Lies & Secrets [Hiatus]

The day was calm, the wind blew slowly and the leaves, which previously fell from the trees, fly slowly. You can see some people in the streets, all with thick coats to protect them from winter.

It's Christmas. In fact, it's almost Christmas. It's December 16th, a week until Christmas, the best day for Nana.

Who is Nana? You ask. Well...Nana is a young girl living in a small warehouse with 9 people.

These people are: Oh Sehun, the first boy to join this young at the warehouse; Hyorin, a mysterious girl that Nana found on the street, cold and that almost fainted, Moon Jong Up and Jung Daehyun, a couple who were hidden in an alley; Changjo, a boy who was close to her home and she welcomed him; Hoya and Lee Joon, two brothers who aren’t separated by anything or anyone; Kai, a boy she met on the street drunk and, finally, Yoon Bora, a girl, who was crying in the street.

Nana's life isn’t very complicated but she likes to joke that has to put up with 9 children at home.

Her workplace is Woollim Business, one of the most important companies in South Korea.

"Good morning!" Nana said as she arrived at her workplace

"Good morning, Nana!" Her coworker said, smiling her

"Hyerin unnie, the boss has arrived?" Nana said, sitting in her chair

"Aniyo. He must be about to arrive. "Hyerin answered

"Hm... ok!" Nana said as she looked carefully at the papers that were in her front "Well. Let’s work."

Hyerin said nothing and just focused on her own work. Both had some papers on top of their desks, they had to carefully organize, an order given by their boss.

Kim Jongdae - This is the name of the President of Woollim Bussiness and the man with whom Nana works most of the time. Already Hyerin, works with Jongdae’s younger brother: Yong Joo Kim, a womanizer, who is always ready to flirt with a pretty girl with a good body.

Eye Candy Coffee

This is the workplace of the young couple, Jong Up and Daehyun. Normally, this coffee isn’t much frequented as it’s a small cafe and the conditions aren’t as good as other cafes that are well furnished and with modern decorations, however, both employees, who are very friendly and the coffee owner, who always treats her customers very well, are working hard and the service is very good.

"Annyeong ahjumma!" Jong Up said as he entered in the kitchen

"Oh! Good morning! "Ahjumma said, smiling at the boy, who was getting ready for work."Where’s Daehyun?"

"Huh? Ah! He had to go somewhere." Jong Up replied, smiling

"And why you didn’t go with him?" ahjumma asked while cooking something

"I was afraid that you’ll need help." The boy replied, smiling sweetly at the lady

"You’re really nice, young boy. Well...since you're here, can you help me to prepare this?" ahjumma asked

"Okay," Jong Up said, approaching ahjumma, who gave him some things

Cube Music Shop

This is the workplace of the two brothers. Lee Joon was already working here before they ran away from home, however, because the boss quite trust him, he decided to help him and left his brother also work in the shop and also promise not to tell anything about his past, not even his real name, if anyone asked.

"Jaejoong hyung, where I put these cds?" Hoya asked, showing to his boss.

"2NE1? Hm...you can put them in the girlgroups section and or in the YG Entertainment section. "Jaejoong replied, handing the CD to the younger, who smiled and walked away to fix the cds.

"Joon-ah, have you finished?" Jaejoong asked, looking younger, who looked outside the store

"Huh? Aniyo, but I’ll finish now." Joon replied, smiling

"Wait." Jaejoong said, approaching the newest "It's everything okay, right?"

"Uh...yes of course, hyung" Joon replied, smiling away and then.

Jaejoong looked at the younger and didn’t seem very convinced with Joon’s reply, however, he decided to pass up and went to his office to handle some business.

Starship Entertainment.

This is where Hyorin works. She works as an intern. In the future, she intends to become a lyrics writer, something that she is quite good.

"Hyorin unnie, what is better? Your shining face, which brightens my day OR a smile, I could look for hours? " Dasom asked, another intern, who works with Hyorin.

Today, they’re writing a song, and the song that the judges choose, will be sung by a solo singer. Well, it’s a contest that the directors decided to do to develop the talents of the interns, who worked there.

"Hm...although I like both, the theme doesn’t suit with the first, so maybe the second." Hyorin replied, scratching in the sheet, that the younger had given to her

"Ok, let's continue." Dasom said, excited

Hyorin didn’t seem so excited but she was, in fact, it may still be more enthusiastic than the hyperactive and smiling Dasom. Sometimes, she spent nights in a row working in the lyrics and sometimes, she stayed at home alone, while others would go out a bit.

ELiTe Shop

This is the clothing store where Bora and Changjo work. It’s a well-known brand and many people frequent this store, mainly young people. In this day, the two have a lot of work because there is no school and all of them take the opportunity to make purchases for Christmas.

"Good morning!" Bora said, approaching a girl who seemed undecided

"What should I bring? The black or gold? "The girl asked, looking at Bora

"Uh...is to offer?" Bora asked

"Yes" the girl replied, nodding

"Uh...which color the girl use more?" Bora asked

Maybe it’s not necessary to ask so many questions but Bora was very professional and didn’t want to give bad advice, so she decided to ask a few questions before answering any questions of this type.

"Black but she really likes gold." The girl replied, looking at the two sweaters, which was in her hand "They are very beautiful, especially the gold."

Bora noticed that the girl really liked the gold sweater and realized what would be the perfect advice.

"Why don’t you give the black and you get the gold? So you could change when you wanted to." Bora advised the girl, who immediately looked at her

"Should I do that?" The girl asked, a little hesitant

"Yes. Incidentally, I saw you when you were trying the golden and I quite liked to see you with it." Bora said, smiling sweetly at the girl, who smiled too.

"Uh...thank you." The girl said, a little embarrassed

Bora smiled at the girl and then pulled away, going Changjo’s side, who smiled at her.

"What?" Bora said, once she was beside him

"Nothing." Changjo said "Good job!"

"I was telling the truth." Bora said

"I know you did." Changjo said, smiling

Dramatic Blue Bar

This is the workplace of the two best friends, Kai and Sehun. During the day, the bar isn’t open, so they only work at night, however, every day, they come during the day to clean the bar.

"Good morning!" Ji Hoon, the bar owner said when he arrived at the bar

"Good morning, hyung." Sehun said while doing the dishes

"You arrived late, hyung." Kai complained, laughing

"Yah! I’m the boss here." Ji Hoon said, also laughing

"Sure. Well...I'll put a few drinks in the bar." Kai said, laying the cloth, which he used before to clean the dishes, washed by Sehun

"Yah! You aren’t gonna help me."Sehun grumbled

"I have work to do." Kai said

Ji Hoon laughed a bit but then went to Sehun’s side. Despite being the boss, Ji Hoon knew the two young men couldn’t do it alone, since it was too much to fix.

Well, the bar was huge and well known. Dramatic  Blue was very visited. Rich people, poor people, beggars, women, men, even teenagers visited the bar.

"I'll help you." Ji Hoon said, taking the cloth and began to clean the dishes.

"Gomawo, hyung!" Sehun said, smiling “Kai’s an idiot.”

Ji Hoon and Sehun laughed and Kai glared at them.

“I’m listening.” Kai said

And voila, this is the daily life of these 10 young people, who live in a small warehouse. All of them are well known and if you have heard the name Dynamic Black, then get to know that all these young people belong to that "gang".

Near a garden...

It was already late. The sun was shining and the sky had almost no wind. Several teenagers could be seen out of shops, cafes, etc…talking and laughing with each other.

However, near a garden, sitting on a bench, we see a young boy. White shirt, tight jeans and black and a dark gray coat, his hair was slightly disheveled, his eyes were red, in his face he had some wounds and scratches, well...he was a little..ahm...in a horrible state? Yes, a completely horrible state.

Several people that passed by him, commented with each other, things like "Omo! Does he fought?" Or "He must be a gangster." Or even "He's cute but why he got those scratches? Did he fight? Maybe he's dangerous."

All of them just commented but no one dared approach him and ask if he was okay. He also didn’t care, he didn’t like the fact that they are looking at him as more go talk to him.

There are usually exceptions, right? It’s true and this situation isn’t different.

A girl with tight jeans and dark brown coat and black sweater, blond hair and brown eyes, slowly approached the boy and looked at him for a few seconds and then sat down beside him.

"People say that a man doesn’t cry." The girl said, not looking at the boy

The boy looked at her and said nothing. I could tell he looked confused, however, his expression was somewhat difficult to describe.

"And...?" The boy asked, a few minutes later

The girl sighed and said nothing. He doesn’t talk that much, huh? The young boy seemed a bit quiet and not talkative, maybe it would be a little harder than it seemed.

"My name is Nana. And yours?" Nana said, smiling a little

Well, it's true. Nana wanted to help this boy and didn’t planning on quitting anytime soon. That would be difficult and Nana knew it. It was ever difficult, all of them were difficult. No one trusted and just spoke little but in the end they accepted Nana’s help. (A/N: When I said all of them, I was talking about the people that Nana lives in the warehouse. I know you understood but I thought maybe I should say it xD)

The boy didn’t answer to Nana’s question and simply looked at her. Of course he wouldn’t say his name to a stranger. So stupid. Nana thought.

"L." the boy answered after several minutes without speaking

"L? I like." Nana said, smiling," Well....L...what do you think if you’ll get something to drink?"

"Huh?" L said, rather surprised, "I don’t know you."

Nana laughed a little and L just looked at her without saying a single word.

"I know. However, I’m a nice person and I'm offering you help. You accept or not?" Nana asked, looking, this time, directly to the boy. "Ah! I don’t give second chances.”

L looked at her for a few seconds, however, he stood up and without saying a word, started walking. Nana said nothing and let L continue walking.

Suddenly, L stopped. One step, another step, and Nana was right behind him.

"Why aren’t you like the others?" L asked quietly

"Because I don’t like to be equal." Nana answered

"Why don’t you judge me?" L asked again

"Because I hate to judge others without knowing anything about them." Nana answered

"Why are you nice to people who you don’t know?" L asked, turning to her

"I....well...that question I can’t answer....I just..." Nana stopped and hesitated slightly

Nana didn’t know how to answer. Why she was so friendly to others? Pity? Solidarity? Sympathy? Maybe....maybe not...

Funny, the first time in her life that Nana couldn’t answer a simple question, well...it wasn’t a simple question, since Nana had no answer.

"That doesn’t matter now. What matters now is that I want to help you and now we just need to know whether you accepted or not." Nana said after long minutes of thinking.


Annyeong, my dear subscribers^^

So this is the second chapter :)

I hope you enjoyed, I worked really hard. And I hope this time I can make you like my story.

Btw, Happy Valentine Day *-*

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*O* So handsome ^_^

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PattyPatata #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^