he apologized. You looked at him and raised your eyebrow, "Yeah right. That would totally help." He took a deep breath and continued, "Jamie-ah, jeongmal jesonghamnida." You looked away. Sooyeon giggled. "Oh by the way, I'm throwing my seventeenth birthday party on Friday. So Kai, you are invited." You stared at Sooyeon. You couldn't believe she just invited him. They hadn't even talked to each other before that. "Gomawo. I'll surely come," Kai assured. You had had enough of their "ganging-up-against-jamie" and "lets-make-jamie-the--of-our-jokes" and walked away. But Kai held your wrist and made you turn towards him.



You were stuck in the moment. It was plain awkward. You stared at his handsome face. *AISH~ HE TOTALLY REMINDS ME OF TAEMIN'S ANGELIC FACE.* Sooyeon was like :O 
"I said I'm sorry. I can't help it. I love teasing you." he couldn't hold in his giggles. You blankly stared at him. He cleared his throat and continued, "Look, I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you. I'll work extra hard for the project. I'll do your share of the work. How does that sound?" You were irritated like hell but then you were a soft person after all. You knew Kai didn't mean anything bad, he's just.............a troublemaker. Plus, how could you forget about yesterday. He was fun to talk to and he seemed to have a pretty good personality. With that angelic face, you just wished he could go less on the teasing and irking. "You know what? You are a really nice guy. I don't have any problem being friends with you but sometimes you get on my nerves. Umm well, maybe I should take things lightly from now on." you said. "Cool. Now everyone is happy. So let's talk about my birthday party. Let's go!" Sooyeon chimed.


School was over and you were walking towards your house. Suddenly you heard someone running towards you and calling out your name, "JAMIE~" You turned back to see, who else, Kai. Okay this is getting boring -_- "What do you want, Kai?" you asked. "Since we are partners for the new project so we'll have to do a lot of research stuff together so I need your number. Don't worry, I won't disturb you much." "Yeah thanks for that additional piece of information." you said. You gave him your number and as soon as he looked up from his phone, you had already walked away. He looked at your tired state walking down the road. *I hope I didn't irritate her THAT much* he imagined. 


Just as your eyes were about to shut off to neverland, err i love you? :P your phone rang crazily. "Who the heck is it?" you screamed as you searched for your phone on the bed-side table. You finally caught hold of it and looked at the screen to see who the numbskull was. It had no name. *That's strange...who could it be?* You answered it, "Yeobosayo~"

"Someone sounds sleepy" came from the other side.

"This is how a normal person sounds like when you call him or her at this time of the night." you responded.

"Okay then. Well, I just called so that you can save my number." the person spoke up.

"What? Who are you anyway?"

"You didn't recognize me?"


"OH so let's have some fun!"

"Is this a prank call? If it is then ha ha I surrender. Now, let me sleep, you bimbette!"

"It's not a prank call and no, you cannot sleep until you guess who I am!"

"I know who you are! You are......................deadmeat!"

"Nice try!"


"Okay, I'll give you a hint. I'm your new boyfriend."

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"What? That means you don't value our relationship at all. How can you?"

Great, you were wide awake now. "Listen, I don't have much time so you have two options. Give me better hints or TELL ME YOUR ING NAME!!!!"

"I go for the first option. I'm your project partner."

"Wha..? Uh wait! KAI?!??"

"Good job!"


"What a shame."

"I thought you promised to never tease me again."

"I promised to work extra hard for the project."

"I'll get you in school tomorrow."

"I'll be waiting......good night and yeah, sweet dreams about Taemin or Chi Hoon or maybe both! Okay, bye." he ended with a giggle and with that, he hung up.




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Chapter 7: wait...... 'the cursed lad showing off his wings'
so... he never wore the shirt, right? :P
i love this chapter xD xP
im jealous of that bith now xP
oh n ur a/n make u sound lyk some pedo noona xP (come to mama Rlab xP)
legitization #3
Chapter 5: yahhh i love this last chapter ^_^ kai as my boyfriend.... i love the way you write naurtorious !! Keep writing and never STOP GirL :P
Chapter 2: girl you spin my head right round with the y car AND THE Y GUY INSIDE IT!
oh btw 'milkshake' gives me ideas..... and theyre NOT good ones xP
legitization #5
awww i love kai!!and jaemi's character is so cute! <3 i am so waiting for your story, kindly update it soon.... ^_^
woah i love the bff xP
me so pretty! :P
and write it already!! ^^
kaimakesmecry #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^