If it isn't NaoMi...

The Love of a Star...

ChangMin giving me a ride to school was a usual thing nowadays...
I would walk up to the place we first met and he would then pick me up and drive to school.
Today had been no different.

‘DaMae!’ NiMa came running towards me...
‘Have you already checked the board with results? I have an A- for last week’s English test!’
Wow! I wondered what I got!
I quickly followed NiMa down the hallway to the board with results.
Screening the list for my name, I finally found it almost at the bottom of the list.
Lee DaMae: English test: B+
‘Yes!!’ I said, happy that I passed the test with a good grade.
I searched for ChangMin’s grade next.
My eyes fell on the grade NaoMi got, an E+... Not good.
She should focus more on her English class than on my boyfriend!
I had the feeling she deserved it, but on the other hand, an E+ was really, really bad.
When I found ChangMin’s grade, my eyes grew wide...
An A+?!
My boyfriend was a genius!
I smiled, I was more happy than ever.
Everything had turned out well, so far.

ChangMin and his friends had joined my group of friends at lunch.
Yuri and MinHo even seemed to have found a deep friendship.
But most important, ChangMin was now accepted by all my friends.
It turned out EunHyuk didn’t like ChangMin at first because he was scared...
Something had happened between them, but both just laughed and didn’t tell anyone what it was.
I guess they just had a bad start.
Whatever had been the cause for their disliking, they were good friends now!

At home they still didn’t know ChangMin was my boyfriend, because I still wasn’t sure they would accept him.
I had gotten more confidence to tell them, because my friends were all so positive about him now, but my umma really didn’t like the so called "motor cabbies", meaning basically everyone who drove on something with 2 tires and a motor.
The good news was that DongJae was now officially going with BoMi and my parents were happy with their relationship, although DongJae and BoMi had a habit of staying out late.
So, if they would get to know ChangMin, they might accept the fact that he drove a scooter, like they accepted DongJae staying out late with BoMi.

Today I would bring ChangMin home with me...

While I was walking back to class, thinking about the events of the past week, I had been looking at my feet.
Until I bumped into someone.
Thinking it was NiMa, I gave the person a friendly nudge.
‘I’m jealous of your grade!’ I said, laughing, still not aware that it wasn’t NiMa...
Then the person turned and I looked into the face of NaoMi!
She looked not amused, if looks could kill, I would have had a stone above my head and a garden on my belly by now...
Luckily for me, looks can’t kill, but I was terrified none the less...
I think I just put myself on the blacklist of a popular person.
‘You’re so weird!’ NaoMi just said and pushed me aside.
I thought she was done with me, but she turned and pushed me again, harder this time.
I fell to the ground, wondering why I thought she was NiMa in the first place.
‘What do you want? I thought you were someone else...’ I said apologetic and getting up.
‘I want you to get out of my life, and while you do that, better give me your boyfriend!’ NaoMi snarled.
‘Never! ChangMin is mine!’ I said, raising my voice.
NaoMi, who had already taken some steps away from me, shot back to me and just before she wanted to push me again a pair of hands stopped her.
The headmaster!
Did this mean we were in trouble?
‘To my office, the both of you!’ The headmaster said.
So it did mean we were in trouble...

DaMae’s umma’s POV:

Today our book shop was closed, so I thought I would finish up the house work and then have some time for myself.
Just when I thought I had finished all the house work, the phone rang.
‘Yoboseyo?’ I answered.
The headmaster of Seoul School of Arts?
‘Did something happen to DaMae?’
‘WHAAAT? She was in a FIGHT?’
My ears didn’t know what they heard...
‘About a boy named ChangMin?’
My eyes grew wide...
My DaMae was fighting over boys, that’s not how I raised her!
It must be the long gone genes of her father then...

In my opinion I had been in the headmaster’s office for forever, but when I could go, it was only ten minutes later...
I felt like released from prison.
I felt like all the world was watching me and looking at me like I was guilty, while I felt innocent...
So that’s how it felt to be judged wrongly.
When I went to class, I was too late.
‘DaMae, sit down quickly and be on time next class!’ The professor said, without looking away from the white board he was writing on...
It was kind of scary how he knew who it was, but I obeyed immediately.
‘Where were you?’ NiMa whispered to me when I sat down next to her.
I told her the total story, how NaoMi and I had gotten on each other’s bad side, that we had to come with the headmaster to his office and that we had to tell the story to him and how he called our parents...
NiMa’s gasps of surprise probably set of the professor’s internal alarm system...
‘NiMa and DaMae, report to the headmaster’s office why you rather talk to each other during class than taking notes!’ The professor shouted, still not looking away from his white board.
Reluctantly both NiMa and I got up from our seats and walked out of the classroom...
Just how shameful could it get?
I was never sent to the office of a headmaster before, yet this was the second time today!

________~END OF CHAPTER 37~________

Ai-ai~ DaMae's is trouble ^^"

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this story was goood! i loved it! C:
X'D Awh~ Don't feel lonely~! =P
Annyoung! ^^ and yay for u signing in at asianfanfics! *feels a little less lonely* X)