
The Tale of Two Worlds [Hiatus]

Enemy ? Kibum was still too dumbfounded to respond Jinki's words. Why is he ? "E-excuse me ?" He frowned.
Jinki sighed at the sight, before tilting his head to the side and stared at the younger with a pitying face "Is your brain always working this slow ?" he asked, with a rather serious face.
Kibum almost opened his mouth to speak up before he decided to just clench his fist, hold his breath, and bite his inner lip to prevent himself from vomitting out profanities. Relax, Kibum. Relax. He told to himself.
While Jinki was secretly grinning alone. Seeing his new lecturer was as transparent as a piece of glass. Look at that waves of emotion changing from time to time on his face. And that faking patient smile.
If only Jinki could hitting and rolling on the floor that moment.
But of course the Prince kept his cool facade on show. "Anyway," he began again "We're not going to start the lessons today, right ? It's saturday."
Kibum arched his eyebrows. For the sake of everything in the sky, how could he know the arrangement of this lecturing to begin with ? What is this satuhday, anyway ?
"Satuhday ?" Kibum repeated it to himself subconsciously.
"Yes, saturday." the Prince clicked his tounge "It's my time to rest. And I'm not letting you ruin it."
Jinki scoffed and arose from his seat, turning around to see his faithful eunuch and said "Come on, Seukhyun. We still have that video game to play."
The oldest man of them all who's standing quietly on the side before, now flinched to life with a slight of horror in his face after hearing his Prince's last sentence. "A-are we going to bet on my eyebrows again, Your Majesty ?"
"Of course." Jinki answered nonchalantly then turned around and started to walk from where he was toward Kibum.
The younger was tensed as the Prince got nearer and pulled back his head uncomfortably when Jinki suddenly stood right before him.
The Prince smelled better than anything Kibum had smelled in his entire life. Better than the parchment of the first book he read. Better than taemin's fragrant oil he used for his clothes. Even better than his mother's. And it's kind of.. intoxicating.
He winced when Jinki suddenly lifted his hand to pat his cheek. Once. Twice. "Just be careful of what you're going to do, okay ?" the Prince said, before giving a deadly smirk and drew away.
"Now move." Jinki said, face turning straight.
"Eh ?" Kibum still couldn't think right.
"Move from where you are, I have to walk that way." he insisted. Of course, he didn't have to, in all honesty. Jinki just had this new liking to make the younger mad.
And Kibum never had the urge to kick someone in front of him that bad before, as he moved aside eventually and Jinki walked outside without even looking back.
Patience is all I need. Kibum repeated the chant inside his head, tried to steady his breathing. Patience is all I need. Patience is all I....
Kibum jerked up and turned around to see who's talking to him. Turned out it's the Prince's eunuch.
"A-ah, eunuch-nim." Kibum greeted and bowed. "Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, Kibum-ssi." The eunuch bowed back and smiled "And... uhm In behalf of The Prince, I'm asking you an apology,"
"Ah," Kibum shook his head, knowing what it referred to "No no. It's fine. I know he's just being a ..." Bastard "Prince." he smiled a little.
"But, still..." the eunuch smiled again before remembered something "Anyway, the lecture will start in Monday. Have the King told you ?"
Mo-onday ? Would they start the lecture when the moon appear ? Kibum shook his head again.
"Ah. I see then." the older man nodded "Today is just for the first meeting, you know... So that both of you won't be awkward on Monday."
But they were already awkward -and hated each other most likely-. Kibum thought.
"I hope you'll be ready with the lessons and.. Our Prince, Kibum-ssi. So...."
"Seukhyuuuuun !" the Prince furious's voice flew from the hallway. "Why the hell do i have to waiting for you here ?! Do we have to bet to pluck out your hair strands instead after this ?!"
The eunuch stared in horror to the door before cringed as he's back to see Kibum.
The younger smiled "I think you should get going." he suggested.
Seukhyun agreed immediately, quickly bowing for the last time to Kibum and turned around to walk out, his hand moved up to pat his poor half-bald head on the way.
"Dear God, Tae. He's not even your son. Why do you have to be this angry."
"Turn down your volume, can't you? For everything's holy."
Kibum looked up from the paper Taemin scribbled him about the time setting -of the Upper World- (Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Month, Years) and scrunched his nose apologetically as he saw the quarreling brothers across the living room. He didn't want to be the source of it.
"Tae." he called slowly.
"Taeee." Kibum called louder.
"WHAT ?" Taemin turned -still glaring- to Kibum, then lowering his tone when he realized it was Kibum "Uh. Sorry, Kibum. What ?"
"Could you please not throwing it on Jonghyun ?" he asked "I'm fine."
"But you're.."
"No, Tae. I'm fine." Kibum persisted, inhaling deeply and now staring at the younger with a kitty pleading stare "Just let me do it, please ? Pleaaaase ?"
Taemin already opened his mouth to argue again, but then he bit his lip, seemed considering and ping-ponged his sight back and forth to Kibum and to his brother. Some seconds after, he sighed in defeat "Fine."
Kibum smiled cheerily "Thankyou, Tae."
Taemin smiled in return.
"Now, could you two.." Kibum spoke again, signaling to the brothers "shake hands or something ?"
Taemin turned back to see his brother after hearing the request before took a deep breath and mumbled "I'm sorry, Jjong..."
Jonghyun shrugged "Whatever."
Taemin pouted and bumped his shoulder to his brother's intentionally, coaxing "How about I'm making that oglio olio you like for dinner ?"
The older narrowed his eyes in suspicion then flicked Taemin's forehead after "You, bad little brother."
Taemin grinned.
Kibum smiled widely from afar and back to learn his paper again.
Lower Land.

The moon was completely gone, leaving the sky with black and black alone, marking the darkest moment in Lower Land time phase. And the blackness was the only thing people could see, with the edge of boldest grey if they're lucky.

Minho played with the shard of moonstone in his hand, staring at the faint glow that peeked from his long fingers in silence.
Moonstone was one of the privilege for the nobility, for it could provide a minimum light when the moon totally disappeared, like this. And not anyone could afford the price for the piece of it.
He heaved a sigh and brought the stone close to one of Kibum's so-called-books again, now flipping the page.
He frowned as he read line by line written on it.
What is so fascinating about the Upper World, huh ? He couldn't think of it. Just a same ordinary life with a little more color and light. He snorted.
The deep voice came from outside the room and Minho slowly turned around from Kibum's little bookshelf.
"Inspector." he greeted the man, before skillfully slipping the illegal book back to be sandwiched in between The Lower Land's history and geography record bundles behind him.
"Still nothing heard or found from him ?" the old man asked.
"No, Inspector." Minho shook his head "I've been waiting outside the Forest again since this morning."
The Inspector sighed heavily and lifted his hand to cup the side of his face in despair before asking "Have you told your father about this, Minho ?"
"I have not, Inspector." Minho shifted uncomfortably on his position "I don't want uh.. to add his burden with our -me and Kibum's- stupid bet." which was not exist at all, he thought.
The Inspector nodded and took another deep breath "Do you.. Do you have any idea where he could be ?"
"I'm not sure." Minho began "But we're betting about um the portal to the Upper World. So, the biggest probability is...."
"He's going there ?"
"And couldn't go back because the moon has gone." Minho nodded.
Inspector Kim his lip "Do you think he can jump back here once the fullmoon rise again ?"
"That's what we.." Kibum "assume,"
The older nodded again "Can i.. Can i count on you in this matter, Minho ?"
"Of course, Inspector." Minho complied rightaway "I'll bring him back."
To where he should be.
"Jong... hyun ?" Kibum tilted his head as he peeked to the older's bedroom, finding the owner was busy with his ring-ring mac- phone on his bed.
"Hmm ?" the rectangular shaped face man replied, but not looking up.
"Do you have some books about the Uppe- the nation's government system ? Could I borrow ?"
"Oh." Jonghyun finally tore his gaze away from the screen and stared to the male on the door "I have some. But not much." He's buying them to pass his royal job test, if you're curious.
"Just search it on my desk." he said nonchalantly, pointing to the table near him with his chin and back to looking at his phone.
Kibum nodded and stepped inside Jonghyun's room, walking toward the said desk. He hummed to himself as he scrutinized the pile of books and some transparent cases on it.
"Is this one ?" Kibum finally lifted a certain book that he found to Jonghyun's direction.
"Uh.." the older looked up again to see what Kibum showed him and nodded "And I have two more. They have that 'Royal' something in their title."
"The Royal Heredity ?"
"Yeah, that one."
"Okay." Kibum said, stacking the two books on the desk's empty side while he searched for the last one.
Jonghyun finally decided to pay attention to the younger that second, frowned "Are you borrowing them for..."
"Yeah." Kibum answered, turned his head for a while to smile at Jonghyun before looking at the piles again. "I barely know anything about this wor- country."
Jonghyun gulped and scratched his temple awkwardly, now fully concerned to the real issue. "A.. Are you really fine with it, Kibum ?" then he added "Just be honest with me."
Kibum pursed his lips and smiled to the older again "I'm fine. You don't want to get fired either, do you ? I think i should be useful before I..." I'm going back, he continued on his head.
And Jonghyun was honestly touched by Kibum words, realizing that the guest was even thinking about his position.
Jonghyun bit his lip as he thought of something. And right when Kibum found the last book -yelping "Found it !"- he offered to the younger "Maybe I could help you uh.. learn ?"
Kibum was more than happy to nod.
("But help me to master about the time and colors first ?")
Kibum yawned widely as he sat on one of the Palace library's desk that monday. He slept so late the night before, since he'd been learning and stuffing as much things as possible inside his head within two days. With the help of Jonghyun -and Taemin every once in a while-.
"But these are just basic knowledges, you know ?" Jonghyun said last night when Kibum repeated the rights and authorities of the Prime Minister "You should look at the real records of the nation's funding and else from the Royal library, I think. I heard the scholars usually learn the legitimate copy of them on their second year."
Kibum just nodded cluelessly at Jonghyun's words before.
And now he yawned again.
"Such an unappealing view in the morning."
Kibum shutted his mouth immediately and opened his eyes in surprise, seeing the Prince had made his grand entrance through the door -and mocked what Kibum did a second after, like seriously ?-.
Kibum bit his lip again, staring at the casual looking Jinki with -dark brown ?- turtleneck and black pants that walking to the desk in front of him. Why does he has to look that good everytime ? Kibum thought and quickly shook his head to kick the unimportant question away.
It's not the time to mind such thing.
"I see that you learn to not let me waiting again." Jinki said as he flopped down on the seat, looking at Kibum with his distinctive piercing stare.
Kibum just nodded.
"But how could you not greet me at all ?" Jinki asked flatly.
Gasp. Kibum didn't even think of it. He was too absorbed to stare at the Prince that he forgot about manners and all.
"G-good morning," he said in the end, then added unwillingly "Your Majesty."
Jinki just chuckled, simply neglecting the late greeting "What are we going to learn now ?" he asked.
"Uh," Kibum was not fully prepared to answer that to-the-point question "Things ?"
Jinki frowned "Whatever." he shrugged "Just start."
The younger gulped and stood up, couldn't hide his nervousness once he grabbed the marker and walked to the whiteboard.
Jinki raised his eyebrows as he realized it was the first time he saw his lecturer walked -or sashayed, a better term to describe-.
He had a really nice curve, Jinki observed. And that still glowing paleness ...
Jinki gave himself a mental slap. How could he think like that about a male. He shook his head and started to pay attention to the board.
Monarchy, was written in a neat writing on it.
"What is a monarchy to you, Your Majesty ?" Kibum asked.
"A system ?" Jinki asked back, shrugging "A system with King or Queen as the head of the nation and Prime Minister to take over mostly of governmental issues ?"
Kibum nodded "And ?" he asked, as he saw the Prince seemed had another words to speak of.
"And I think the system was slowly falling down. Why should we keep the head of the nation by the bloodline, rather than elect a proper leader like democracy does ?"
Kibum, who remembered what democracy was -the opposite system, for moon's sake-, remained speechless.

It needed a handful of patience for Kibum to teach with Jinki's snarky remarks along the way. Even If he didn't count his effort to remember all those things he should share altogether.
Kibum took a deep breath once he stared to his watch -Tae's possession-, hearing the faint ticking sound that substituted the heartbeats and trying to recall how he should read it.
Is it already two ho-urs ? He thought.
"It's already two hours." Jinki chimed in, "If that's what make you stare at your watch for that long."
Kibum deadpanned again and looked up. He bowed to Jinki in instance "Thankyou, Your Majesty."
Jinki just raised both of his eyebrows before stood up and walked to the front of his table "Are we going to have another session like that tomorrow and after ?" he asked.
Kibum frowned "Uh. I .. Think so. What's wrong ?"
Jinki took a deep breath, half sitting on the edge of the table and sticking out his finger one by one "First, We're barely going anywhere from elementary school text book. Second, It's deadly boring to just sit, hear, argue you, sit, hear,argue you. I swear you're the most boring teacher I've ever had." then the Prince yawned, for real before straightened up his body and his heels.
"But," Jinki added, stopped halfway on his track and looked over the silent Kibum from his shoulder "you got a quite nice backside, if i might say."
The Prince made a gesture of s-line body curve with his two hands, then winked and offered Kibum a mischievous smirk.
The younger turned red and more, more mad.
Stupid jerk brat bastard Prince, Kibum swore on his mind. With every dirty words he could remember from those Upper World story books.
Ugh. He practically slammed the thick bundle he just took from the shelf onto the top of the pile on his desk, immediately regret it once he saw the pile turned shaky and almost scattered down.
He huffed and landed his back on the seat. Snatching a blank paper from it's stack and a pen from the case, ready to make a summary out of those records he borrowed.
Unfortunately, the records couldn't be brought outside the Palace that Kibum didn't have any other choice rather than stay in the library after his lecturing time.
He lifted his hand up to touch the top of the bundles high pile and giving himself a mental encouragement. Let's go. He yelled in his mind.
He read and read. Thought and thought. Wrote and wrote.
Sometimes, he bit the bottom of his pen, repeating what the Prince said before and thinking of lecturing method that wouldn't be that boring.
He stood up once he felt his whole body was sore and aching because he sat too long, and walked around a little. Searching for brilliant idea in between the shelves and titles of book.
He tilted his head when he picked and opened a random book, his brain's working to relate the subject with his own problems.
Not long after, Kibum walked back to his desk and started writing again. This time was about his lecturing plans. Maybe, he thought, he could make this whole lessons a little exciting for the Prince.
He shrugged, then back to dig in the records he abandoned before. Still so much things to learn from the 19th century and up.
Kibum rubbed his eyes. If only he wasn't that sleepy.....
Then he's back to the blackness again. Drown deeper and deeper in a weird chaos mix of the entire different things he had learned along the time of his life.
The Upper World is a threat of our world, our existence...

The sun is yellow, shining through the window, you should lift your head from the pillow..

Sewers and drains, where on the King Lee Hwon era they abandoned the suspect of witchcraft and sorcery. To be outcasted and to never see the sun on the ground for ever...

They are the evil ones, not us. That is why we choose to build our own life here. Towns and markets. Castle and village. Who needs those blinding lights afterall ?

Mallory decided to wear a nice pink ribbon that suited his red dress tonight then she's all ready to go to the prom...

Economy crisis of Royal Family on the end of 19th century...

"Why is he still here ?"
Jinki, that just got back from the palace's sauna, frowned as he passed the library's door that was ajar and narrowing his eyes to peek the sleeping Kibum from afar.
He carefully stepped in and the lamps -it's already evening and quite dark- before walked closer to the desk.
The younger was snoring gently, sounding the tiredness out of his body so obvious that Jinki subconsciously started to worry. A little.
He will get a stiff neck later, I swear. Jinki thought. Seeing Kibum rested the side of his head on the desk, his pouty lips opened slightly.
The Prince bent down to look at his lecturer's face closer then stretched out his hand to shut Kibum's mouth close.
The cupid bow looked so much better -and more alluring- on the fullness, rather than when it's parted.
Jinki moved his finger that was still on contact with the younger's face, feeling the softness ghosted over his digits skin, a little electrifying.
Kibum writhed, rubbing his cheek to the paper under his face and mumbled. That was when Jinki decided to pull his hand away.
"Bastard.." He murmured. "Prince.."
Jinki quickly glared upon hearing the words that's surely directed to him. "This guy ..." he swore and checking if Kibum was awake in the truth.
Of course, he was not.
Jinki scoffed and turned to see what's Kibum been doing until that late. He lifted some bundles of the royal record and raised one of his eyebrows. Impressed.
Then he put them back and tilted his head to see Kibum's writing on the paper, eventhough the part of it was blocked by the younger's head.

Politics -> International Relations, Organizations, Ambassador & Embassy.
Economy -> Revenue, Expenditure.
Geography -> Cities, Climate, etc.
History -> The Dark Depression, Economy crisis, List of Royal families (Duke & Duchess)
PE -> Ar..

Wait, what ? The Prince furrowed his eyebrows. PE ? Does he think this is highschool ? And the description was blocked, moreover. Jinki clicked his tongue. Tch.
Then he stared at Kibum once again, before shrugged and decided to leave. It's not his business to care, he thought.
Kibum was still half-awake when he flopped down in Jonghyun's car seat not long after.
He yawned, scratched his cheek and stared blankly to the window, hugging his precious written paper tightly.
Jonghyun, who just finished from his own work -and he's the one that waking Kibum up from library before- now looking at the younger with raising eyebrow.
"Kibum.." he called as he started the engine.
Kibum just blinked and yawned again.
"Hey Kibum..." Jonghyun poked the younger's arm.
"Eh ?" Kibum turned his head.
"Just sleep when we get home." Jonghyun suggested
Kibum frowned "But, I still have..." he looked down to the papers on his chest.
"You could learn it tomorrow morning or something." He insisted "I don't want to hear any excuse. You have to sleep."
Kibum smiled groggily "Fine, father."
Jonghyun smiled and punched Kibum's arm lightly "Thankyou, dude." he said sincerely, touched again by the younger's effort.
Kibum rubbed his abused arm and frowned "What is dude ?"
Jonghyun only laughed wholeheartedly.

"Who is it ?"
"Who's who, Your Majesty ?"
"The one behind the wheel?"
"Kim Jonghyun. One of the royal staff. He's the one who assign Kim Kibum to the job."
Oh. Jinki nodded. "Kim ? They're brothers ?"
"I think no. They're only friends."
Jinki raised his eyebrows when the car moved backward before turned over. Friends ?
"The car is ready, Your Majesty." the Royal family's Chauffeur was walking toward the Prince and his eunuch, pointing to the limousine parked in the centre of Palace's parking area.
Jinki slowly turned to look the Chauffeur, then dropping his raised eyebrows "I... think I'm not going out tonight." he said, back to following the moving car with his eyes then shook his head and turned around to go into the Palace again.
The Chauffeur and The Eunuch were just exchanging stunned stares.
Why does he want to wait the car here not in the Palace's frontdoor, anyway ? The Chauffeur thought and shrugged in the end.
"So," Kibum started, glancing to the paper on his hand before looked up to see the Prince who sat on his usual desk "Could you mention what are the sources of our monarchy's annual revenue ?"
Jinki raised his eyebrow and stated with a questioning tone "Tax ?"
"Yes, taxation. And ?"
"Uh..." Jinki frowned "It has something to do with the tourist ? Tourist income ?"
Kibum took a deep breath "You could say it like that, I think." then he continued "How about the expenditure ?"
"I remember this." the Prince his lips "There are the general expenditure and the royal family expenditure, right ?"
Kibum nodded and cued Jinki to continue, then the Prince suddenly shook his head, signaling that he forgot about the subject.
The young lecturer sighed and tried his luck again "Can you state what is the example of the royal family expenditure ?" It should be quite easy since he lives with it everyday, Kibum thought.
"Ah.." the Prince nodded quickly.
Kibum smiled. Yes ? The upkeep of various royal residences, staffing, travel and and state visits.....
My clothes." Jinki said, pointing his designer suits "My food ?"
Kibum just wanted to bang his head to the wall.
"Could you be more..." He gritted his teeth "general ?" public engangement, official entertainment.
"Could we just back to this topic again later ?" Jinki proposed.
Dear the Goddess of Moon, Can't i just smack this Prince's head with my paper ? Kibum already rolled his papers in irritation.
"Right, let us move to History." Kibum said, unrolling and flipping his paper again, eyebrows collided into one.
Jinki chuckled to himself.
"But the question will still related to the revenue and expenditure," Kibum added.
He cleared his throat before shooting another question "Why is, after The Dark Depression, our expenditure is never passing the revenue ?"
"King Lee Shin had a deal with this, right ?"
Kibum just mummed a bored "ehm-hmm".
Jinki was thinking to give Kibum a rest from his torture for a while, so he answered the question smoothly "Because he was the one who initiate to pay eighty percent from the profits of the royal estate rents to the government. Long-term, 'til today. The cost to maintain the royal family is only one-third from the rents profit alone, not to mention the revenue from direct taxes and so on and so on. That's why we never bankrupt, at least until now."
You could answer if you want, huh. Kibum smiled wryly. "Then let's move to the next question.."
Jinki raised his eyebrows twice.
"What is the name of the Duke and Duchess of Loram's daughter who married to our seventh King ?"
"Huh ?" Jinki shook his head cluelessly again.
On the next day, The PE that Kibum planned for them turned to be Archery. Because the younger had searched and found that the Royal Palace had a complete gear and equipment for the sport. It was a reasonable culture too, for a Prince or a King of the nation to master Archery. And Kibum found that it could be some refreshing treatment for the always-bored Prince Jinki.
Kibum walked behind the Prince, his eunuch and one of the maid to the field and stopped dead on his track when Jinki snorted once they arrived on the ground, turning around to the younger. "Is this your way to get out from your obligation to teach me ?"
Kibum shook his head quickly "N-no,"
Jinki snickered then reached his hand out to the maid, receiving a pair of arm guard and put them on primly.
"Do you know anything about archery ?" Jinki doubted, glancing at Kibum who just stood quietly with bundle of thin papers he still held in his two hands.
Kibum pursed his lips and brought his paper to his face again, ready to recite the line he wrote about archery from some book before the Prince snatched the paper and put it on the wooden table near them. "I'm not asking you to read about it." Jinki stared at Kibum, sneered.
"Watch the real thing," he said cockily, then turned around after grabbing a sturdy-looking bow and an arrow from the same wooden table.
Kibum only raised his eyebrows in anticipation while Jinki was already walking forward, counting the distance between the target board and the point where he stood with his crescent eyes.
"He's really good in this kind of thing."
Kibum heard the eunuch whispered to the maid behind him.
The maid giggled. "Really ?"
"Yes, I've watched Your Majesty playing with those guns since years ago. It's almost the same, you know. With target board and else, only the weapon is different."
Kibum took a deep breath after eavesdropping, then looked up again to watch the Prince.
Jinki was already pointing the bow toward the ground and placing the shaft of the arrow on the arrow rest, before slowly raising the bow and drew the string with the arrow lightly held in his three fingers.
Kibum had to admit that the Prince was looking so -uh- hot when he's aiming with clenched jaw and cold -oh, that's paradox- stare.
He looked like a real warrior or something.
Not long after, Jinki finally released the arrow. Relaxly. Clean and accurate, showing that he was a pro with no sign of flinching and wobbling string had been impacting his shot.
He moved his draw hand back as he watched the arrow flew. It didn't hit the bullseye, but at least it stuck on one of the most inner circle. Not bad, Jinki thought. Considering that he hadn't held the bow again since he's .... seventeen ?
The eunuch and the maid awkwardly clapped their hands, while Kibum was still showing an expressionless face.
"You," Jinki suddenly turned around, pointing his arrowless bow to Kibum "Come here,"
Kibum was dumbstruck "What ?"
then he shook his head in disapproval.
Jinki tsk-ed then made another gesture for Kibum to approach him. "You're the one who's planning this. You have no rights to not play."
Kibum sighed and finally walked toward Jinki with a sour face. Hey, he couldn't decline the so-called-command either, right ?
The younger intentionally sighed once he stopped himself beside the Prince and taking the bow from the other's hand. Gasp. It's heavier than he thought.
"Seukhyun, bring me the other arrow." Jinki commanded to his eunuch, while glancing at the younger with an amused grin.
Once Jinki had received the said arrow from his eunuch, he handed it to Kibum, who's unwillingly receiving and now stood awkwardly with the two equipments he didn't understand how to use at all in his hand.
"I thought you know about archery," Jinki taunted, moving to stand behind the younger's back.
Kibum muttered incoherencies under his breath.
"Spread your legs," Jinki said, slipping one of his leg in between Kibum's and kicking the one of younger's inner feet to part.
Kibum grunted, cursing with the word 'abusive' lowly.
"Point your bow down, put the arrow on the rest." Jinki instructed, pulling his leg out.
Kibum half-heartedly did as the Prince told him to.
"Why are you standing so awkward like that," Jinki clicked his tounge, stepped closer and placed his hand on the younger's hips, pulling Kibum a little backward.
Kibum stiffened as he felt an abrupt warmness of the older's body temperature radiating from where their shirt fabric contacted. His back on the Prince's broad chest.
Too close.
His blood was circulating so fast, reddening his ear as he raised his bow and aimed, obeying Jinki's instruction that suddenly heard so indistinct.
He could felt the Prince's chest slowly raising up and down through his shirt -and the contour of that well-defined abdomen pressed on his backside-. Kibum tried so hard to steady his breath.
Jinki himself was not fully aware of their position, that all of his concentration was only focused on the arrow. "Now release," he said, brushing his breath over the other's neck.
Kibum released his -already- weak grip from the arrow, breathed deeply as he felt the other's palm was still cupping his hips.
Why did it feel so hot all of a sudden ?
It felt like an eternity when his arrow -unsurprisingly- landed on the ground then Kibum turned his head automatically to the side, to face Jinki right when the Prince was looking at him too and their eyes met, all mingled breaths.
Too close.
Tint of rosy pink spread on the younger's pale cheeks as he blinked, and that was when Jinki widened his eyes in realization, quickly pulled himself from Kibum and stood a meter away, clearing his throat nervously, eyes wandering everywhere.
Kibum bit his inner lip and looked up to the white cloud in the blue sky.
And as both of them heard their own heart were beating like crazy, they tried to deny it themselves.
It must be their sugar rush or something.

Or something...

A/N :I know the part about upper and lower land things is still a lil confusing. I'll try to explain about it later (if I'm not too lazy xP) but I guarantee that it's not too related with the whole plot. For the material of lecturing part I mixed and modified it from UK and France Monarchy ^^~ Comments are blessed !
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Purplejaybird #1
Chapter 3: Love everything about this fanfic!
Please continue this again its soo good. Its too good for it not to be continue/finished!
JinKibum89 #2
Chapter 3: I just read this story and i love it,, can you continue this storyyy,,,,
onkey_air #3
Chapter 3: this not end yet, right?
im really curious with they 'new secret'
please update :-)
froyolovers #4
Chapter 3: Love between two worlds.. Wow it's really interesting..
Jinki start fall in love to his lecturer..^^ and their little secret aww... That's sweeeet..
Kibum is smart lecturer for jinki..
Hope u will update soon...
bbonkey #5
Chapter 3: Jinki is jealous to Jonghyun. .eyyyy xDD

The scene at that house abjajdjdjdmjdwmdz and they kissed!

",with a new secret
that we should keep to only
eyyy prince jinki xD
bbonkey #6
Chapter 3: Jinki is jealous to Jonghyun. .eyyyy xDD

The scene at that house abjajdjdjdmjdwmdz and they kissed!

",with a new secret
that we should keep to only
eyyy prince jinki xD
Chapter 3: Their first kiss is lovely ( ♥͡▽♥͡ )
And they not denied their feeling and keep kissing xD
xoxogossipgoat #8
Chapter 3: Omg I loved this chapter its so freaking great!
Chapter 2: omgggggggg helppppppp ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ