First day of work

Living as ‘BEAST’ly Idol’s Maid and Bodyguard ?!


~Eunsun’s P.O.V~

*ding dong*


*ding dong ding dong*


*ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong*

“ARRRRGGH! SO NOISY! WHO RINGS THE DOOR AT *looks at the clock* 5:30?!! WHAT THE HE- wait, I never had a doorbell in my house... *looks at surrounding* where is this????????”

*ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong*

Gasp! *clutches the blanket*

*knock knock knock*

“Eunsun-ah~ wake up!” I heard somebody yell from outside. His voice sounded familiar……………….. o_O MANAGER KIM!!!

I quickly got out from the super duper juper tuper cuper buper comfortable bed to the door after tripping twice on the way and opened the door only to welcome Manager Kim’s fist on my face.

“Oops~ sorry. I was meant to knock on the door, not on your face.”

*rubs nose* “It’s okay, Manager Kim. But what are you doing here so early in the morning? It’s still dawn.” *yawns*

“For your job of course. Get ready in 30 minutes and come to Beast’s apartment asap.” Manager Kim said.

“What?! Why did my job starts so early?!” I whined.

“Cause Beast has plenty of schedules waiting to be done so you got to start your job early too. Stop whining and go wash yourself and wear this while you’re working.” He handed me a plastic bag.

I checked out the thing inside the bag and I found this.

*ignore the girl*

“Huh?! I have to wear a uniform?!” I made a face. Ewwwwww~ I don’t like this perky and frilly stuff.

“Of course you have to since you are a maid.” Manager Kim stated.

Gosh~ do I really have to? Looks like I don’t have a choice.

“Oh, and don’t eat breakfast. We’re gonna eat together at Beast’s place.” He left.

Awwwww~ they’re so nice. They even prepared breakfast for me.

I quickly did my morning routines and I wore the maid uniform with so many difficulties. I never wore this kind of dress before so I don’t really know where to start. And when I succeed in wearing this freaky uniform,’s actually not too comfortable. I looked myself in to the human sized mirror to check myself out.


No wonder this uniform is uncomfortable. I wore it backwards for God’s sake! Now I have to take this off and wear it all over again. Freak! Never thought in my lifethatI would face difficulties in wearing clothes.

-15 minutes later-

Fiuh~ finally. Hey, not bad! Ilooked quite good in this maid uniform! Hehe~

I made my way to Beast’s apartment which is next to me so that made us neighbors.

*ding dong*

“Come in! The door is not locked.” I heard Manager Kim’s voice.

I opened the door and, “Hmph~...” something hit my face. No no no, not a fist this time, but a pillow...on my face.

“Ah, here you are. Come in, Eunsun-ah.” Manager Kim dragged me in.

“YOSEOB! DONGWOON! YOU ATE MY SNACKS AGAIN LAST NIGHT DIDN’T YOU?!” Doojoon chased Yoseob and Dongwoon with pillows on his hands. Ooh~ so that's where the pillow came from >8( I picked up the pillow that hit my face just now.

“Mianhae, Doojoon-ah! We were so hungry that we have no other choice.” Yoseob yelled.

“Even so you can’t eat my snacks ALL THE TIME! Buy some for yourselves!” Doojoon continued to chase them.

“Cheapskate!” Dongwoon yelled out which made Doojoon to throw the pillow again and you know what? The pillow hit me again, on my face. I guess that’s when they realize my presence.

“Ah, Eunsun-ah~! Help!” Yoseob and Dongwoon ran and hid behind me.

“Yah! Don’t hide behind a girl! You guys looked so pathetic.” Doojoon mocked.

“We’re not!” And the fight began again.

Geez~ They are so noisy! I lifted up the pillow I picked just now and threw it at Doojoon’s face.

“Hmph~ what’s that for?!”


I walked away and picked up the pillows and cleaned all the mess. I really can’t stand the mess.

“*yawn* Ah, Eunsun-ah. You came.” Kikwang walked out while scratched his tummy with his sleepy face.

“Morning.” I greeted him. He smiled a lazy smile back in return.

“Kids, go wake the others up and Eunsun-ah, please make some breakfast.” Manager Kim ordered.

“Eh?! Me?!”

“Of course. What do you think you are here for? Go make some and we’ll eat together later.”

”…Okay.” Man~ I thought they prepared the breakfast already. Oh well~ What should I cook?

I opened the fridge and roamed the things inside. Hmm, what do we have here? Eggs, bacon, sausage, maybe I’ll make some western style breakfast.

While I’m in the kitchen doing my job, I could hear the boys screams. Something like “Wake up Hyunseung-ah!” and “Shut up!” and “Gyaaaaaa~” Gee~ these kids sure are noisy. Looks like it will very hard to find peace around here.

After finishing the cooking, I brought the food to the dining table and where the heck are they???

“Breakfast is ready!” I yelled and the boys stormed out and quickly get their seat and they downed all the food inside their throat like there’s no tomorrow.

“Hey~ leave me some!” I snatched mine before they swallowed mine too.

In less than five minutes they finished their breakfast. Gosh~ ~_~;

“Alright kids! Let’s go. We have plenty of schedules waiting to be done.” Manager Kim said.

“Let’s go!" "Bye, Eunsun-ah” And off they go. Wow~ they come and go like wind.

Anyways~ time for me to peacefully eating my breakfast.

“Huh? Eunsun-ah, why didn’t you eat your breakfast together with the boys just now?” Manager Kim asked.

“How can I when they finished theirs in less than five minutes. I haven’t even got the chance to start eating and they’re done already.” I stuffed a sausage into my mouth.

“Hahahaha~ Well, they’re busy. Next time come and prepare the breakfast earlier and I promise to eat together.” Manager Kim patted my head.

“Kay.” I smiled.

“Okay then. I’m going. For today, just clean the mess and the dirty stuffs around the house. I’ll see you again tomorrow.” Manager Kim grabbed my toast and ate it before he go…more like run away.

“Yah! My toast! Arrrgh~”

For the rest of the day, I cleaned all the mess and I thought it would be easy but oh I was wrong! This place is so messy! Million of shoes unarranged, rubbish everywhere, smelly unwashed clothes, ewwwwwww~

After hours of hard work I finally finished my job. The place is so much cleaner than before. It even sparkled! I proudly nodded at my masterpiece.

It was night already and without wasting my time I made my way to my apartment and washed myself and sleep without eating dinner. I was too tired to make some so I’ll just sleep away my hungryness *is that even a word? XD*

Before I departed to dreamland, my phone rang and startled me. I opened it and I got a message. But before I could read the message, it rang for another 4 times. Total 5 messages.


Thanks for the breakfast!^^ Sorry I couldn’t eat it with you. I promise to eat together with you next time! Good night! – Dongwoon

Hi yeom~ thanks for today. See you tomorrow! And sleep tight! Bye yeom~ - Kikwang

Yo! Nice work. It’s so clean. Thanks. Have a nice rest. – Junhyung

Wah~ it’s sparkling~ - Hyunseung

Ah~ so tired! You sleep already? Anyways, Let’s beat Doojoon up together next time. Kekeke~ nighty night! – Yoseob


I laughed at their silly messages. They’re so nice to send messages to me. Should I reply?


To Dongwoon: Okay~ good night.

To Kikwang: Hahaha~ see you too.

To Junhyung: Ur welcome ^^

To Hyunseung: Bling bling eh? Hahaha


Before I could reply to Yoseob, the phone rang once again.


Hey~ hulk girl! I want Korean style for tomorrow’s breakfast. Don’t be late! – Doojoon.


Grrr~ that punk… I typed away Yoseob’s and Doojoon’s reply and off to dreamland I go.


To Yoseob: You got it! Gonna kung fu his ! >8)

To Doojoon: Watch your back >:p





Hi yeom guys~ it’s been so long~!
Finally, after 3 weeks of hard work, I finished my assignments! Woot!
Here’s an update for you guys.
And I afraid I will be on hiatus once again because I have final exam next week T^T I HATE EXAMS!!!!!!!
Anyways, wish me luck!
Bye yeom~! ^^/

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*Eunsung, LOL Not Eunsund... ;P
Hey! New subbie here~ I must say I REALLY LOVE THIS STORY xD And it's so funny how Doojoon is so friendly to Eunjae and NOT Eunsund LOL I realize that you haven't updated this story for a while but would you mind adding a few more chappies and continue to share your awesome projects with us??!!?!!? (I speak on the behalf of me and all your other subbers, I'm sure) ;DD
Jebal!!! <3 Thank kooo~ ^^
Its an interesting story! This would be my first story reading about Beast:)
Great story! :D
OOOOOOOOOOH~~~~ *o* a new love interest i see~~~~! ;D
update soon!!! :D
-B2uty-Yoonique- #7
Very verrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy interesting story ..!!!!!!!!!
please update soon..!!!!
Finally~ you updated. Yay! :))
Thank you for reading! ^^ Really appreciate it!